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LPIC-1 Exam 102, Part 2 of 2, version 5.0


Question: 1

Which command makes the shell variable named VARIABLE visible to subshells? A . export $VARIABLE

B . export VARIABLE C . set $VARIABLE D . set VARIABLE


Answer: B

Question: 2

When the command echo $ outputs 1, which of the following statements is true? A . It is the process ID of the echo command.

B . It is the process ID of the current shell.

C . It is the exit value of the command executed immediately before echo. D . It is the exit value of the echo command.

Answer: C

Question: 3

Question: 4

What output will the following command produce? seq 1 5 20

A . 1 6 11 16

B . 1 5 10 15

C . 1 2 3 4

D . 2 3 4 5

E . 5 10 15 20

Answer: A Question: 5 CORRECT TEXT

What is the default name of the configuration file for the Xorg X11 server? (Specify the file name only without any path.)

Answer: xorg.conf

Question: 6

Which command will set the local machine’s timezone to UTC? A . cat UTC > /etc/timezone

B . ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime C . date –timezone=UTC

D . mv /usr/timezone/UTC /etc

Answer: B

Question: 7

What keyword is missing from this code sample of a shell script?

i in *.txt; do echo $i

done A . for

B . loop C . until D . while

Answer: A

Question: 8

How is the file format of /etc/crontab different from a normal crontab file? (Select TWO correct answers) A . The /etc/crontab file can specify a year field.

B . A normal crontab file must be installed with the crontab command. C . A normal crontab file allows for environment variable substitution. D . The /etc/crontab file has a user field for commands.

Answer: B,D

Question: 9

What is the purpose of the Sticky Keys feature in X?

A . To assist users who have difficulty holding down multiple keys at once B . To prevent repeated input of a single character if the key is held down C . To ignore brief keystrokes according to a specified time limit

D . To repeat the input of a single character

Answer: A

Question: 10

Which of the following are tasks handled by a display manager like XDM or KDM? (Choose TWO correct answers.) A . Start and prepare the desktop environment for the user.

B . Configure additional devices like new monitors or projectors when they are attached. C . Handle the login of a user.

D . Lock the screen when the user was inactive for a configurable amount of time. E . Create an X11 configuration file for the current graphic devices and monitors.

Answer: A,C

Question: 11

On a system running the KDE Display Manager, when is the /etc/kde4/kdm/Xreset script automatically executed? A . When KDM starts

B . When a user’s X session exits C . When KDM crashes

D . When X is restarted E . When X crashes

Answer: B

Question: 12

What is the purpose of the file /etc/profile?

A . It contains the welcome message that is displayed after login.

B . It contains security profiles defining which users are allowed to log in. C . It contains environment variables that are set when a user logs in.

D . It contains default application profiles for users that run an application for the first time.

Answer: C Question: 13 CORRECT TEXT

What is the name of the simple graphical login manager that comes with a vanilla X11 installation? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: xdm

Question: 14

Which commands can you use to change a user’s account aging information? (Choose THREE correct answers.) A . usermod

B . passwd C . chattr D . chage

E . chsh

Answer: A,B,D

Question: 15

Which command can be used to delete a group from a Linux system? A . groupdel

B . groupmod C . groups

D . groupedit

Answer: A

Question: 16

For accessibility assistance, which of the following programs is an on-screen keyboard? A . xkb

B . atkb C . GOK D . xOSK

Answer: C

Question: 17

Question: 18

To prevent a specific user from scheduling tasks with at, what should the administrator do? A . Add the specific user to /etc/at.allow file.

B . Add the specific user to [deny] section in the /etc/atd.conf file. C . Add the specific user to /etc/at.deny file.

D . Add the specific user to nojobs group. E . Run the following: atd –deny [user].

Answer: C

Question: 19

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 3)

Which command is used to add an empty group to the system? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: groupadd, /usr/sbin/groupadd

Question: 20

Which command allows you to make a shell variable visible to subshells? A . export $VARIABLE

B . export VARIABLE C . set $VARIABLE D . set VARIABLE


Answer: B

Question: 21

On a system using shadowed passwords, the most correct permissions for /etc/passwd are and the most correct permissions for /etc/shadow are .

A . -rw-r—–, -r——–

B . -rw-r–r–, -r–r–r–

C . -rw-r–r–, -r——–

D . -rw-r–rw-, -r—–r–

E . -rw——-, -r——–

Answer: C

Question: 22

Which file used by XDM specifies the default wallpaper? A . /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup

B . /etc/X11/xdm.conf

C . /etc/X11/xdm/Defaults D . /etc/X11/defaults.conf

Answer: A

Question: 23

Which of the following commands shows the current color depth of the X Server? A . xcd

B . xcdepth C . xwininfo

D . xcolordepth E . cat /etc/X11

Answer: C

Question: 24

Which TWO statements about crontab are true? A . Every user may have their own crontab.

B . Changing a crontab requires a reload/restart of the cron daemon.

C . The cron daemon reloads crontab files automatically when necessary. D . hourly is the same as "0 * * * *".

E . A cron daemon must run for each existing crontab.

Answer: A,C

Question: 25

You are looking into a new script you received from your senior administrator. In the very first line you notice a #! followed by a file path.

This indicates that:

A . The file at that location was used to make the script.

B . This script provides identical functionality as the file at that location. C . This script will self-extract into a file at that location.

D . The program at that location will be used to process the script.

Answer: D

Question: 26

What is the difference between the commands test -e path and test -f path? A . They are equivalent options with the same behaviour.

B . The -f option tests for a regular file. The -e option tests for an empty file.

C . Both options check the existence of the path. The -f option also confirms that it is a regular file. D . The -f option tests for a regular file. The -e option tests for an executable file.

Answer: C

Question: 27

When the command echo $$ outputs 12942, what is the meaning of 12942? A . It is the process ID of the echo command.

B . It is the process ID of the current shell.

C . It is the process ID of the last command executed.

D . It is the process ID of the last command which has been placed in the background.

Answer: B

Question: 28

X is running okay but you’re concerned that you may not have the right color depth set.

What single command will show you the running color depth while in X? A . xcd

B . xcdepth C . xwininfo

D . xcolordepth E . cat /etc/X11

Answer: C

Question: 29

What output will the command seq 10 produce?

A . A continuous stream of numbers increasing in increments of 10 until stopped. B . The numbers 1 through 10 with one number per line.

C . The numbers 0 through 9 with one number per line. D . The number 10 to standard output.

Answer: B

Question: 30

Which commands can be used to change a user’s account aging information? (Choose THREE correct answers.) A . usermod

B . passwd C . chattr D . chage E . chsh

Answer: A,B,D

Question: 31

Which character in the password field of /etc/passwd is used to indicate that the encrypted password is stored in

/etc/shadow? A . *

B . –

C . s

D . x

Answer: D

Question: 32

What is the main difference between the batch and at commands?

A . The batch command will run multiple times.The at command will only run once.

B . The batch command will run when system load is low. The at command runs at a specific time.

C . The at command reads commands from standard input. The batch command requires a command line argument. D . The at command e-mails results to the user. The batch command logs results to syslog.

Answer: B

Question: 33

Which of the following crontab entries will execute myscript at 30 minutes past every hour on Sundays? A . 0 * * * 30 myscript

B . 30 * * * 6 myscript C . 30 0 * * 0 myscript

D . 30 0-23 * * 0 myscript

E . 0 0-23 * * 30 myscript

Answer: D

Question: 34

Which of the following files, when existing, affect the behavior of the Bash shell? (Choose TWO correct answers.) A . ~/.bashconf

B . ~/.bashrc

C . ~/.bashdefaults D . ~/.bash_etc

E . ~/.bash_profile

Answer: B,E

Question: 35

Which of the following commands lists all defined variables and functions within Bash? A . env

B . set

C . env -a

D . echo $ENV

Answer: B

Question: 36

What is the conventional purpose of Linux UIDs that are lower than 100? A . They are reserved for super user accounts.

B . They are reserved for the system admin accounts. C . They are reserved for system accounts.

D . They are unused, aside from 0, because they are targets of exploits. E . They are used to match with GIDs in grouping users.

Answer: C

Question: 37

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 1)

What command displays all aliases defined in the current shell? (Specify the command without any path information)

Answer: alias, alias -p

Question: 38

How can the existing environment variable FOOBAR be suppressed for the execution of the script./myscript only? A . unset -v FOOBAR;./myscript

B . set -a FOOBAR="";./myscript C . env -u FOOBA

D . /myscript

E . env -i FOOBA F . /myscript

Answer: C

Question: 39

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 1)

What word is missing from the following SQL statement?

count(*) from tablename;

(Please specify the missing word using lower-case letters only.)

Answer: select

Question: 40

Question: 41

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 1)

What word is missing from the following SQL statement? insert into tablename (909, ‘text’);

(Please specify the missing word using lower-case letters only.)

Answer: VALUES, values

Question: 42

What benefit does an alias in bash provide?

A . It provides faster lookups for commands in the system directory. B . It creates a local copy of a file from another directory.

C . It hides what command you are running from others.

D . It allows a string to be substituted for the first word of a simple command.

Answer: D

Question: 43

What output will the following command sequence produce? echo ‘1 2 3 4 5 6’ | while read a b c; do

echo result: $c $b $a;


A . result: 3 4 5 6 2 1

B . result: 1 2 3 4 5 6

C . result: 6 5 4

D . result: 6 5 4 3 2 1

E . result: 3 2 1

Answer: A

Question: 44

Which of the following SQL queries counts the number of occurrences for each value of the field order_type in the table orders?

A . SELECT order_type,COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE order_type=order_type; B . SELECT order_type,COUNT(*) FROM orders GROUP BY order_type;

C . COUNT(SELECT order_type FROM orders);

D . SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders ORDER BY order_type; E . SELECT AUTO_COUNT FROM orders COUNT order_type;

Answer: B

Question: 45

Which of the following words is used to restrict the records that are returned from a SELECT SQL query based on a supplied criteria for the values in the records?



Answer: C

Question: 46

A French user has installed the French language pack, but currencies are still being displayed with a leading ‘$’ sign in his spreadsheets.

What must be done to fix this? A . Alter the locale.

B . Set the timezone correctly. C . Edit /etc/currency.

D . Reinstall the French language pack.

Answer: A

Question: 47

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 3)

Which environment variable should be set in order to change the time zone for the commands run from within the environment variable’s scope? (Specify the variable name only.)

Answer: TZ

Question: 48

Which of the following configuration files should be modified to set default shell variables for all users? A . /etc/bashrc

B . /etc/profile

C . ~/.bash_profile D . /etc/.bashrc

Answer: B

Question: 49

Which of the following lines is an example of a correct setting for the DISPLAY environment variable? A . hostname:displayname

B . hostname:displaynumber C . hostname/displayname D . hostname/displaynumber E . hostname

Answer: B

Question: 50

Which of the following SQL statements will select the fields name and address from the contacts table? A . SELECT (name, address) FROM contacts;

B . SELECT (name address) FROM contacts; C . SELECT name, address FROM contacts; D . SELECT name address FROM contacts;

Answer: C

Question: 51

Which of the following words is used to restrict the records that are returned from a SELECT query based on a supplied criteria for the values in the records?


Answer: C

Question: 52

Which of the following commands should be added to /etc/bash_profile in order to change the language of messages for an internationalized program to Portuguese (pt)?

A . export LANGUAGE="pt" B . export MESSAGE="pt"

C . export UI_MESSAGES="pt" D . export LC_MESSAGES="pt" E . export ALL_MESSAGES="pt"

Answer: D

Question: 53

Which of the following commands can be used to convert text files in one character encoding to another character encoding?

A . cat

B . convert C . dd

D . iconv E . utf2utf

Answer: D

Question: 54

Why is the xhost program considered dangerous to use?

A . It makes it difficult to uniquely identify a computer on the network. B . It allows easy access to your X server by other users.

C . It logs sensitive information to syslog.

D . It makes your computer share network resources without any authentication. E . It is a graphical DNS tool with known exploits.

Answer: B

Question: 55

How is a display manager started?

A . It is started by a user using the command startx.

B . It is started like any other system service by the init system.

C . It is started by inetd when a remote hosts connects to the X11 port.

D . It is started automatically when a X11 user logs in to the system console.

Answer: B

Question: 56

What is the purpose of the iconv command?

A . It converts bitmap images from one format to another such as PNG to JPE

C . It verifies that the root directory tree complies to all conventions from the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). D . It displays additional meta information from icon files ending in .ico.

E . It changes the mode of an inode in the ext4 file system. F . It converts files from one character encoding to another.

Answer: E Question: 57 CORRECT TEXT

An administrator wants to determine the geometry of a particular window in X, so she issues the -metric command and then clicks on the window.

Answer: /usr/bin/xwininfo, xwininfo

Question: 58

Which file contains the date of the last change of a user’s password? A . /etc/gshadow

B . /etc/passwd C . /etc/pwdlog D . /etc/shadow

E . /var/log/shadow

Answer: D

Question: 59

What is true regarding the command userdel –force –remove bob? (Choose TWO correct answers.) A . The user bob is removed from the system’s user database.

B . The user bob’s home directory is removed.

C . The locate database is updated to drop files owned by bob.

D . All files owned by bob are remove from all mounted filesystems. E . In case bob was the last member of a group, that group is deleted.

Answer: A,B Question: 60 CORRECT TEXT

Which command can be used to investigate the properties for a particular window in X by clicking that window? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: /usr/bin/xwininfo, xwininfo

Question: 61

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 3)

The system’s timezone may be set by linking /etc/localtime to an appropriate file in which directory? (Provide the full path to the directory, without any country information)

Answer: /usr/share/zoneinfo/

Question: 62


By default, the contents of which directory will be copied to a new user’s home directory when the account is created by passing the -m option to the useradd command? (Specify the full path to the directory.)

Answer: /etc/skel

Question: 63

Which of the following is the best way to list all defined shell variables? A . env

B . set

C . env -a

D . echo $ENV

Answer: B

Question: 64

Which of the following files assigns a user to its primary group? A . /etc/pgroup

B . /etc/shadow C . /etc/group D . /etc/passwd

E . /etc/gshadow

Answer: D

Question: 65

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 3)

The command is used to add a group to the system.

Answer: groupadd, /usr/sbin/groupadd

Question: 66

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 1)

Which directory in /etc is used to keep a sample copy of files and directories for when a new user has a home directory created? (Please provide the full path)

Answer: /etc/skel, /etc/skel/

Question: 67

Your senior administrator asked you to change the default background of his machine, which uses XDM. Which file would you edit to achieve this?

A . /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup B . /etc/X11/xdm.conf

C . /etc/X11/xdm/Defaults D . /etc/X11/defaults.conf

Answer: A

Question: 68

Which of the following are requirements in order to run a shell script like a regular command from anywhere in the filesystem? (Choose THREE correct answers.)

A . The user issuing the command must be in the group script. B . The script file must be found in the $PAT

D . The script file must have the executable permission bit set.

E . The script must begin with a shebang-line (#!) that points to the correct interpreter. F . The file system on which the script resides must be mounted with the option scripts.

Answer: B,C,D

Question: 69

CORRECT TEXT – (Topic 3)

Which file specifies the user accounts that can NOT submit jobs via at or batch? (Provide the full path and filename)

Answer: /etc/at.deny

Question: 70

What is the purpose of a screen reader?

A . It reads text displayed on the screen to blind or visually impaired people.

B . It reads the parameters of the attached monitors and creates an appropriate X11 configuration. C . It displays lines and markers to help people use speed reading techniques.

D . It manages and displays files that contain e-books.

Answer: A

Question: 71

Which of the following tasks can the date command accomplish? (Choose two.) A . Set the system’s date and time.

B . Set the system’s date but not the time.

C . Calculate the time span between two dates. D . Print a calendar for a month or a year.

E . Display time in a specific format.

Answer: AE Question: 72 FILL BLANK

Which command included in systemd supports selecting messages from the systemd journal by criteria such as time or unit name? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: journalctl

Question: 73

What is the correct routing match to reach A .

B . C .

D . the default route

Answer: A

Question: 74

Which of the following protocols is related to the term open relay? A . SMTP


Answer: A

Question: 75

Which of the following files assigns a user to its primary group? A . /etc/pgroup

B . /etc/shadow C . /etc/passwd D . /etc/group

E . /etc/gshadow

Answer: C

Question: 76


Which command is used to set the hostname of the local system? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: hostname

Question: 77

How many IP addresses can be used for unique hosts inside the IPv4 subnet

  1. 14

  2. 30

  3. 62

  4. 126

Answer: D Question: 78 FILL BLANK

Which command, available with all sendmail-compatible MTAs, is used to list the contents of the MTA’s mail queue? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: mailq

Question: 79

Which of the following is a valid IPv6 address? A . 2001:db8:0g21::1

B . 2001::db8:4581::1 C . 2001:db8:3241::1

D . 2001%db8%9990%%1 E . 2001.db8.819f..1

Answer: C

Question: 80

Which of the following steps prevents a user from obtaining an interactive login session? A . Setting the UID for the user to 0.

B . Running the command chsh Cs /bin/false with the user name.

C . Removing the user from the group staff. D . Adding the user to /etc/noaccess.

E . Creating a .nologin file in the user’s home directory.

Answer: B

Question: 81

What is true about the file /etc/localtime?

A . It is a plain text file containing a string such as Europe/Berlin

B . It is created and maintained by the NTP service based on the location of the system’s IP address. C . It is a symlink to /sys/device/clock/ltime and always contains the current local time.

D . After changing this file, newtzconfighas to be run to make the changes effective.

E . It is either a symlink to or a copy of a timezone information file such as /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin.

Answer: E

Question: 82

Which of the following changes may occur as a consequence of using the command ip? (Choose three.) A . Network interfaces may become active or inactive.

B . New name servers may be added to the resolver configuration. C . The system’s host name may change.

D . IP addresses may change.

E . The routing table may change.

Answer: ADE

Question: 83

Which of the following connection types, as seen in nmcli connection show, may exist in NetworkManager? (Choose three.)

A . tcp

B . ethernet C . wifi

D . ipv6 E . bridge

Answer: BCE Question: 84 FILL BLANK

What is the top-level directory which contains the configuration files for CUPS? (Specify the full path to the directory.)

Answer: /etc/cups/ cups-files.conf

Question: 85

Which of the following statements is true regarding systemd timer units? A . Timer units can only be defined within a service unit’s file.

B . The command executed by the timer is specified in the timer unit’s [Cmd] section. C . A dedicated system service, systemd-cron, handles the execution of timer units.

D . Timer units only exist in the system scope and are not available for users. E . Each systemd timer unit controls a specific systemd service unit.

Answer: E

Question: 86

Which of the following statements is valid in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf? A . multi on

B . dns-server

C . namespaces: net mount procs D . include /etc/nsswitch.d/

E . hosts: files dns

Answer: E

Question: 87

Which of the following commands shows all active systemd timers? A . systemctl-timer show

B . timectl list C . systemctl Ct

D . systemctl list-timers E . timeq

Answer: D

Question: 88

Which option in the chrony configuration file changes the initial interval of polls to a NTP server in order to speed up the initial synchronization?

A . iburst

B . quickstart C . fast

D . fsync E . flood

Answer: A

Question: 89

Which of the following statements is true if the UID of a regular user is identical to the GID of a group? A . UID have precedence over GIDs, therefore the user is available while the group doesn’t.

B . The user as well as the group are not available to avoid ambiguity due to the ID conflict.

C . UIDs and GIDs are independent of each other, therefore the user as well as the group are still available. D . The user is the only member of the group, even if the group configuration contains other members.

E . GIDs have precedence over UIDs, therefore the group is available while the user isn’t.

Answer: C

Question: 90

Which of the following comparison operators for test work on elements in the file system? (Choose two.) A . Cz

B . Ceq C . Cd D . Cf

E . Clt

Answer: CD

Question: 91

Which of the following commands displays all environment and shell variables? A . getargs

B . lsenv C . ls

D . env

E . lsshell

Answer: D

Question: 92

Which of the following commands should be executed when starting a login shell in order to change the language of messages for an internationalized program to Portuguese (pt)?

A . export LANGUAGE=“pt”

B . export LC_MESSAGES=“pt” C . export UI_MESSAGES=“pt” D . export MESSAGE=“pt”

E . export ALL_MESSAGES=“pt”

Answer: B Question: 93 Refer to the exhibit.

If an IP phone in San Jose roams to New York, which two IP phone settings will be modified by Device Mobility so that the phone can place and receive calls in New York? (Choose two.)

A . The physical locations are not different, so the configuration of the phone is not modified.

B . The physical locations are different, so the roaming-sensitive parameters of the roaming device pool are applied.

C . The device mobility groups are the same, so the Device Mobility-related settings are applied in addition to the roaming-sensitive parameters.

D . The Device Mobility information is associated with one or more device pools other than the home device pool of the phone, so one of the associated device pools is chosen based on a round-robin load-sharing algorithm.

E . The Device Mobility information is associated with the home device pool of the phone, so the phone is considered to be in its home location. Device Mobility will reconfigure the roaming-sensitive settings of the phone.

Answer: BC Question: 94 FILL BLANK

Which file, if present, must contain all users that are allowed to use the cron scheduling system? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.)

Answer: crontab Question: 95 FILL BLANK

Which command included in NetworkManager is a curses application which provides easy acces to the NetworkManager on the command line? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: nmtui

Question: 96

What is true about the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header?

A . The field is not changed during the transport of a package.

B . The field is transmitted within a hop-by-hop extension header. C . Each router forwarding the packet increases the field’s value. D . Each router forwarding the packet decreases the field’s value. E . For multicast packages, the field’s value is always 1.

Answer: D

Question: 97

Which of the following entries in /etc/syslog.conf writes all mail related events to the file /var/log/maillog and sends all critical events to the remote server logger.example.com?

A . mail.* /var/log/maillog mail,crit @logger.example.org B . mail.* /var/log/maillog

mail.crit syslog://logger.example.org C . mail /var/log/maillog

mail.crit @logger.example.org D . mail.* /var/log/maillog mail.crit @logger.example.org E . mail * /var/log/maillog mail crit @logger.example.org

Answer: D

Question: 98

Which of the following IPv4 networks are reserved by IANA for private address assignment and private routing? (Choose three.)

A .

B .

C . D . E .

Answer: ADE

Question: 99


Which option in the /etc/ntp.conffile specifies an external NTP source to be queried for time information? (Specify only the option without any values or parameters.)

Answer: server Question: 100 FILL BLANK

Which command must be run after adding a new email alias to the configuration in order to make this change effective? (Specify the command without any path but including all required parameters.)

Answer: newaliases

Question: 101

Which of the following information is stored in /etc/shadowfor each user? A . The timestamp of the user’s last login

B . The user’s private SSH keys

C . The hashed password of the user D . The numerical user ID (UID)

E . The path to the user’s home directory

Answer: C

Question: 102

On a Linux workstation, the route command takes a long time before printing out the routing table. Which of the following errors does that indicate?

A . The local routing information may be corrupted and must be re-validated using a routing protocol.

B . One of the routers in the routing table is not available which causes the automatic router failure detection mechanism (ARF-D) to wait for a timeout.

C . There may accidentally be more than one default router in which case a default router election has to be done on the network in order to choose one router as the default.

D . The Linux Kernel Routing Daemon (LKRD) is not running and should be started using its init script or systemd unit.

E . DNS resolution may not be working as route by default tries to resolve names of routers and destinations and may run into a timeout.

Answer: E

Question: 103

Which of the following statements about systemd-journald are true? (Choose three.)

A . It is incompatible with syslog and cannot be installed on a system using regular syslog. B . It only processes messages of systemd and not messages of any other tools.

C . It can pass log messages to syslog for further processing.

D . It maintains metadata such as _UID or _PID for each message. E . It supports syslog facilities such as kern, user, and auth.

Answer: CDE

Question: 104

Which of the following nmcli subcommands exist? (Choose two.) A . nmcli ethernet

B . nmcli device C . nmcli wifi

D . nmcli address

E . nmcli connection

Answer: BE

Question: 105

Which of the following commands lists all queued print jobs? A . lpd

B . lpr C . lp D . lsq E . lpq

Answer: E

Question: 106

What can be specified with useradd? (Choose two.) A . Commands the user can run using sudo.

B . The absolute path to the user’s home directory. C . Which printers are available for the new user.

D . The SSH keys used to login to the new account. E . The numeric user ID (UID) of the user.

Answer: BE

Question: 107

Which of the following commands configure network interfaces based on the system’s existing distribution-specific configuration files? (Choose two.)

A . ifconf B . ifdown C . ifpause D . ifstart E . ifup

Answer: BE

Question: 108

Which of the following commands is used to rotate, compress, and mail system logs? A . logrotate

B . striplog

C . syslogd C-rotate D . rotatelog

E . logger

Answer: A

Question: 109

Which of the following fields are available in the standard format of both the global /etc/crontab file as well as in user- specific crontab files? (Choose two.)

A . Year B . Minute

C . Username

D . Effective group ID E . Command

Answer: BD

Question: 110

Why is the correct configuration of a system’s time zone important?

A . Because the timezone is included in checksum calculations and timezone changes invalidate existing checksums. B . Because the time zone is saved as part of the modification times of files and cannot be changed after a file is created.

C . Because the environment variables LANG and LC_MESSAGES are, by default, set according to the time zone. D . Because NTP chooses servers nearby based on the configured time zone.

E . Because the conversion of Unix timestamps to local time relies on the time zone configuration.

Answer: E

Question: 111

Which if the following tools, used for DNS debugging, reports not only the response from the name sever but also details about the query?

A . dnsq

B . hostname C . dig

D . dnslookup E . zoneinfo

Answer: C Question: 112 FILL BLANK

What command, depending on its options, can display the open TCP connections, the routing tables, as well as network interface statistics? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: netstat

Question: 113

Which of the following connection types, as seen in nmcli connection show, may exist in NetworkManager? (Choose three.)

A . tcp

B . ethernet C . wifi

D . ipv6 E . bridge

Answer: B,C,E

Question: 114

How is the MRU for a multilink bundle determined?

A . It is manually configured on all physical interfaces of a multilink bundle B . It is negotiated by NCP

C . It is manually configured on the multilink bundle D . It is negotiated by IPCP

E . It is negotiated by LCP

Answer: E

Question: 115

What can be specified with useradd? (Choose two.) A . Commands the user can run using sudo.

B . The absolute path to the user’s home directory. C . Which printers are available for the new user.

D . The SSH keys used to login to the new account. E . The numeric user ID (UID) of the user.

Answer: B,E Question: 116 CORRECT TEXT

Which command included in NetworkManager is a curses application which provides easy acces to the NetworkManager on the command line? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: nmtui

Question: 117

On a Linux workstation, the route command takes a long time before printing out the routing table. Which of the following errors does that indicate?

A . The local routing information may be corrupted and must be re-validated using a routing protocol.

B . One of the routers in the routing table is not available which causes the automatic router failure detection mechanism (ARF-D) to wait for a timeout.

C . There may accidentally be more than one default router in which case a default router election has to be done on the network in order to choose one router as the default.

D . The Linux Kernel Routing Daemon (LKRD) is not running and should be started using its init script or systemd unit.

E . DNS resolution may not be working as route by default tries to resolve names of routers and destinations and may run into a timeout.

Answer: E Question: 118 CORRECT TEXT

Which command included in NetworkManager is a curses application which provides easy acces to the NetworkManager on the command line? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: nmtui

Question: 119

What can be specified with useradd? (Choose two.) A . Commands the user can run using sudo.

B . The absolute path to the user’s home directory. C . Which printers are available for the new user.

D . The SSH keys used to login to the new account. E . The numeric user ID (UID) of the user.

Answer: B,E

Question: 120

Which of the following changes may occur as a consequence of using the command ip? (Choose three.) A . Network interfaces may become active or inactive.

B . New name servers may be added to the resolver configuration. C . The system’s host name may change.

D . IP addresses may change.

E . The routing table may change.

Answer: A,D,E Question: 121 CORRECT TEXT

What command, depending on its options, can display the open TCP connections, the routing tables, as well as network interface statistics? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: netstat

Question: 122

Which of the following is a valid IPv6 address? A . 2001:db8:0g21::1

B . 2001::db8:4581::1 C . 2001:db8:3241::1

D . 2001%db8%9990%%1 E . 2001.db8.819f..1

Answer: C

Question: 123

Which if the following tools, used for DNS debugging, reports not only the response from the name sever but also details about the query?

A . dnsq

B . hostname C . dig

D . dnslookup

E . zoneinfo

Answer: C

Question: 124

Which of the following nmcli subcommands exist? (Choose two.) A . nmcli ethernet

B . nmcli device C . nmcli wifi

D . nmcli address

E . nmcli connection

Answer: B,E

Question: 125

Which of the following statements is valid in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf? A . multi on

B . dns-server

C . namespaces: net mount procs D . include /etc/nsswitch.d/

F . hosts: files dns

Answer: E

Question: 126

Which of the following commands should be executed when starting a login shell in order to change the language of messages for an internationalized program to Portuguese (pt)?

A . export LANGUAGE=“pt”

B . export LC_MESSAGES=“pt” C . export UI_MESSAGES=“pt” D . export MESSAGE=“pt”

E . export ALL_MESSAGES=“pt”

Answer: B

Question: 127

Which of the following tasks can the date command accomplish? (Choose two.) A . Set the system’s date and time.

B . Set the system’s date but not the time.

C . Calculate the time span between two dates. D . Print a calendar for a month or a year.

E . Display time in a specific format.

Answer: A,E

Question: 128

What is true about the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header?

A . The field is not changed during the transport of a package.

B . The field is transmitted within a hop-by-hop extension header. C . Each router forwarding the packet increases the field’s value. D . Each router forwarding the packet decreases the field’s value. E . For multicast packages, the field’s value is always 1.

Answer: D

Question: 129

What is true about the file /etc/localtime?

A . It is a plain text file containing a string such as Europe/Berlin

B . It is created and maintained by the NTP service based on the location of the system’s IP address. C . It is a symlink to /sys/device/clock/ltime and always contains the current local time.

D . After changing this file, newtzconfig has to be run to make the changes effective.

E . It is either a symlink to or a copy of a timezone information file such as /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin.

Answer: E Question: 130 CORRECT TEXT

Which file, if present, must contain all users that are allowed to use the cron scheduling system? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.)

Answer: crontab

Question: 131

Which of the following statements is valid in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf? A . multi on

B . dns-server

C . namespaces: net mount procs D . include /etc/nsswitch.d/

F . hosts: files dns

Answer: E

Question: 132

Which of the following commands shows all active systemd timers? A . systemctl-timer show

B . timectl list C . systemctl Ct

D . systemctl list-timers E . timeq

Answer: D

Question: 133

Which of the following nmcli subcommands exist? (Choose two.) A . nmcli ethernet

B . nmcli device C . nmcli wifi

D . nmcli address

E . nmcli connection

Answer: B,E

Question: 134

Which of the following commands shows all active systemd timers? A . systemctl-timer show

B . timectl list C . systemctl Ct

D . systemctl list-timers E . timeq

Answer: D Question: 135 CORRECT TEXT

Which command is used to set the hostname of the local system? (Specify only the command without any path or parameters.)

Answer: hostname

Question: 136

Which of the following tasks can the date command accomplish? (Choose two.) A . Set the system’s date and time.

B . Set the system’s date but not the time.

C . Calculate the time span between two dates. D . Print a calendar for a month or a year.

E . Display time in a specific format.

Answer: A,E

Question: 137

Which of the following IPv4 networks are reserved by IANA for private address assignment and private routing? (Choose three.)

A .

B .

C . D . E .

Answer: A,D,E

Question: 138

Which of the following fields are available in the standard format of both the global /etc/crontab file as well as in user- specific crontab files? (Choose two.)

A . Year B . Minute

C . Username

D . Effective group ID E . Command

Answer: B,D

Question: 139

Which of the following commands should be executed when starting a login shell in order to change the language of messages for an internationalized program to Portuguese (pt)?

A . export LANGUAGE=“pt”

B . export LC_MESSAGES=“pt” C . export UI_MESSAGES=“pt” D . export MESSAGE=“pt”

E . export ALL_MESSAGES=“pt”

Answer: B

Question: 140

Which of the following commands configure network interfaces based on the system’s existing distribution-specific

Question: 141

Which of the following fields are available in the standard format of both the global /etc/crontab file as well as in user- specific crontab files? (Choose two.)

A . Year B . Minute

C . Username

D . Effective group ID E . Command

Answer: B,D

Question: 142

On a Linux workstation, the route command takes a long time before printing out the routing table. Which of the following errors does that indicate?

A . The local routing information may be corrupted and must be re-validated using a routing protocol.

B . One of the routers in the routing table is not available which causes the automatic router failure detection mechanism (ARF-D) to wait for a timeout.

C . There may accidentally be more than one default router in which case a default router election has to be done on the network in order to choose one router as the default.

D . The Linux Kernel Routing Daemon (LKRD) is not running and should be started using its init script or systemd unit.

E . DNS resolution may not be working as route by default tries to resolve names of routers and destinations and may run into a timeout.

Answer: E

Question: 143

How many IP addresses can be used for unique hosts inside the IPv4 subnet A . 6

B . 14

C . 30

D . 62

E . 126

configuration files? (Choose two.) A . ifconf

B . ifdown C . ifpause D . ifstart E . ifup

Answer: B,E

Question: 149

Which of the following statements is true regarding systemd timer units? A . Timer units can only be defined within a service unit’s file.

B . The command executed by the timer is specified in the timer unit’s [Cmd] section. C . A dedicated system service, systemd-cron, handles the execution of timer units.

D . Timer units only exist in the system scope and are not available for users. E . Each systemd timer unit controls a specific systemd service unit.

Answer: E

Question: 150

Which of the following connection types, as seen in nmcli connection show, may exist in NetworkManager? (Choose three.)

A . tcp

B . ethernet C . wifi

D . ipv6 E . bridge

Answer: B,C,E Question: 151 HOTSPOT

You have an Exchange Server organization. The organization contains four servers. The servers configured as shown in the following table.

You plan to upgrade the organization to Exchange Server 2016.

You need to identify which servers have functionalities that can be fully achieved by using Exchange Server 2016. What should you identify? To answer, select the appropriate options in the answer area.


Question: 152

What is true about the file /etc/localtime?

A . It is a plain text file containing a string such as Europe/Berlin

B . It is created and maintained by the NTP service based on the location of the system’s IP address. C . It is a symlink to /sys/device/clock/ltime and always contains the current local time.

D . After changing this file, newtzconfig has to be run to make the changes effective.

E . It is either a symlink to or a copy of a timezone information file such as /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin.

Answer: E

Question: 153

Which of the following information is stored in /etc/shadow for each user? A . The timestamp of the user’s last login

B . The user’s private SSH keys

C . The hashed password of the user D . The numerical user ID (UID)

E . The path to the user’s home directory

Answer: C

Question: 154

Which of the following statements is true regarding systemd timer units? A . Timer units can only be defined within a service unit’s file.

B . The command executed by the timer is specified in the timer unit’s [Cmd] section. C . A dedicated system service, systemd-cron, handles the execution of timer units.

D . Timer units only exist in the system scope and are not available for users. E . Each systemd timer unit controls a specific systemd service unit.

Answer: E

Question: 155


Which file, if present, must contain all users that are allowed to use the cron scheduling system? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.)

Answer: crontab

Question: 156

Which of the following is a valid IPv6 address? A . 2001:db8:0g21::1

B . 2001::db8:4581::1 C . 2001:db8:3241::1

D . 2001%db8%9990%%1 E . 2001.db8.819f..1

Answer: C

Question: 157

How many IP addresses can be used for unique hosts inside the IPv4 subnet A . 6

B . 14

C . 30

D . 62

E . 126

Answer: D

Question: 158

Which of the following IPv4 networks are reserved by IANA for private address assignment and private routing? (Choose three.)

A .

B .

C . D . E .

Answer: A,D,E

Question: 159

What is true about the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header?

A . The field is not changed during the transport of a package.

B . The field is transmitted within a hop-by-hop extension header. C . Each router forwarding the packet increases the field’s value. D . Each router forwarding the packet decreases the field’s value. E . For multicast packages, the field’s value is always 1.

Answer: D

Question: 160

Which of the following information is stored in /etc/shadow for each user? A . The timestamp of the user’s last login

B . The user’s private SSH keys

C . The hashed password of the user D . The numerical user ID (UID)

E . The path to the user’s home directory

Answer: C

Question: 161

Which of the following statements is true if the UID of a regular user is identical to the GID of a group? A . UID have precedence over GIDs, therefore the user is available while the group doesn’t.

B . The user as well as the group are not available to avoid ambiguity due to the ID conflict.

C . UIDs and GIDs are independent of each other, therefore the user as well as the group are still available. D . The user is the only member of the group, even if the group configuration contains other members.

E . GIDs have precedence over UIDs, therefore the group is available while the user isn’t.

Answer: C

Question: 162

Which if the following tools, used for DNS debugging, reports not only the response from the name sever but also details about the query?

A . dnsq

B . hostname C . dig

D . dnslookup E . zoneinfo

Answer: C