1D0-61B Dumps

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1D0-61B Actual Questions




CIW Site Development Associate


When developing Web pages, it is important to test the pages with:

  1. Current versions of multiple browsers.

  2. Current versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox.

  3. Current and older versions of multiple browsers.

  4. Current and older versions of Internet Explorer and Chrome.

Answer: C


When a developer wants to center a paragraph of text, which code should she use?

  1. <p text-align=“center”>This is the text to center</p>

  2. <p“text-align: center”> This is the text to center</p>

  3. <p style=“text-align: center”> This is the text to center</p>

  4. <p style: text-align=“center”> This is the text to center</p>

Answer: C


The process of wireframing typically includes determining Web site goals plus:

  1. Outlining project timelines and budget constraints, and identifying site stakeholders.

  2. Outlining project timelines and budget constraints, and identifying audience requirements.

  3. Outlining the development and marketing process, and identifying audience requirements.

  4. Outlining the development process and site navigation, and identifying required technologies.

Answer: D

Philip creates a Web form in HTNL5, but the data will not process. He has the method attribute included in the <form> element. What is missing?

  1. The type attribute of the <form> element

  2. The type attribute of the <input’element

  3. The act/on attribute of the <form> element

  4. The act/on attribute of the <input’element

Answer: C


Violating a copyright or trademark is an example of what type of prosecutable crime?

  1. Infringement

  2. Plagiarism

  3. Trade secrets

  4. Non-disclosure

Answer: A


Skylar has been asked by the HR Department to create a Web page for the company’s intra net site that compares the company’s four different medical insurance plans. To accomplish this effectively in HTML5, Skylar should:

  1. Use document structure tags to lay out the page and use a table to organize the medical insurance plan information.

  2. use JavaScript to lay out the page and use a table within the page to organize the medical insurance plan information.

  3. use tables to lay out the page and use the <pre> tag inside the table to organize the medical insurance plan information.

  4. use CSS to lay out the page and use the <pre> element to organize the medical insurance plan information.

Answer: A


Marsha has been hired by XYZ, Inc., to update the company Web site. Marsha discovers that the existing Web pages were structured using tables. Marsha needs to explain to XYZ why the Web site needs to be recoded in HTML5 with CSS controlling the structure of the document. What is the most important reason for using HTML5 and CSS?

  1. The updates will increase user traffic to the site.

  2. The updates will improve the overall look and feel of the Web site.

  3. The Web site can be interpreted by any HTML5-compliant browser, including mobile devices.

  4. The Web site will rank higher in many search engines results, as long as the search engine bot recognizes the code.

Answer: C