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      LPIC-OT Exam 701: DevOps Tools Engineer


      Question #53 Section 1

      Which of the following statements describes the principal concept behind test driven development?

      1. Tests may not be written by the same development team that wrote the tested code.

      2. All tests are generated automatically from the tested source code.

      3. Tests are written before the function / method is implemented.

      4. The only acceptable reason to write a test is to prevent fixed bugs from occurring again.

      5. Instead of testing software automatically, manual tests are performed and logged daily.

Answer: C

Reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development

Question #54 Section 1

Which of the following goals are favored by agile software development methodologies? (Choose two correct answers.)

  1. Self-organization of teams.

  2. Central governance and control.

  3. Flexibility of processes.

  4. Absolute planning adherence.

  5. Long-term release and feature management.

Answer: CE

Question #55 Section 1

Which of the following properties apply to a content delivery network? (Choose three correct answers.)

  1. CDNs require all elements of a web site to be served by the same CDN.

  2. CDNs can stream large media files such as movies or music to clients.

  3. CDNs are present in multiple locations to serve content close to clients.

  4. CDNs serve huge numbers of clients with high bandwidth and low latency.

  5. CDNs forward all requests to a backend server and never store content locally.

Answer: CDE Question #56 Section 1

Which of the following kinds of data are suitable as artifacts in a continuous delivery pipeline? (Choose three correct answers.)

  1. Executable applications such as .exe files or .jar packages.

  2. Copies of the contents of source code repositories.

  3. Build configuration files such as Makefiles or Maven configurations.

  4. Compiled packages to be installed by a Linux package manager.

  5. Docker container images which contain an application.

Answer: BCD Question #57 Section 1

Which of the following conditionals exist in an Ansible playbook? (Choose three correct answers.)

  1. with_nodes

  2. with_playbook

  3. with_sequence

  4. with_items

  5. with_nested

Answer: CDE

Reference https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.4/playbooks_loops.html

Question #58 Section 1

Which of the following tasks can Logstash fulfill without using other components of the Elastic Stack? (Choose three.)

  1. Receive log data from remote systems.

  2. Store log data persistently.

  3. Aggregate log data over a period of time.

  4. Process log data to extract information.

  5. Forward log data to other services.

Answer: CDE Question #59 Section 1

What is tested by unit tests?

  1. The syntactical correctness of the source code of a software component.

  2. The formal validity of a service's external REST API.

  3. The integration of multiple component of the same software.

  4. The correctness of a specific function of a software component.

  5. The throughput, load capacity and latency of a service.

Answer: D

Question #60 Section 1

An online shop needs to store information about clients and orders. A list of fixed properties for clients and orders exists. The data storage should enforce specific data types on these properties and ensure that each order is associated with an existing client. Which of the following cloud services is capable of fulfilling these requirements?

  1. An in-memory database like memcached.

  2. An object store like OpenStack Swift.

  3. A messaging service like OpenStack Zaqar.

  4. A NoSQL database like MongoDB.

  5. A relational database like MariaDB.

Answer: E