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Exam Code : ABCTE
Exam Name : American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence Exam (PTK) 2024
Vendor Name : "Certification-Board"

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American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence Exam

Question: 191

The following statements deal with the availability of computers in the classroom. Which statement is false.

  1. Numerous federal and state grants have enabled high poverty and minority schools to catch up to high socio- economic schools in number of students per computer

  2. Only one or two computers available in your classroom may limit use to demonstrations and word processing

  3. More than two computers in a classroom adds the possibility of doing collaboratives, independent research, portfolios, and research papers

  4. Only about 30% or fewer students will have computers at home unless the family income is $50,000 per year or more

Answer: A

Despite the large number of federal and state grants to help schools with high poverty and minority populations to

catch up with schools in higher socio-economic areas, the poorer schools still lag behind in technology. Answer B is a true statement about the limitations placed on the teacher and students if there are not enough computers available for use in the classroom; not much more can be done than demonstrations and the occasional individual work. Answer C is true in that having more than two computers in the classroom allows more student access for collaboratives; allows more time on computers for students since they donÆt have to share as much; and enables students to work on more complex projects, such as research and portfolios. Answer D is true and very important to know; while we assume that all kids are fans of technology, that does not mean that they have access to technology at home, and the income level for having a home computer is perhaps surprisingly high.

Question: 192

Which of the following is NOT an effective way to deal with a student who has repeatedly broken classroom rules?

  1. Moving that student to a desk away from other students

  2. Sending that student to a "time out" in another classroom

  3. Insulting or demeaning the student

  4. Creating a behavior contract with the student

Answer: C

Insulting or demeaning a student is not an effective way to deal with misbehavior, no matter how severe. This response sets a poor example for other students because the teacher is modeling a behavior that is prohibited in the classroom (insulting others). In order to ensure adherence to rules, the teacher must follow classroom rules and model respect for others.

Question: 193

Which of the following students is most likely NOT eligible for special education services?

  1. Juanita, an ESOL student who has not been diagnosed with any learning disabilities but struggles academically

  2. Victor, who has a cognitive impairment caused by a mild brain injury

  3. Sylvia, who has been diagnosed with ADHD

  4. All of these students would be eligible for special education services

Answer: A

Juanita, an ESOL student who has not been diagnosed with any learning disabilities but struggles academically, is unlikely to be eligible for special education services. Students must be diagnosed with a disability that interferes with their ability to learn in order to be protected by IDEA, and limited English proficiency is not the result of a learning disability.

Question: 194

In order to meet the needs of ESOL students in mainstream classes, teachers should:

  1. incorporate elements related to ESOL students' interests and backgrounds into the curriculum so that they feel valued and accepted

  2. never openly acknowledge any differences between ESOL students and students who are native English speakers

  3. hold ESOL students to lower academic standards than other students

  4. sacrifice the academic needs of students who are proficient in English in order to focus on ESOL students

Answer: A

In order to meet the needs of ESOL students in mainstream classes, teachers should incorporate elements related to ESOL students' interests and backgrounds into the curriculum so that they feel valued and accepted. All students should be held to high academic standards, and it is important to acknowledge and embrace diversity so that students from all backgrounds feel accepted.

Question: 195

Which of the following statements about Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is correct?

  1. D. Both students who qualify for protection under IDEand those who qualify for protection under Section 504 must receive Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

  2. Both IDEA and Section 504 only provide protection for students who have a disability that interferes with their


  3. IDEA contains procedural safeguards for students with disabilities that interfere with their learning, while Section 504 is designed to protect all disabled individuals from discrimination.

  4. Both students who qualify for protection under IDEA and those who qualify for protection under Section 504 must receive Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Answer: C

Section 504 is a general law that is designed to protect disabled individuals from discrimination. It protects all

disabled students from discrimination, regardless of whether their disability interferes with their learning. IDEA is specifically targeted at children who have disabilities that interfere with their learning. IEPs are only required for students who qualify for protection under IDEA.

Question: 196

Which graphic organizer would be most helpful for practice with comparison and contrasting of ideas or objects?

  1. SQ3R chart

  2. Venn diagram

  3. Flower diagram for the ô5 WÆsö

  4. Bar graph

Answer: B

Graphic organizers and visual displays are vital to reaching all types of learners. Each student learns differently and some concepts are easier to understand when using two-dimensional organizers. Venn diagrams consist of two overlapping ovals or circles, creating three separate spaces for students to record ideas. The outer areas can be used to identify differences in objects or ideas; the overlapping area is intended for their similarities.

Question: 197

When planning lessons, a teacher who incorporates John Dewey's progressive theory of education would be most likely to:

  1. teach students who are struggling separately from the rest of the class

  2. encourage problem solving and real-life experience as paths to learning

  3. provide material rewards for excellent academic performance

  4. encourage competition among students as a means of motivation

Answer: B

When planning lessons, a teacher who values John Dewey's progressive theory of education would be most likely to encourage problem solving and real-life experience as paths to learning. Dewey also advocated cooperation and

Question: 198

When teaching students to use Internet search engines for research, it is most important for the teacher to design a lesson that covers:

  1. how to use search operators such as site: and loc:

  2. how to distinguish reliable, authoritative websites from unreliable ones

  3. how to download and use antivirus software

  4. how to build websites

Answer: B

When teaching students to use Internet search engines for research, it is most important that students learn how to distinguish reliable, authoritative websites from unreliable ones. This is the most critical skill students need when using the web for research purposes.

Question: 199

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students who are diagnosed with learning disabilities must be placed in the:

  1. least restrictive environment possible

  2. safest environment possible

  3. environment in which they will be least disruptive

  4. most beneficial environment possible

Answer: A

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students who are diagnosed with learning disabilities must be placed in the least restrictive environment possible. This means they must remain in the general classroom as much as is practicable, and will only go to the resource room for predetermined periods of time based upon their demonstrated needs. The priority is to accommodate students with disabilities in the regular classroom as opposed to isolating them from general education students.

Question: 200

Parents should be informed about students' behavior:

  1. only when it is negative

  2. as soon as a pattern of problem behavior emerges

  3. every time a student breaks a classroom rule

Answer: B


Parents should be informed about students' behavior as soon as a pattern of problem behavior emerges. While it is unnecessary to inform parents every single time their child breaks a rule, parents need to be informed if their child is a "problem student." This should be done as soon as possible so that parents can intervene. Teachers should not wait until conferences roll around to deal with the problem. It can also be very helpful to tell parents when students are behaving well because it positively reinforces students' good behavior.