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ACA-Developer Real Questions ACA-Developer Practice Test ACA-Developer Actual Questions



ACA Developer Certification

Question: 30

Which of the following statements are correct, with regard to Alibaba Cloud Log Service? (Number of correct answers: 3)

A . As an agent for collecting logs, Logtail can collect logs from existing system log files in a non-intrusive manner B . The Log Service frontend service adopts an LVS + NGINX architecture

C . The Logstore backend service is deployed on a single machine to complete the real-time persistence, indexing, query and delivery of Logstore data to MaxCompute

D . Each log written to the Log Service backend will be saved in triplicate (across three separate physical servers)

Answer: B,C,D

Question: 31

Serverless Workflow allows you to orchestrate distributed tasks in sequence, branch, and parallel modes, and ensure that tasks are reliably coordinated according to your workflow logic.

Which of the following service integration modes is not supported by Serverless Workflow? A . Request response mode

B . Synchronization mode C . Asynchronous mode

D . Waiting for callback mode

Answer: B

Question: 32

Serverless Workflow allows you to orchestrate distributed tasks in sequence, branch, and parallel modes, and ensure that tasks are reliably coordinated according to your workflow logic.

Which of the following service integration modes is not supported by Serverless Workflow? A . Request response mode

B . Synchronization mode C . Asynchronous mode

D . Waiting for callback mode

Answer: B

Question: 33

Which of the following operations can be performed through Log Service sAPI? (Number of correct answers: 3) A . Collect logs based on Logtail configuration and Logtail machine group information

B . Create a Logstore, write and read logs to the Logstore C . Access control for different users

D . Deliver logs to OSS for storage and analysis

Answer: A,B,C

Question: 34

It should be possible to process video in parallel at scale, to ensure that videos are preprocessed in a reasonable amount of time.

Which of the following Alibaba Cloud applications can be combined to provide a low operation and maintenance burden and relatively low operating costs? (Number of correct answers: 3)

A . Serverless Workflow B . Function Compute

C . Log Service

D . Elastic Compute Service (ECS) E . Server Load Balancer (SLB)

Answer: A,C,D

Question: 35

Which of the following descriptions describes the (Security Token Service) STS service correctly? (Number of correct answers: 3)

A . Through the STS service, RAM users or RAM roles can obtain a temporary token that allows them to call the Alibaba Cloud API or use the web console

B . A STS request consists of an access address, communication protocol, request method, request parameters and character encoding

C . When calling the STS API, in order to ensure the safe calling of the API, Alibaba Cloud will authenticate each API request through a signature when each API call is made

D . The STS service supports the use of both HTTP and HTTPS protocols

Answer: B,C,D

Question: 36

You can use Alibaba Cloud Data transmission service (DTS) or the open source tool Redis-shake to migrate and synchronize data from a local Redis instance to an Alibaba Cloud Redis instance.

What is one feature which DTS has but Redis-shake does not? A . Full data migration

B . Incremental data migration

C . One-way data synchronization D . Two-way data synchronization

Answer: A

Question: 37

Serverless Workflow allows you to orchestrate distributed tasks in sequence, branch, and parallel modes, and ensure that tasks are reliably coordinated according to your workflow logic.

Which of the following service integration modes is not supported by Serverless Workflow? A . Request response mode

B . Synchronization mode C . Asynchronous mode

D . Waiting for callback mode

Answer: B