Exam Code : ACA-Sec1
Exam Name : ACA Cloud Security Associate
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ACA Cloud Security Associate
Question: 44
What design flaw of TCP/IP protocol does SYN flood attack use? A . UDP stateless connectio
B . DNS 3 times hands shake C . TCP 3 times hands shake
D . HTTP plain text transmission
Question: 45
Which of the following statements is true about HTTP protocol? Score 2 A . HTTP is a network layer protocol
B . the data transmitted by this protocol is auto-encrypted C . default service port is 80
D . HTTP protocol can’t be used to transmit file
Question: 46
Which of the following Alibaba Cloud products need to be considered to use if you want to build an elastic computing cluster to provide web service together and also with dynamic data and static data separately stored
Question: 47
Which of following attacks could serve as a CC attack? (the number of correct answers: 3) Score 1 A . SYN flood
B . ICMP flood
C . One host simulate many IP addresses D . Attack through agent
E . Zombie network
Question: 48
In a regular server maintenance operation, the purpose of installing a patch on the operating system is? A . To improve server resource usage
B . to improve system usability
C . to enhance system functionality
D . to avoid existing system vulnerabilities being used by some hackers
Question: 49
If user is using anti-DDOS Pro service, but the original server has rule to limit access to the client IPs, which of the following actions is the most proper one to take?
A . enable CDN and change anti-DDOS pro IP to CDN address B . add anti-DDOS pro IP into customer firewall white list
C . disable original server firewall D . enable SLB for original server
Question: 50
Which of the following protocols will not be used for a SYN Flood attack? A . UDP
D . AppleTalk