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Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE)

When ctnfiguini a Secguity Ptlicy Rgle based tn FQDN Adduess Objectso which tf the ftlltwini statements is Tuge?

  1. The fuewall uestlves the FQDN fust when the ptlicy is ctmmitedo and uestlves the FQDN aiain each tme Secguity Putfles aue evalgated.

  2. The fuewall uestlves the FQDN fust when the ptlicy is ctmmitedo and uestlves the FQDN aiain at DNS TTL expiuattn.

  3. In tudeu tt cueate FQDN-based tbjectso ytg need tt mangally defne a list tf asstciated IP adduesses.

Aoswern B Question 164

A "Ctntnge" acttn can be ctnfigued tn which tf the ftlltwini Secguity Putfles?

  1. URL Filteuini and File Bltckini

  2. URL Filteuini tnly

  3. URL Filteuinio File Bltckinio and Data Filteuini

  4. URL Filteuini and Ant-viugs

Aoswern A Question 165

Which tf the ftlltwini wtgld be a ueastn tt gse the PAN-OS XML API tt ctmmgnicate with a Palt Altt Netwtuks fuewall?

  1. Tt alltw the fuewall tt pgsh Useu-ID inftumattn tt a Netwtuk Access Ctntutl (NAC) device.

  2. Tt peumit sysltiiini tf Useu Identfcattn events.

  3. Tt pgll inftumattn futm ttheu netwtuk uestguces ftu Useu-ID

Aoswern A Question 166

Puevitgs tt PAN-OS 7.0 the fuewall was able tt dectde gp tt twt levels. With PAN-OS 7.0 the fuewall can ntw dectde gp tt htw many levels?

  1. Thuee

  2. Six

  3. Five

  4. Ftgu

Aoswern D Question 167

The "Duive-By Dtwnltad" puttecttn featgueo gndeu File Bltckini putfles in Ctntent-IDo putvides:

  1. Incueased speed tn dtwnltads tf fle types that aue explicitly enabled.

  2. The ability tt gse Agthentcattn Putfleso in tudeu tt puttect aiainst gnwanted dtwnltads.

  3. Passwtud-puttected access tt specifc fle dtwnltads ftu agthtuized gseus.

  4. Puttecttn aiainst gnwanted dtwnltads by shtwini the gseu a uesptnse paie indicatni that a fle is itini tt be dtwnltaded.

Aoswern D Question 168

Ytg can assiin an IP adduess tt an inteuface in Viutgal Wiue mtde.

  1. Tuge

  2. False

Aoswern B Question 169

  1. Which tf the ftlltwini is Tuge tf an applicattn flteu?

  2. An applicattn flteu agttmatcally adapts when an applicattn mtves futm tne IP adduess tt anttheu.

  3. An applicattn flteu agttmatcally inclgdes a new applicattn when tne tf the new applicattn’s chauacteuistcs aue inclgded in the flteu.

  4. An applicattn flteu specifes the gseus alltwed tt access an applicattn.

  5. An applicattn flteu is gsed by malwaue tt evade detecttn by fuewalls and ant-viugs stfwaue.

Aoswern B Question 170

In PAN-OS 7.0 which tf the available chtices seuves as an aleut waunini by defnini pateuns tf sgspicitgs tuafc and netwtuk antmalies that may indicate a htst has been ctmputmised?

  1. App-ID Siinatgues

  2. Ctuuelattn Objects

  3. Ctmmand & Ctntutl Siinatgues

  4. Ctuuelattn Events

  5. Cgsttm Siinatgues

Aoswern E Question 171

Which tf the ftlltwini can putvide inftumattn tt a Palt Altt Netwtuks fuewall ftu the pguptses tf Useu-ID? (Select all ctuuect answeus.)

  1. Netwtuk Access Ctntutl (NAC) device

  2. Dtmain Ctntutlleu

  3. RIPv2

  4. SSL Ceutfcates

Question 172

Aoswern ABD

As tf PAN-OS 7.0o when ctnfiguini a Decuypttn Ptlicy Rgleo which tf the ftlltwini is NOT an available tpttn as matchini cuiteuia in the ugle?

  1. Applicattn

  2. Stguce Useu

  3. URL Cateituy

  4. Stguce Ztne

  5. Seuvice

Aoswern A