Latest AHIMA-CCS Practice Tests with Actual Questions

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Exam Code : AHIMA-CCS
Exam Name : Certified Coding Specialist (ICD-10-CM / ICD-10-PCS / CPT)
Vendor Name : "Medical"


AHIMA-CCS Braindumps AHIMA-CCS Real Questions AHIMA-CCS Practice Test AHIMA-CCS Actual Questions



Certified Coding Specialist (ICD-10-CM / ICD-10-PCS

/ CPT)

Question: 562

Which ICD-10-CM code is used to report a patient's personal history of breast cancer?




wer: A

anation: The correct ICD-10-CM code to report a patient's personal hi east cancer is Z85.3. This code is used to indicate a personal history o gnant neoplasm, and the additional characters can be used to specify t

nd location of the cancer.

stion: 563

ission Date: 4/24 harge Date: N/A

itting Diagnosis: Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) Complaint: A 62-year-old male presented to the emergency departm hest discomfort, diaphoresis, and shortness of breath.

  1. Z85.3

  2. Z

  3. Z

  4. Z


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Adm Disc Adm

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Past Medical History: Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus Physical Exam:

General: Diaphoretic, in distress

Cardiovascular: Irregular heart rhythm, elevated cardiac enzymes Impression: The patient was diagnosed with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction based on the clinical presentation, electrocardiogram findings, and elevated cardiac enzyme levels.

Plan: The patient was admitted to the cardiac care unit for further management, including antiplatelet therapy and cardiac catheterization.

What should the principal ICD-10-CM code be for this encounter? A. I21.4

  1. I21.9




    21.9 and I50.9

    wer: A

    anation: The principal ICD-10-CM code for this encounter should be The patient presented with symptoms and was diagnosed with non- ation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). The I21.4 code represents non ation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction, which accurately describes the

    ition in this scenario. The clinical presentation, electrocardiogram fin levated cardiac enzyme levels support the selection of this code. tional codes for hypertension (I10), hyperlipidemia (E78.5), and diabe tus (E11.9) may also be assigned as secondary diagnoses if document upported by the medical record.

    stion: 564

  2. I21.0

  3. I

  4. I2

  5. I2

  6. I

Ans Expl

I21.4. ST

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A patient with a history of diabetes mellitus type 2 presents for a routine follow-up visit. During the visit, the physician performs a comprehensive examination and adjusts the patient's medication. Which CPT code should be reported for this encounter?

A. 99212

B. 99213

C. 99214

D. 99215

Answer: C

opriate when the physician performs a detailed history, detailed mination, and moderate complexity medical decision-making.

stion: 565

tient undergoes a left total mastectomy with axillary lymph node diss reast cancer. Which CPT code should be assigned for this procedure?





wer: C

anation: The correct CPT code for a left total mastectomy with axillar h node dissection is 19305. This code is used when the entire breast t moved, along with lymph node dissection.

Explanation: The correct CPT code to report for a routine follow-up visit with a comprehensive examination and medication adjustment is 99214. This code is appr



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Question: 566

A patient undergoes a colonoscopy with removal of a small polyp in the sigmoid colon. The polyp is sent for biopsy, which confirms it to be a benign adenomatous polyp. Which CPT code(s) would be reported?

A. 45385

B. 45380

C. 45381

D. 45384, 88305

Answer: A

5 (Colonoscopy, flexible; with removal of tumor(s), polyp(s), or other n(s) by snare technique)

5 (Surgical pathology, gross and microscopic examination for tumor, p, or other lesion [except for Mohs surgery]; single specimen)

is case, the patient undergoes a colonoscopy with removal of a small p sigmoid colon, and the polyp is sent for biopsy. The biopsy confirm to be benign. Therefore, option A is the correct answer, as it include

opriate CPT code for the colonoscopy with removal of the polyp.

stion: 567

ch of the following ICD-10-CM codes is used to report a deep vein mbosis (DVT) of the right lower extremity?





Explanation: The correct CPT code(s) for this scenario are: 4538

lesio 8830


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Whi thro

  1. I

  2. I8

  3. I8

  4. I

Answer: B

Explanation: The ICD-10-CM code I82.422 is used to report a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the right lower extremity. The code I82.422 represents a DVT of the right femoral vein. The specific location and details of the DVT are important factors in selecting the correct code.

Question: 568

A patient presents to the dermatologist for the removal of multiple skin tags on the neck. The physician performs the removal using electrosurgery. Which CPT code should be reported for this procedure?





wer: C

anation: The correct CPT code to report for the removal of multiple s sing electrosurgery is 11202. This code is appropriate when the phys ves 2 to 14 skin tags.

stion: 569

tient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia due to ptococcus pneumoniae. Which ICD-10-CM code represents the appro nosis for this patient?


  1. 1

  2. 1

  3. 1

  4. 1


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A pa

Stre priate


  1. J

  2. J13.1 C. J13.2 D. J13.3

Answer: A

Explanation: The correct answer is A (J13.0). The appropriate ICD-10-CM

code for pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae is determined by the specific type of pneumonia. In this case, "J13.0" represents the correct code, which specifically indicates "Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae."

Question: 570

xternal cause codes are required for all healthcare encounters

xternal cause codes are used to indicate the intent of an injury or pois xternal cause codes are only used for inpatient encounters

xternal cause codes are found in Chapter 20 of ICD-10-CM wer: B

anation: External cause codes in ICD-10-CM are used to provide ional information about the cause, intent, and circumstances of an inj oning, or other external events. They are not required for all healthcar unters, but they may be used when documenting the cause of an injur ntent behind a poisoning. External cause codes can be used for both ient and outpatient encounters and can be found in Chapter 20 of ICD

stion: 571

Which of the following is true regarding the coding of external cause of morbidity in ICD-10-CM?

  1. E

  2. E oning

  3. E

  4. E

Ans Expl

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Which of the following ICD-10-CM codes is used to report a migraine without aura?

A. G43.001 B. G43.009 C. G43.101 D. G43.109

Answer: B
Explanation: The ICD-10-CM code G43.009 is used to report a migraine without aura. The code G43.009 represents a migraine without aura, not intractable, without status migrainosus.





wer: A

anation: The ICD-10-CM code I60.01 is used to report a nontraumati rachnoid hemorrhage. The code I60.01 represents a nontraumatic rachnoid hemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation.

stion: 572

tient undergoes a diagnostic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lava valuation of a lung infection. Which CPT code should be assigned for

Which of the following ICD-10-CM codes is used to report a nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage?

  1. I

  2. I6

  3. I6

  4. I


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A. 31622

B. 31623

C. 31625

D. 31628

Explanation: The CPT code for a diagnostic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage is 31623. This code specifically identifies the performance of a lavage during the bronchoscopy procedure.

Question: 573

ission Date: 2/24 harge Date: N/A

itting Diagnosis: Major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate Complaint: A 40-year-old female presented to the psychiatrist's offi a depressed mood, loss of interest, and feelings of worthlessness.

edical History: None documented ical Exam:

eral: Poor eye contact, psychomotor retardation hiatric: Depressed affect, anhedonia

ession: The patient was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, sin ode, moderate based on the clinical presentation and psychiatric evalu

The patient was prescribed an antidepressant medication and referre hotherapy.

should the principal ICD-10-CM code be for this encounter? 32.1


Adm Disc Adm

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Impr gle

epis ation.

Plan: d for

psyc What

  1. F

  2. F

  3. F32.0 D. F32.2

E. F32.1 and F41.9 F. F32.1 and Z63.0

G. F32.1 and Z87.891 H. F32.1 and Z73.89

der (F41.9) or other relevant diagnoses may also be assigned as secon noses if documented and supported by the medical record.

stion: 574

ch ICD-10-CM code is used to report a patient's personal history of br er in the left breast?





wer: A

anation: The correct ICD-10-CM code to report a patient's personal hi east cancer in the left breast is Z85.3. This code is used to indicate a onal history of malignant neoplasm, and the additional characters can b

Explanation: The principal ICD-10-CM code for this encounter should be F32.1. The patient presented with symptoms and was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate. The F32.1 code represents major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate, which accurately describes the condition in this scenario. The clinical presentation and psychiatric evaluation support the selection of this code. Additional codes for generalized anxiety disor dary



Whi east


  1. Z

  2. Z

  3. Z

  4. Z


Expl story

of br

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used to specify the type, location, and laterality of the cancer.

Question: 575

A patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The physician documents a STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) of the anterior wall. Which of the following ICD-10-CM codes

A. I21.09 B. I21.01 C. I21.11 D. I21.31

anation: The correct code for a STEMI of the anterior wall is I21.01 ( ation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left main coronary arte on A (I21.09) represents other ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial ction, option C (I21.11) represents ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial ction involving left anterior descending coronary artery, and option D

31) represents ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving coronary artery of anterior wall.

stion: 576

tient presents to the clinic for a routine mammogram. The mammogra ws a suspicious mass, and a subsequent biopsy confirms a diagnosis of sive ductal carcinoma of the breast. Which ICD-10-CM code should b

ned for the biopsy procedure?



Answer: B

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elev ry).

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  1. 8

  2. 8

C. 85.21

D. 85.22

Answer: B

Explanation: The correct ICD-10-PCS code for a breast biopsy is 85.12. This code specifically identifies the performance of a biopsy procedure on the

Question: 577


adiologist, who noted stable findings without any signs of recurrence bnormalities. The radiologist provided a final impression of negative mogram.

CPT code should be reported for the follow-up mammogram? 7065




wer: C

anation: The correct CPT code for the follow-up mammogram is 770 ode represents screening mammography, bilateral (two views of eac st), and is used for routine surveillance or follow-up mammograms. C

5 and 77066 represent diagnostic mammography for unilateral and eral examinations, respectively, and code 77068 represents a diagnosti

Imaging Report: A 55-year-old female patient with a history of breast cancer underwent a follow-up mammogram. The mammogram was performed bilaterally, consisting of two views of each breast. The images were reviewed by a r or

new a mam


  1. 7

  2. 7

  3. 7

  4. 7


Expl 67.

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mammogram performed on a patient with a known breast abnormality. In this case, the mammogram is a routine follow-up, so code 77067 is the appropriate choice.

Question: 578

A patient undergoes a cesarean section delivery for a breech presentation.

A. 59510

B. 59514

C. 59515

D. 59525

anation: The correct CPT code for a cesarean section delivery for a br entation is 59515. This code is used when a cesarean section is perfor nontransverse or oblique lie presentation, such as a breech presentatio

stion: 579

ission Date: 1/24 harge Date: N/A

itting Diagnosis: Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonar se (COPD)

Complaint: A 60-year-old male presented to the emergency departm ncreased shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing up yellowish


edical History: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), king history

ical Exam:

eral: Increased respiratory effort

Answer: C

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Adm Disc

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Chief ent

with i sput Past M smo Phys Gen

Respiratory: Diffuse expiratory wheezes, decreased breath sounds in the bases Impression: The patient was diagnosed with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) based on the clinical presentation, physical examination findings, and medical history.

Plan: The patient was admitted to the medical floor for further management, including bronchodilator therapy and oxygen supplementation.

A. J44.0 B. J44.1 C. J44.9

44.0 and J44.9

44.0 and J44.1

wer: A

anation: The principal ICD-10-CM code for this encounter should be

0. The patient presented with symptoms and was diagnosed with an ac erbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The J44.0 sents chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respirat tion, which accurately describes the condition in this scenario. The cli entation, physical examination findings, and medical history support t tion of this code. Additional codes for tobacco use disorder (F17.210) relevant diagnoses may also be assigned as secondary diagnoses if

mented and supported by the medical record.

stion: 580

ch ICD-10-CM code is used to report a patient's personal history of no

D. J44.0 and F17.210 E. J44.0 and Z87.891 F. J44.0 and Z87.01

  1. J

  2. J

Ans Expl

J44. ute

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Whi n-

Hodgkin lymphoma?

A. Z85.79 B. Z86.010 C. Z87.891 D. Z90.11

Explanation: The correct ICD-10-CM code toreport a patient's personal history of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is Z85.79. This code is used to indicate a personal history of other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic, and related tissues.

stion: 581

ch of the following is an example of unbundling in coding?

eporting multiple services provided during a single patient encounter ombining two or more codes into a single code

oding a symptom instead of a confirmed diagnosis

eparating a procedure into its component parts and coding each part rately

wer: D

anation: Separating a procedure into its component parts and coding e eparately. Unbundling occurs when a procedure is broken down into idual components, and each component is coded and billed separately ad of reporting the procedure as a whole. This practice is considered propriate coding and can result in overpayment. Reporting multiple ces provided during a single patient encounter (A) is not unbundling i



  1. R

  2. C

  3. C

  4. S

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services are distinct and separately identifiable. Combining two or more codes into a single code (B) is known as code bundling or code consolidation. Coding a symptom instead of a confirmed diagnosis (C) may be appropriate if a definitive diagnosis has not been established.

A patient is diagnosed with major depressive disorder and is started on pharmacotherapy with an SSRI antidepressant. Which ICD-10-CM code(s) would be reported?

32.0, Z79.891

33.0, Z79.891

wer: A

anation: The correct ICD-10-CM codes for this scenario are: (Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified)

891 (Long-term (current) use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor RIs])

is case, the patient is diagnosed with major depressive disorder and st harmacotherapy with an SSRI antidepressant. Therefore, option A is t ct answer, as it includes the appropriate ICD-10-CM codes for the nosis and medication.

A. F32.9, Z79.891 B. F33.9, Z79.891

  1. F

  2. F

Ans Expl


Z79. s


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