ANCB-CARN Braindumps ANCB-CARN Real Questions ANCB-CARN Practice Test ANCB-CARN Actual Questions



ANCB Certified Addictions Registered Nurse

Which of the following represents a cognitive need of an individual with addiction?

  1. Addressing distorted thinking patterns

  2. Developing coping skills

    dentifying sources of stress

    wer: A

    anation: Addressing distorted thinking patterns represents a cognitive individual with addiction. Cognitive needs in addiction treatment inv essing and modifying the individual's thoughts, beliefs, and perception ed to their substance use. Distorted thinking patterns, such as denial, nalization, and minimization, often contribute to the maintenance of ctive behaviors. Establishing a support system, developing coping skil dentifying sources of stress are important psychosocial needs in addic ment.

    stion: 2

    ch of the following is an example of a process addiction?

  3. Establishing a support system

  4. I


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  1. Heroin addiction

  2. Alcohol addiction

  3. Gambling addiction

  4. Inhalant addiction

Answer: C

stion: 3

is the general scope of practice for a Certified Addictions Registered Nurse (CARN)?

onducting psychotherapy sessions with individuals in recovery roviding comprehensive assessments and screenings for addiction rescribing medications for addiction treatment

erforming surgical procedures to treat addiction

wer: B

anation: The general scope of practice for a Certified Addictions stered Nurse (CARN) involves providing comprehensive assessments nings for addiction. CARNs are specialized nurses who work with iduals affected by substance use disorders and related addictions. The s clients' needs, develop treatment plans, provide counseling and

Explanation: Gambling addiction is an example of a process addiction. Process addictions, also known as behavioral addictions, involve compulsive behaviors or activities that provide a sense of reward or gratification. Gambling addiction specifically refers to the compulsive and uncontrollable urge to gamble, despite negative consequences. It does not involve the ingestion of substances like drugs or alcohol.



  1. C

  2. P

  3. P

  4. P

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education, administer medications as prescribed, and coordinate care with other healthcare professionals. Their focus ison the holistic care of individuals with addiction issues, addressing their physical, psychological, and social needs. They collaborate with other members of the healthcare team to support recovery and promote overall well-being. They do not typically conduct psychotherapy sessions, prescribe medications, or perform surgical procedures.

Which of the following represents a psychosocial need of an individual with addiction?

  1. Managing physical withdrawal symptoms

    ttending self-help group meetings ddressing nutritional deficiencies

    wer: B

    anation: Ensuring a safe and supportive environment represents a hosocial need of an individual with addiction. Psychosocial needs in ction treatment involve addressing the social, emotional, and environ rs that contribute to substance use andrelated issues. Creating a safe a ortive environment helps minimize triggers and provides a foundation very. Managing physical withdrawal symptoms, attending self-help gr ings, and addressing nutritional deficiencies are important aspects of ction treatment but are more closely associated with physical and holis s.

    stion: 5

  2. Ensuring a safe and supportive environment

  3. A

  4. A

Ans Expl


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Which of the following substances is classified as a hallucinogen?

  1. Heroin

  2. LSD

  3. Cocaine

  4. MDMA (Ecstasy)

Answer: B

Explanation: LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is classified as a hallucinogen. Hallucinogens are substances that alter perception, thoughts, and feelings, often leading to hallucinations or sensory distortions. LSD is well-known for its hallucinogenic properties, producing profound changes in perception, sensory experiences, and consciousness.

stion: 6

tient presents with symptoms of increased energy, restlessness, and htened alertness. They report using a substance that produces these eff ch of the following substances is most likely responsible for these ptoms?


silocybin mushrooms ethamphetamine


wer: C

anation: Methamphetamine is a stimulant substance that can produce ptoms of increased energy, restlessness, and heightened alertness. ulants stimulate the central nervous system, resulting in increased brai


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  1. H

  2. P

  3. M

  4. G

Ans Expl


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activity and heightened arousal. Methamphetamine is known to have strong stimulant effects, leading to increased energy levels, euphoria, and increased wakefulness.

Question: 7

Which of the following represents a spiritual need of an individual with


  1. Obtaining stable housing

  2. Establishing a relapse prevention plan

  3. Rebuilding damaged relationships

    anation: Engaging in mindfulness practices represents a spiritual need dividual with addiction. Spiritual needs in addiction treatment involve essing the individual's search for meaning, purpose, and connection. dfulness practices, such as meditation and reflection, can help individu lop a deeper sense of self-awareness, find inner peace, and foster a ection to something greater than themselves. Establishing a relapse ention plan, rebuilding damaged relationships, and obtaining stable ho mportant aspects of recovery but are not specifically related to spiritua s.

    stion: 8

    Lora Green, a 50-year-old patient, is admitted to the detoxification u eavy drinking. Her orders include oxazepam (Serax) 10mg q 6h prn a enhydramine hydrochloride (Benadryl) 50 mg q 6h prn. During the nu assessment of Mrs. Green, which of these questions should take prio

  4. Engaging in mindfulness practices Answer: D

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initial rity?

  1. Has she been taking any over-the-counter medication?

  2. Has she ever had a withdrawal seizure?

  3. What has been her usual daily alcohol consumption?

  4. When did she have her last drink? Answer: D

stion: 9

ch of the following substances is classified as a depressant? annabis


lcohol ocaine

wer: C

anation: Alcohol is classified as a depressant. Depressants are substan low down the central nervous system, resulting in a decrease in brain ity and a sense of relaxation or sedation. Alcohol is known to have essant effects on the body, leading to impaired coordination, decrease itions, and potential sedation or drowsiness.

Explanation: When assessing a patient admitted for detoxification, it is crucial to determine when they had their last drink. This information helps determine the timing and severity of potential withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms typically start within a few hours to a few days after the last drink, and their intensity can vary based on the individual's usual alcohol consumption. It is essential to assess the patient's risk for withdrawal symptoms, including seizures, but determining the timing of the last drink is the priority in this situation.



  1. C

  2. L

  3. A

  4. C


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Question: 10

Which of the following represents a biological need of an individual with addiction?

  1. Resolving past trauma

  2. Developing healthy coping mechanisms

  3. Enhancing problem-solving skills

  4. Restoring physical health Answer: D

being. Restoring physical health may include detoxification, managin drawal symptoms, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and managing c rring medical conditions. Resolving past trauma, developing healthy ng mechanisms, and enhancing problem-solving skills are important cts of recovery but are more closely associated with psychological and ional needs.

stion: 11

ch of the following substances is classified as a stimulant? annabis

silocybin mushrooms HB

cstasy (MDMA) wer: D

Explanation: Restoring physical health represents a biological need of an individual with addiction. Biological needs in addiction treatment involve addressing the physical consequences of substance use and promoting overall well- g

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  1. C

  2. P

  3. G

  4. E


Explanation: Ecstasy (MDMA) is a stimulant substance. Stimulants are substances that increase brain activity, enhance alertness, and produce a sense of euphoria. Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a synthetic drug that acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. It increases the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain, resulting in increased energy, heightened sensory perception, and feelings of emotional closeness.