ASVAB-Electronic-Info Dumps ASVAB-Electronic-Info Braindumps

ASVAB-Electronic-Info Real Questions ASVAB-Electronic-Info Practice Test ASVAB-Electronic-Info Actual Questions



ASVAB Section 5 : Electronic Information

Question: 170

How many wires do serial cables used on computers have?

  1. 3

  2. 9

  3. 15

  4. 25

Answer: B

This is true, even if the cable has a 25-pin connector. Serial cables are often used to connect computers to perpetual devices.

Question: 171

To produce greater storage of electrons and more capacitance, capacitors should .

  1. be connected in parallel

  2. be connected in series

  3. have more voltage applied to them

  4. be eliminated

Answer: A

Connecting capacitors in parallel produces more capacitance.

Question: 172

Insulated fittings can be used to splice wires, thus eliminating the need for .

  1. cleaning the wires

  2. removing the plastic coating from the wires

  3. twisting the wires together

  4. soldering the wires together

Answer: D

Insulated fittings replace soldering.

Question: 173

The symbol shown above stands for .

  1. battery

  2. transformer

  3. capacitor

  4. resistor

Answer: A

This symbol stands for battery.

Question: 174

Radio waves travel .

  1. at the speed of light

  2. at the speed of sound

  3. faster than the speed of light

  4. faster than the speed of sound but slower than the speed of light

Answer: A

Radio waves travel at the speed of light. The speed of sound is much slower.

Question: 175

Changing alternating current to direct current is called .

  1. capacitance

  2. impedance

  3. rectification

  4. induction

Answer: C

Changing AC to DC is a process called rectification.

Question: 176

Millihenries are related to .

  1. capacitors

  2. inductors

  3. relays

  4. transformers

Answer: B

Inductors are rated in millihenries.

Question: 177

Radar can operate at frequencies as high as .

A. 100,000 Hz

  1. 100,000 kHz

  2. 100,000 MHz

  3. 500,000 MHz

Answer: C

Radar can operate as high as 100,000 MHz (megahertz).

Question: 178

Newer cell phones contain a removable memory card, which is often called a .

  1. SIM card

  2. DIM chip

  3. PIN card

  4. Pin chip

Answer: A

SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module. The card contains information such as your phone number, your billing information, and your address book. It makes it easier to switch from one cell phone to another.

Question: 179

When current flows through a wire, the following influences are present .

  1. amperes and ohms only

  2. voltage, watts, and ohms only

  3. voltage and amperes only

  4. voltage, ohms, and amperes

Answer: D

Voltage, ohms, and amperes are always present when current flows through a wire.

Question: 180

Another name for cycles per second is .

  1. watts

  2. voltage

  3. hertz

  4. amperes

Answer: C

The number of times alternating current changes direction in one second is known as its frequency, which is measured in hertz.

Question: 181

Which of the following materials usually has an electromagnetic-induction device in its core?

  1. brass

  2. silver

  3. aluminum

  4. iron

Answer: D

Iron is easily magnetized and demagnetized, so it works well for this device.

Question: 182

How many diodes should you expect to find in a bridge rectifier?

  1. 0

  2. 4

  3. 8

  4. 10

Answer: C

A bridge rectifier is also known as a full wave rectifier, usually containing 8 diodes.

Question: 183

Ohm’s law states .

  1. Voltage = Current x Resistance

  2. Amperes = Current x Resistance

  3. Voltage = Resistance ÷ Amperes

  4. Ohms = Voltage ÷ Current

Answer: A

Ohm’s law states that Voltage (V) = Current (I) x Resistance (R). All other answers are incorrect expressions of this law.