ASVAB-General-Science Dumps ASVAB-General-Science Braindumps

ASVAB-General-Science Real Questions ASVAB-General-Science Practice Test ASVAB-General-Science Actual Questions



ASVAB Section 7: General Science

Question: 198

Which inorganic substance is present in the greatest quantity inside animal cells?

  1. protein

  2. oxygen

  3. sodium chloride

  4. water

Answer: D

Question: 199

The brainstem connects the brain to the .

  1. heart

  2. lungs

  3. neck

  4. spinal cord

Answer: D

Question: 200

Red blood cells .

  1. produce antibodies

  2. fight infections

  3. carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

  4. are few in number

Answer: C

Question: 201

If there are two full moons in a single month, the second full moon is called .

  1. new moon

  2. full moon

  3. blue moon

  4. secondary moon

Answer: C

Question: 202

Joints that hold bones firmly together are called .

  1. hinge joints

  2. ball and socket joints

  3. fixed joints

  4. pivot joints

Answer: C

Question: 203

The top or broadest level of the classification system for living organisms is called .

  1. class

  2. phylum

  3. kingdom

  4. genus

Answer: C

Question: 204

The largest moon in the solar system is .

  1. Ganymede

  2. Titan

  3. Io

  4. Charon

Answer: A

Question: 205

The spinal cord is part of the .

  1. circulatory system

  2. nervous system

  3. respiratory system

  4. digestive system

Answer: B

Question: 206

All of the following are domains except .

  1. Regelia

  2. Eukarya

  3. Bacteria

  4. Archaea

Answer: A

Question: 207

Light waves travel at a rate of about .

  1. 186,000 miles per hour

  2. 186,000 miles per minute

  3. 18,600 miles per hour

  4. 186,000 miles per second

Answer: D

Question: 208

An animal that eats only plants is called a(n) .

  1. omnivore

  2. herbivore

  3. carnivore

  4. voracious

Answer: B

Question: 209

The process by which energy is provided at the cellular level is called .

  1. respiration

  2. recreation

  3. oxidation

  4. metabolism

Answer: D

Question: 210

A series of cell divisions that results in the formation of an embryo is called .

  1. mitosis

  2. meiosis

  3. osmosis

  4. cleavage

Answer: D