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Exam Code : ASVAB
Exam Name : Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Vendor Name : "Military"

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Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

Question: 410

The wound was necrotic when examined. Necrotic means...

  1. Healing.

  2. Dying tissue.

  3. Nauseating.

  4. Infinite.

Answer: B

Question: 411

The defendant exhibited a peevish appearance. Peevish means...

  1. Immovable.

  2. Guilty.

  3. Not guilty.

  4. Irritable.

Answer: D

Question: 412

The band director was an expert at playing the piccolo. Piccolo means...

  1. Small flute.

  2. Large flute.

  3. Small drum.

  4. Small triangle.

Answer: A

Question: 413

The renter was remiss about the rent. Remiss means...

  1. Timely.

  2. Negligent.

  3. Irritable.

  4. Impoverished.

Answer: B

Question: 414

The old man was known for being sapient. Sapient means...

  1. Useless.

  2. Possessing wisdom.

  3. Perceptual.

  4. Limited.

Answer: B

Question: 415

The inventor created several specious ideas to solve the problem. Specious means...

  1. Inspired.

  2. Insufficient.

  3. Limited.

  4. Falsely plausible.

Answer: D

Question: 416

The tolerant attitude of the audience was appreciated. Tolerant means...

  1. Tireless.

  2. Calm.

  3. Indulgent.

  4. Laborious.

Answer: C

Question: 417

The verbose language used by the English teacher was tiresome to the class. Verbose means...

  1. Wordy.

  2. Expressive.

  3. Limited.

  4. Punitive.

Answer: A

Question: 418

Susan's abhorrence of darkness prevents her from leaving her house at night. Abhorrence means...

  1. Rationale.

  2. Hatred.

  3. Tremor.

  4. Belief.

Answer: B

Question: 419

The girl displayed distraught behavior when she found out her puppy was injured. Distraught means...

  1. Reckless.

  2. Shifty.

  3. Distressed.

  4. Unreasonable.

Answer: C

Question: 420

The somber crowd mourned the loss of their leader. Somber means...

  1. Bitter.

  2. Melancholy.

  3. Excited.

Answer: C

Question: 421

At age 65, the CEO of the company was retiring. He felt he had reached the acme of his profession. Acne means...

  1. Highest point.

  2. End.

  3. Bottom.

  4. Entrance.

Answer: A

Question: 422

The genteel southern girl was known for her behavior. Genteel means...

  1. Refined.

  2. Ambiguous.

  3. Smug.

  4. Loathsome.

Answer: A

Question: 423

The mother attempted to mollify her son with toys. Mollify means...

  1. Teach.

  2. Threaten.

  3. Soothe.

  4. Distract.

Question: 424

Some people accused John of thinking too much. He would sometimes ponder on a subject for months at a time. Ponder means...

  1. Resolve.

  2. Meditate.

  3. Discuss.

  4. Fret.

Answer: A

Question: 425

The young artist had an unbridled passion for watercolors. Unbridled means...

  1. Unrestrained.

  2. Unequaled.

  3. Underachieved.

  4. Distressed.

Answer: A

Question: 426

The zephyr kept the students cool while they sat outside studying. Zephyr means...

  1. Cloud.

  2. Tree.

  3. Shade.

  4. Wind.

Answer: D

Question: 427

The pianist played his rendition of a sonata. Sonata means...

  1. Instrumental composition.

  2. Piano.

  3. Play.

  4. Vocal score.

Answer: A