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Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)


Question: 165

The group instruction tasks involved several discriminations in a particular order. Select the order that the tasks followed:

  1. Auditory-auditory discrimination, auditory-visual discrimination, successive conditional discrimination

  2. Auditory-visual discrimination, auditory-auditory discrimination, successive conditional discrimination

  3. successive conditional discrimination, auditory-visual discrimination, auditory-auditory discrimination

  4. Auditory-auditory discrimination, auditory-auditory discrimination, auditory-visual discrimination

Answer: B

Question: 166 Group instruction tasks:

  1. Required progressively more difficult discriminations

  2. Required progressively less difficult discriminations

  3. Required no discrimination until task 3

  4. Required Discrimination in tasks 1 and 2 only

Answer: B

Question: 167

The four domains of ABA should be:

  1. Practiced separately

  2. integrated

  3. Used within service delivery

  4. Inform EAB

Answer: B

Question: 168

The best way to perform a direct assessment might be to:

  1. Interview the client

  2. Interview the clients teachers

  3. Observe the client in his classroom

  4. Take abc data on the client's behavior in an observation room

Answer: C

Question: 169

A director of an Autism agency hears about a study that may define a new method for treatment for picky eating at an ABA conference. She immediately instructs her supervisors to implement new procedures within the agency that follow the guidelines that she saw in the poster session. What is missing in this directors approach?

  1. The director should first discuss changes with supervisors in the field.

  2. Instead of making changes based on one study, the director might seek to replicate the study with a few clients before changing agency policy.

  3. The director should ask parents how they feel about making changes.

  4. The director should not seek to change policy based on one study alone.

Answer: B

Question: 170

Sarah's mother takes Sarah on an outing to the park. Her therapist has been working with Sarah on two-way conversation. However, when another child approaches Sarah and asks, "What's your name", Sarah hides. Sarah's mother is disappointed and thinks that her therapy sessions

must not be working. What should the therapist explain to Sarah's mother?

  1. That they just need to practice more.

  2. That in order for Sarah to learn to converse with her peers she needs to learn to discriminate between her peers.

  3. That they should do therapy sessions at the park so that the therapist can assist in the skill being practiced in the natural setting for generalization.

  4. That Sarah is not answering because she is "Shy", and she should have more playdates arranged for her.

Answer: C

Question: 171

Sarah, a behavior therapist, has found out about the website "Starfall". She thinks its great that a computer game looks like it could teach kids to read. However, when she introduces the game to Zoe, a child with autism, Zoe likes the game but instead of following the instructions she only clicks on the buttons that make funny noise. What is the problem?

  1. Zoe doesn't want to learn to read.

  2. The buttons on the game are not arranged to provide contingent reinforcement.

  3. Sarah should look into a game that is made for children with Autism.

  4. Sarah could control the mouse button for Zoe so that Zoe follows along the proper sequence and Samantha can provide the reinforcing sounds of the buttons contingent upon correct responding.

Answer: B

Question: 172

It is policy that "in an emergency" a child who is out of control may be brought to a designated "safe room" to tantrum until he or she settles down. Sam has been brought to this safe room everyday for the past two weeks. Is this an ethical practice?

  1. Yes, this policy keeps the other children safe while also providing the tantrumming child time and space to calm down.

  2. Yes, this policy is much better than restraining a child, as restraint is illegal.

  3. No, the policy states that this procedure should only be used in an emergency, and an ongoing situation should have adequate intervention to avoid use of emergency strategies.

  4. Yes, the policy indicates that this procedure should be used in an emergency, and dangerous tantrums are treated like emergency situations.

Answer: C

Question: 173

Beth, a recent graduate in Behavior Analysis who has just passed her BCBA exam, is asked to provide treatment privately to a child who has Autism. Beth would really like to take this

opportunity. Should she?

  1. No, she doesn't have enough experience yet.

  2. Maybe, it depends on whether Beth can provide an ethical service and stay connected

  3. with others in her field.

  4. No, this business is too risky and complicated. Beth could get sued for malpractice and lose her certification.

  5. Yes, she has the opportunity to start her own practice

Answer: B

Question: 174

A teacher in a kindergarten classroom decides to give out yellow candies to children who complete their desk work in under 15 minutes. Some children follow along and compete their work eagerly. Others remain uninterested in their desk work and intermittently chat with friends or doodle in their workbooks during desk work time. The teacher, frustrated, tells her friend that positive reinforcement just doesn't work for stubborn "bad" kids. What is wrong with

this teachers methods?

  1. The teacher did not give out the candy quickly enough.

  2. The teacher did not do a reinforcer assessment.

  3. The teacher did not give clear instructions.

  4. The children have along history of disobedience and so will take longer to catch on.

Answer: B

Question: 175

A behavior interventionist has been given goldfish crackers and water as "reinforcers" for a child with Autism. The therapist knows that the goldfish crackers are probably not going to remain effective for an entire 20 minute sitting with the child, and what good is water? What can this BII do to increase the effectiveness of the tools she has been provided?

  1. Give the child one cracker at a time, to try to limit satiation.

  2. Intermittantly provide water to the child.

  3. Provide either goldfish or water as a choice to the child contingent upon correct responding.

  4. Switch between providing a drink of water and then 5 goldfish crackers contingent upon correct responding.

Answer: D

Question: 176

Type question hereWhat form of reinforcement is considered responsible for the establishment of language in infants and young children?

  1. Conditioned reinforcement

  2. Automatic reinforcement

  3. Unconditioned reinforcement

  4. A, B, C

Answer: D