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IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.9 (C9003600)


Which of the following best describes the purpose of the planning phase in Spectrum Protect Plus deployment?

  1. Identifying hardware requirements

  2. Configuring retention policies

    etermining the scope and objectives of the deployment wer: D

    anation: The planning phase in Spectrum Protect Plus deployment inv mining the scope and objectives of the deployment. This includes ifying the specific data protection requirements, understanding the ex structure, and defining the goals and objectives of the deployment.

    stion: 2

    ch of the following options correctly describes the purpose of plannin trum Protect Plus deployment?

    onfiguring retention policies stablishing data protection schedules

    etermining the scope and objectives of the deployment dentifying hardware requirements

  3. Establishing data protection schedules

  4. D


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  1. C

  2. E

  3. D

  4. I

Answer: C

Explanation: Planning in Spectrum Protect Plus deployment involves determining the scope and objectives of the deployment. This includes identifying the specific data protection requirements, understanding the existing infrastructure, and defining the goals and objectives of the deployment.

Which of the following activities falls under the administration tasks in Spectrum Protect Plus?

  1. Defining data retention policies

    reating backup schedules

    anaging user access and permissions wer: D

    anation: Administration tasks in Spectrum Protect Plus involve manag ccess and permissions. This includes creating user accounts, assignin and privileges, and enforcing access controls to ensure that only orized users have the necessary permissions to perform data protectio very operations.

    stion: 4

    ng the acquisition and deployment of Spectrum Protect Plus software, h of the following tasks should be performed last?

    onfiguring backup storage targets reating backup schedules

  2. Configuring backup storage targets

  3. C

  4. M


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  1. C

  2. C

  3. Installing and configuring the Spectrum Protect Plus server

  4. Configuring retention policies Answer: D

Explanation: Configuring retention policies is typically one of the final tasks in the acquisition and deployment of Spectrum Protect Plus software. After setting

up the Spectrum Protect Plus server, configuring backup storage targets, and creating backup schedules, the next step is to define the retention policies that govern how long the backup data should be retained.

Question: 5

efining data retention policies onfiguring backup storage targets reating backup schedules stablishing disaster recovery plans

wer: B

anation: Configuration in Spectrum Protect Plus involves setting up th up storage targets. This includes configuring the storage repositories, cal disks or cloud storage, where the backup data will be stored. It als ves defining the storage settings and policies, such as compression an plication, for optimal data protection.

stion: 6

ch of the following tasks is part of the data protection and recovery ations in Spectrum Protect Plus?

Which of the following options correctly describes the purpose of configuration in Spectrum Protect Plus?

  1. D

  2. C

  3. C

  4. E


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  1. Configuring retention policies

  2. Creating backup schedules

  3. Monitoring backup performance

  4. Installing the Spectrum Protect Plus server Answer: C

Explanation: Data protection and recovery operations in Spectrum Protect Plus involve monitoring backup performance. This includes tracking the progress of backup jobs, verifying the integrity of backup data, and ensuring that the backups are completed within the defined backup windows. Monitoring backup performance helps in identifying and resolving any issues or bottlenecks that may impact the data protection process.

stion: 7

ng the acquisition and deployment of Spectrum Protect Plus software, h of the following tasks should be performed first?

onfiguring backup storage targets reating backup schedules

stalling and configuring the Spectrum Protect Plus server onfiguring retention policies

wer: C

anation: The first step in the acquisition and deployment of Spectrum ect Plus software is to install and configure the Spectrum Protect Plus er. This involves setting up the server environment, installing the soft onfiguring the necessary settings to enable data protection and recove ations.


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  1. C

  2. C

  3. In

  4. C

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Question: 8

During problem determination in Spectrum Protect Plus, which of the following activities should be performed first?

  1. Analyzing log files

  2. Restarting the Spectrum Protect Plus services

  3. Checking system resource utilization

  4. Verifying network connectivity Answer: C

ormance issues or failures. By assessing the system resource utilizatio an determine if the problem is related to resource limitations.

Explanation: In problem determination, the first step is to check the system resource utilization. This involves monitoring CPU, memory, and storage usage to identify any resource constraints or bottlenecks that may be causing

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