C1000-155 Dumps

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IBM Liberty 2023 Cloud Native Java Developer


Question: 1

Which of the following is an example of an authentication mechanism commonly used in cloud-native Java applications?


mple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) emote Method Invocation (RMI) xtensible Markup Language (XML)

wer: A

anation: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a commonly used authenticatio hanism in cloud-native Java applications. It allows for secure exchang entication and authorization information between parties, making it we d for distributed and microservices-based architectures.

stion: 2

ch technology is commonly used for containerization in the cloud-nati ystem?


  1. JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

  2. Si

  3. R

  4. E


Expl n

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Whi ve

ecos Resp

  1. Docker

  2. Apache Tomcat

  3. Apache Kafka

  4. Jenkins Answer: A

Explanation: Docker is a widely used technology for containerization in the cloud-native ecosystem. It provides a platform for building, packaging, and distributing applications as lightweight and portable containers, enabling easy deployment and scalability in cloud environments.

Question: 3

cations in the cloud-native ecosystem? onse:

enkins ubernetes nsible

pache Maven wer: B

anation: Kubernetes is a widely used container orchestration platform loud-native ecosystem. It provides powerful tools for deploying, scali anaging containerized applications, making it an essential tool for cl e Java developers.

stion: 4

Which tool is commonly used for building and managing containerized appli


  1. J

  2. K

  3. A

  4. A


Expl in

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Which technology is commonly used for data persistence in cloud-native Java applications?


  1. Relational databases

  2. XML files

  3. Flat files

  4. Message queues Answer: A

onments where data needs to be managed efficiently.

stion: 5

ch of the following best describes the concept of cloud-native Java? onse:

eveloping Java applications that can run on any cloud platform eveloping Java applications using cloud-based IDEs

eveloping Java applications that are optimized for cloud environments eveloping Java applications with a cloud-based database

wer: C

anation: Cloud-native Java refers to the practice of developing Java cations that are specifically designed and optimized to run in cloud onments. It involves leveraging cloud-native technologies, such as

Explanation: Relational databases are commonly used for data persistence in cloud-native Java applications. They provide a structured and scalable approach to storing and retrieving data, making them well-suited for cloud-native

envir Que Whi Resp

  1. D

  2. D

  3. D

  4. D

Ans Expl

appli envir

containers and microservices, to build scalable, resilient, and easily deployable applications.

Question: 6

Which tool is commonly used for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices in a cloud-native environment?


  1. Prometheus

  2. Apache Kafka

  3. Elasticsearch

    wer: A

    anation: Prometheus is a popular monitoring and alerting toolkit monly used for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices in cloud e environments. It provides powerful metrics collection and visualizat bilities, allowing developers and administrators to gain insights into th ormance and health of their microservices.

    stion: 7

    ch of the following is NOT a benefit of using microservices architectu eveloping cloud-native applications?


    mproved scalability and fault isolation nhanced developer productivity and agility mplified deployment and management

  4. RabbitMQ Ans


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Whi re

for d Resp

  1. I

  2. E

  3. Si

  4. Increased security and data integrity Answer: D

Explanation: While microservices architecture offers numerous benefits, such as improved scalability, developer productivity, and deployment simplicity, it does not inherently provide increased security and data integrity. Security

measures must still be implemented and maintained within individual microservices to ensure the security of the overall application.

Question: 8

Which component in IBM Liberty is responsible for managing Liberty server instances, including starting, stopping, and monitoring?


eature Manager erver.xml iberty Profile

iberty Control Center wer: A

anation: The Feature Manager in IBM Liberty is responsible for mana rty server instances. It allows administrators to start, stop, and monito rty servers, as well as install and uninstall features and applications.

stion: 9

ch of the following is NOT a common approach to testing microservic ud-native Java application?


  1. F

  2. S

  3. L

  4. L


Expl ging

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Whi es in

a clo Response:

  1. Unit testing

  2. Integration testing

  3. Load testing

  4. Monolithic testing

Answer: D

Explanation: Monolithic testing is not a common approach for testing microservices in a cloud-native Java application. Monolithic testing typically refers to testing a monolithic application as a whole, rather than individual microservices. In a cloud-native architecture, where applications are composed of loosely coupled microservices, testing is typically focused on individual microservices and their interactions.