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Exam Code : CCDAK
Exam Name : Confluent Certified Developer for Apache Kafka
Vendor Name : "Confluent"

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CCDAK Actual Questions Confluent CCDAK

Confluent Certified Developer for Apache Kafka

Question: 354

Which of the following is NOT a valid Kafka Connect connector type?

nk Connector rocessor Connector ransform Connector

wer: C

anation: "Processor Connector" is not a valid Kafka Connect connecto The valid connector types are Source Connector (for importing data i a), Sink Connector (for exporting data from Kafka), and Transform nector (for modifying or transforming data during the import or export ess).

stion: 355

ch of the following is a benefit of using Apache Kafka for real-time d ming?

  1. Source Connector

  2. Si

  3. P

  4. T


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  1. High-latency message delivery

  2. Centralized message storage and processing

  3. Limited scalability and throughput

  4. Inability to handle large volumes of data

  5. Fault-tolerance and high availability

Answer: E

stion: 356

ch of the following is NOT a valid deployment option for Kafka? n-premises deployment

loud deployment (e.g., AWS, Azure) ontainerized deployment (e.g., Docker) obile deployment (e.g., Android, iOS)

wer: D

anation: Mobile deployment (e.g., Android, iOS) is not a valid deploy n for Kafka. Kafka is typically deployed in server or cloud environme ndle high-throughput and real-time data streaming. It is commonly oyed onservers in on-premises data centers or in the cloud, such as A

Explanation: One of the benefits of using Apache Kafka for real-time data streaming is its fault-tolerance and high availability. Kafka is designed to provide durability, fault tolerance, and high availability of data streams. It can handle large volumes of data and offers high scalability and throughput. Kafka also allows for centralized message storage and processing, enabling real-time processing of data from multiple sources.



  1. O

  2. C

  3. C

  4. M


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(Amazon Web Services) or Azure. Kafka can also be containerized using technologies like Docker and deployed in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. However, deploying Kafka on mobile platforms like Android or iOS is not a typical use case. Kafka is designed for server-side data processing and messaging, and it is not optimized for mobile devices.

Question: 357

Which of the following is a feature of Kafka Streams?

  1. It provides a distributed messaging system for real-time data processing.

    enables automatic scaling of Kafka clusters based on load. wer: B

    anation: Kafka Streams supports exactly-once processing semantics f m processing. This means that when processing data streams using Ka ms, each record is processed exactly once, ensuring data integrity and istency. This is achieved through a combination of Kafka's transaction aging and state management features in Kafka Streams.

    stion: 358

    When designing a Kafka consumer application, what is the purpose of sett uto.offset.reset property?

  2. It supports exactly-once processing semantics for stream processing.

  3. It


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  1. To control the maximum number of messages to be fetched per poll.

  2. To specify the topic to consume messages from.

  3. To determine the behavior when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist.

  4. To configure the maximum amount of time the consumer will wait for new messages.

Answer: C

Explanation: The auto.offset.reset property is used to determine the behavior when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist. It specifies whether the consumer should automatically reset the offset to the earliest or latest available offset in such cases.

stion: 359

is the role of a Kafka producer?

consume messages from Kafka topics and process them. store and manage the data in Kafka topics.

replicate Kafka topic data across multiple brokers. publish messages to Kafka topics.

wer: D

anation: The role of a Kafka producer is to publish messages to Kafka

s. Producers are responsible for sending messages to Kafka brokers, w istribute the messages to the appropriate partitions of the specified t

ucers can be used to publish data in real-time or batch mode to Kafka er processing or consumption.



  1. To

  2. To

  3. To

  4. To

Ans Expl

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Question: 360

Which of the following is a valid way to configure Kafka producer retries?

  1. Using the retries property in the producer configuration

  2. Using the retry.count property in the producer configuration

  3. Using the producer.retries property in the producer configuration

  4. Using the producer.retry.count property in the producer configuration

    Answer: A

es that the producer will attempt in case of transient failures.

stion: 361

ch of the following is NOT a valid approach for Kafka cluster scalabil ncreasing the number of brokers

creasing the number of partitions per topic creasing the replication factor for topics ncreasing the retention period for messages

wer: D

anation: Increasing the retention period for messages is not a valid oach for Kafka cluster scalability. The retention period determines ho

essages are retained within Kafka, but it does not directly impact th

Explanation: Kafka producer retries can be configured using the retries property in the producer configuration. This property specifies the number of retri


Whi ity?

  1. I

  2. In

  3. In

  4. I

Ans Expl

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scalability of the cluster. Valid approaches for scalability include increasing the number of brokers, partitions, and replication factor.

Question: 362

Which of the following is NOT a core component of Apache Kafka?

  1. ZooKeeper

  2. Kafka Connect

  3. Kafka Streams

    anation: ZooKeeper, Kafka Connect, and Kafka Streams are all core ponents of Apache Kafka. ZooKeeper is used for coordination, hronization, and configuration management in Kafka. Kafka Connect ework for connecting Kafka with external systems. Kafka Streams is ry for building stream processing applications with Kafka. However, ka Manager" is not a core component of Kafka. It is a third-party tool anaging and monitoring Kafka clusters.

    stion: 363

    ch of the following is true about Kafka replication?

    afka replication ensures that each message in a topic is stored on mult ers for fault tolerance.

    afka replication is only applicable to log-compacted topics.

  4. Kafka Manager

    Answer: D

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  1. K iple


  2. K

  3. Kafka replication allows data to be synchronized between Kafka and external systems.

  4. Kafka replication enables compression and encryption of messages in Kafka.

    Answer: A

Explanation: Kafka replication ensures fault tolerance by storing multiple

copies of each message in a topic across different Kafka brokers. Each topic partition can have multiple replicas, and Kafka automatically handles replication and leader election to ensure high availability and durability of data.

Question: 364

is Kafka log compaction?

process that compresses the Kafka log files to save disk space. process that removes duplicate messages from Kafka topics.

process that deletes old messages from Kafka topics to free up disk s process that retains only the latest value for each key in a Kafka topic

wer: D

anation: Kafka log compaction is a process that retains only the latest ach key in a Kafka topic. It ensures that the log maintains a compact sentation of the data, removingany duplicate or obsolete messages. L paction is useful when the retention of the full message history is not red, and only the latest state for each key is needed.

stion: 365


  1. A

  2. A

  3. A pace.

  4. A .


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What is the significance of the acks configuration parameter in the Kafka producer?

  1. It determines the number of acknowledgments the leader broker must receive before considering a message as committed.

  2. It defines the number of replicas that must acknowledge the message before

    considering it as committed.

  3. It specifies the number of retries the producer will attempt in case of failures before giving up.

  4. It sets the maximum size of messages that the producer can send to the broker.

anation: The acks configuration parameter in the Kafka producer mines the number of acknowledgments the leader broker must receiv re considering a message as committed. It can be set to "all" (which m

sync replicas must acknowledge), "1" (which means only the leader owledge), or a specific number of acknowledgments.

stion: 366

ch of the following is NOT a valid method for handling Kafka messag lization?


vro rotobuf ML

Answer: A Expl

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Whi e


  1. J

  2. A

  3. P

  4. X

Answer: D

Explanation: "XML" is not a valid method for handling Kafka message serialization. Kafka supports various serialization formats such as JSON, Avro, and Protobuf, but not XML.

Which of the following is the correct command to create a new consumer group in Apache Kafka? --create --group my_group --bootstrap-server localhost:2181 --create -- group --group my_group --create wer: A

anation: The correct command to create a new consumer group in Ap a is " --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --cr up my_group". This command creates a new consumer group with th fied group name. The "--bootstrap-server" option specifies the Kafka strap server, and the "--group" option specifies the consumer group na ther options mentioned either have incorrect parameters or do not in ecessary bootstrap server information.

stion: 368

  1. --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --group my_group

  2. k

  3. k group


  4. k Ans

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What is the purpose of a Kafka producer in Apache Kafka?

  1. To consume messages from Kafka topics

  2. To manage the replication of data across Kafka brokers

  3. To provide fault tolerance by distributing the load across multiple consumers

  4. To publish messages to Kafka topics

age. They play a crucial role in the data flow of Kafka by publishing ages for consumption by consumers.

stion: 369

is the purpose of the Kafka Connect Transformer? convert Kafka messages from one topic to another

transform the data format of Kafka messages

perform real-time stream processing within a Kafka cluster manage and monitor the health of Kafka Connect connectors

wer: B

anation: The Kafka Connect Transformer is used to transform the data at of Kafka messages during the import or export process. It allows fo

Explanation: The purpose of a Kafka producer in Apache Kafka is to publish messages to Kafka topics. Producers are responsible for creating and sending messages to Kafka brokers, which then distribute the messages to the appropriate partitions of the topics. Producers can specify the topic and partition to which a message should be sent, as well as the key and value of the mess new




  1. To

  2. To

  3. To

  4. To

Ans Expl

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modification, enrichment, or restructuring of the data being transferred between Kafka and external systems by applying custom transformations to the messages.