Exam Code : CCM
Exam Name : CCMC Certified Case Manager (CCM)
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CCMC Certified Case Manager (CCM)
Which of the following is an example of a care transition intervention?
Medication reconciliation
iagnostic imaging aboratory testing
wer: A
anation: Medication reconciliation is an example of a care transition vention. Care transition interventions aim to ensure safe and seamless itions of care for patients as they move between different healthcare ngs or levels of care. Medication reconciliation involves reviewing an paring a patient's medication regimen across transitions of care to iden esolve discrepancies, reduce medication errors, and promote medicati
y. It helps ensure that patients receive the correct medications at the opriate dosages during care transitions.
Physical therapy
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When developing a care plan for a client, a case manager should prioritize:
Implementing the most cost-effective interventions
Following the preferences of the healthcare provider
Incorporating the client's goals and preferences
Minimizing the length of the treatment plan
Answer: C
ch of the following is an example of a social determinant of health tha ctcase management?
ducation level
enetic predisposition
ccess to healthcare facilities ndividual lifestyle choices
wer: A
anation: Education level. Social determinants of health are conditions rs in the social and physical environment that influence an individual' h outcomes. Education level is one such determinant that can signific ct case management. A higher level of education is associated with b h literacy, increased awareness of available resources, and improved
Explanation: When developing a care plan, a case manager should prioritize incorporating the client's goals and preferences. A client-centered approach ensures that the care plan aligns with the client's values, preferences, and desired outcomes. While cost-effectiveness and collaboration with healthcare providers are important considerations, they should not take precedence over the client's goals and preferences.
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decision-making skills, all of which can positively influence a client's engagement in their own care. Genetic predisposition (B) refers to an individual's inherent susceptibility to certain health conditions. Access to healthcare facilities (C) is another social determinant that can affect case management, as it determines the availability and proximity of healthcare services. Individual lifestyle choices (D) also play a role in health outcomes but are not classified as social determinants of health.
The process of identifying and addressing potential barriers to the client's care is known as:
isk assessment uality assurance
wer: C
anation: The process of identifying and addressing potential barriers t t's care is known as risk assessment. Case managers conduct risk sments to identify factors that may hinder the client's access to care o de their progress. By recognizing these barriers, case managers can lop strategies to overcome them and ensure the client's needs are met tively.
ch of the following ethical principles guides the practice of case agement?
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Answer: A
management. Autonomy refers to respecting and promoting the independence and self-determination of individuals. Case managers should support clients' rights to make informed decisions about their care and ensure that their preferences and choices are respected throughout the case management process.
utonomy aternalism xclusivity ndifference
wer: A
anation: Autonomy is an important ethical principle for case manager ld. Autonomy refers to respecting the individual's rights, choices, and mination. Case managers should support and empower clients to mak med decisions about their care, while also considering the client's cap rences, and values. Paternalism, on the other hand, involves making ions on behalf of the client without their involvement, which is not al he principle of autonomy. Exclusivity and indifference are not ethica iples relevant to case management.
Which of the following is an important ethical principle for case managers to upho
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Which of the following is an example of a primary prevention strategy?
Rehabilitation programs
Medication adherence counseling
Health education campaigns
Answer: D
ide information and promote healthy behaviors, are an example of pri ention. Options A, B, and C refer to secondary or tertiary prevention egies that focus on early detection, rehabilitation, and managing existi itions.
not a role of the case manager limited to legal advocacy
volves representing and supporting the client's rights and interests solely the responsibility of the client's family members
wer: C
anation: Advocacy is an important role of the case manager. Case agers act as advocates for their clients, representing and supporting the
Explanation: Primary prevention strategies aim to prevent the onset of a disease or health condition before it occurs. Health education campaigns, which
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rights and interests. They help clients navigate the healthcare system, access necessary resources, and ensure that their voice is heard in decision-making processes.
the client’s medical records
a client interview
client observation
anation: The case manager should begin with the client's medical reco using predictive modeling to forecast the risk of hospitalization for a with a chronic illness. Medical records provide valuable information the client's medical history, including past diagnoses, treatments, an italizations. Analyzing this data can help identify patterns and risk fac ontribute to hospitalization risk.
not necessary in case management practice hould focus solely on medical information
primarily the responsibility of the healthcare provider essential for communication and continuity of care
wer: D
hospitalization histories for clients with similar illness
Answer: A
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Explanation: Documentation is essential in case management practice for effective communication and continuity of care. Case managers should maintain accurate and comprehensive records that capture relevant information, interventions, and outcomes to facilitate collaboration among healthcare providers and ensure quality care delivery.
In the case management process, what is the primary purpose of goal setting?
To establish a timeline for case closure
To develop a billing schedule for services provided
To identify interventions and actions to achieve desired outcomes
wer: C
anation: The primary purpose of goal setting in the case management ess is to identify interventions and actions that will help achieve desir omes. Goals provide a roadmap for the case manager and the client, ning the specific steps and targets to be accomplished. By setting clea
the case manager can track progress, evaluate the effectiveness of ventions, and make necessary adjustments.
se manager is working with a patient who requires long-term rehabilit ces following a stroke. Which of the following settings would be mos opriate for the patient's needs?
killed nursing facility cute care hospital
To assign responsibilities to the client's family members or caregivers Ans
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Assisted living facility
Outpatient rehabilitation center
Answer: D
Explanation: Outpatient rehabilitation center. Following a stroke, a patient may require ongoing rehabilitation services to regain functional abilities. Outpatient
rehabilitation centers are designed to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services while allowing patients to reside in their own homes or community settings. These centers offer a range of therapies, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, to support the patient's recovery and maximize their independence. This setting is often preferred when the patient's condition is stable and they can actively participate in their rehabilitation program.
ch of the following is an essential component of effective case manag mentation?
sing complex medical terminology to ensure accuracy. cluding personal opinions and subjective observations. ecording objective and factual information.
ocumenting only the positive aspects of the patient's progress. wer: C
anation: An essential component of effective case management mentation is recording objective and factual information. Documentat ld be accurate, concise, and free from personal biases or opinions. ctive documentation helps to ensure clear communication among the hcare team and supports continuity of care.
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In which setting would a case manager most likely work with clients?
Elementary school
Corporate office
Rehabilitation center
Retail store
Answer: C
ch of the following is a primary goal of integrated case management? ase managers focus on one discipline.
team of case managers address all of a client's needs.
ne primary case manager addresses all of a client's needs. ost containment.
wer: C
anation: Integrated case management aims to provide comprehensive dinated care by having one primary case manager address all of a clie
s. This approach ensures continuity of care, enhances communication ng healthcare providers, and promotes a holistic approach to managin t's healthcare journey.
Explanation: A rehabilitation center is a setting where case managers commonly work with clients who require comprehensive rehabilitation services. Case managers collaborate with healthcare providers, therapists, and other professionals to coordinate care and support clients in their recovery proc
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