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CDCS-001 Real Questions CDCS-001 Practice Test CDCS-001 Actual Questions



Certified Data Centre Specialist (CDCS) R18

Question: 404

MOC acts as the OPR for maintenance policy guidance in the maintenance group.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: B

Question: 404

Maintenance cross-tells are used for what purpose?

  1. To make maintenance effort more efficient

  2. To provide a source of experienced personnel

  3. To allow for increased repair flexibility while maintaining lower overall repair costs

  4. To highlight trends benchmarks or safety conditions relating to maintenance equipment, personnel, training or processes

Answer: D

Question: 405

How can a successful R&M program be defined?

  1. It is one that promotes the ability to identify & correct system defeciencies before they affect combat capability

  2. Should normally cover only one receiver

  3. Gives maintenance managers golbal visibility of all repair assets

  4. To increase local repair capability where appropriate & reduce the overall cost of operations

Answer: A

What should typically be included in a maintenance cross-tell report in addition to details such as NSN, P/N & specific location of problem areas?

  1. Unscheduled maintenance caused because of problems & downtime

  2. Economics of repair & component reliability

  3. Relevant background information & history

  4. LOX & fuel load on jet

Answer: C

Question: 407

An AF civil service employee can act as the POC for an OI.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE

Answer: A

Question: 408

What section within the MXG has overall responsibility for managing the ACM database for the wing?

  1. MOC

  2. MOF PS&D

  3. MOS

  4. MTF

Answer: B

What are the two major goals of Intermediate Repair Enhancement Program (IREP) meetings?

  1. To increase local repair capability where appropriate

  2. Provide a source of experienced personnel

  3. Reduce the overall cost of operations

  4. Reduce shift times

Answer: A,C

Question: 410

How often must temporary modifications be reapproved with HQ USAF/A4M?

  1. Monthly

  2. Quarterly

  3. Annually

  4. Weekly

Answer: C

Question: 411

When the scope of an OI will cross organizational group lines, at what level should it be published?

  1. Group

  2. Wing

  3. Squadron

  4. Flight

Answer: B

Question: 412

In order of increasing capability, what are the three seperate levels of maintenance?

  1. Organizational, intermediate, depot

  2. Intermediate, depot, organizational

  3. Depot, intermediate, organizational

  4. Organizational, depot, intermediate

Answer: A

Question: 413

To the greatest extent possible, how should maintenance be performed?

  1. As quickly as possible

  2. On a preplanned scheduled basis

  3. Shady as long as you have your TO

  4. Safely

Answer: B