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Exam Code : CEH-001
Exam Name : Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v.11)
Vendor Name : "GAQM"

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Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v.11)

Question: 871

What is SYSKEY # of bits used for encryption?

  1. 40

  2. 64

  3. 128

  4. 256

Answer: C

System Key hotfix is an optional feature which allows stronger encryption of SAM.

Strong encryption protects private account information by encrypting the password data using a

128-bit cryptographically random key, known as a password encryption key.

Question: 872

Which of the following is NOT true of cryptography?

  1. Science of protecting information by encoding it into an unreadable format

  2. Method of storing and transmitting data in a form that only those it is intended for can read and process

  3. Most (if not all) algorithms can be broken by both technical and non-technical means

  4. An effective way of protecting sensitive information in storage but not in transit

Answer: D

Explanation: Cryptography will protect data in both storage and in transit.

Question: 873

Which of the following best describes session key creation in SSL?

A. It is created by the server after verifying theuser's identity B. It is created by the server upon connection by the client C. It is created by the client from the server's public key

D. It is created by the client after verifying the server's identity

Answer: D

Explanation: An SSL session always begins with an exchange of messages called the SSL handshake. The handshake allows the server to authenticate itself to the client using public-key techniques, then allows the client and the server to cooperate in the creation of symmetric keys used for rapid encryption, decryption, and tamper detection during the session that follows. Optionally, the handshake also allows the client to authenticate itself to the server.

Question: 874

How many bits encryption does SHA-1 use?

A. 64 bits B. 128 bits C. 160 bits D. 256 bits

Answer: C

Explanation: SHA-1 (as well as SHA-0) produces a 160-bit digest from a message with a maximum length of 264 - 1 bits, and is based on principles similar to those used by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT in the design of the MD4 and MD5 message digest algorithms.

Question: 875

There is some dispute between two network administrators at your company. Your boss asks you to come and meet with the administrators to set the record straight. Which of these are true about PKI and encryption?

Select the best answers.

  1. PKI provides data with encryption, compression, and restorability.

  2. Public-key encryption was invented in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman.

  3. When it comes to eCommerce, as long as you have authenticity, and authenticity, you

    do not need encryption.

  4. RSA is a type of encryption.

Answer: B,D

Explanation: PKI provides confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the messages

exchanged between these two types of systems. The 3rd party provides the public key and the receiver verifies the message with a combination of the private and public key. Public- key encryption WAS invented in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. The famous hashing algorithm Diffie-Hellman was named after them. The RSA Algorithm is created by the RSA Security company that also has created other widely used encryption algorithms.

Question: 876

A client has approached you with a penetration test requirements. They are concerned with the possibility of external threat, and have invested considerable resources in protecting their Internet exposure. However, their main concern is the possibility of an employee elevating his/her privileges and gaining access to information outside of their respective department.

What kind of penetration test would you recommend that would best address the client‘s concern?

A. A Black Box test B. A Black Hat test C. A Grey Box test D. A Grey Hat test E. A White Box test F. A White Hat test

Answer: C

Question: 877

In which of the following should be performed first in any penetration test?

  1. System identification

  2. Intrusion Detection System testing

  3. Passive information gathering

  4. Firewall testing

Answer: C

Question: 878

Vulnerability mapping occurs after which phase of a penetration test?

  1. Host scanning

  2. Passive information gathering

  3. Analysis of host scanning

  4. Network level discovery

Answer: C


The order should be Passive information gathering, Network level discovery, Host scanning and Analysis of host scanning.