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CFRN Real Questions CFRN Practice Test CFRN Actual Questions Nursing CFRN

Certified Flight Registered Nurse

  1. status epilepticus

  2. trismus

  3. drug overdose

  4. head injury

Answer: A


The most effective means of minimizing heat loss and facilitating survival in open water is to tread water.

  1. False

  2. True

Answer: A


Which of the following statements comprises a component of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)?

  1. Any patient who arrives at an emergency department and requests an examination to determine the presence or absence of an emergency medical condition shall be provided such an examination.

  2. If a patient must be transferred, the transfer facility must have the space and personnel necessary to care for the patient.

  3. In the case of a patient transfer, the referring facility must provide all necessary documentation to the transfer facility.

  4. In the case of a patient transfer, qualified personnel, necessary medical equipment, and the most appropriate transport mode must be available.

  5. All of the above statements comprise components of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act(EMTALA).

Answer: E