CHPN Dumps CHPN Braindumps

CHPN Real Questions CHPN Practice Test CHPN Actual Questions Nursing CHPN

HPCC Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse

Question: 1

In the management of severe pain, which of the following medications is typically considered the first-line treatment?

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

  2. Opioids


    wer: B

    anation: Opioids are typically considered the first-line treatment for se They are potent analgesic medications that can effectively relieve erate to severe pain. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in th al nervous system, thereby reducing the perception of pain. However, rtant for the hospice nurse to carefully assess and monitor the patient' onse to opioids and adjust the dosage as needed to achieve optimal pai

    while minimizing side effects.

    stion: 2

    ch of the following is an example of neuropathic pain? one pain

  3. Acetaminophen

  4. A


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  1. B

  2. Visceral pain

  3. Phantom limb pain

  4. Musculoskeletal pain

Explanation: Phantom limb pain is a type of neuropathic pain that occurs after the amputation of a limb. It is characterized by pain sensations originating from the amputated limb, even though the limb is no longer present. This type of pain is believed to result from damage to the nerves in the residual limb and the brain's perception of the missing limb. It is important for the hospice nurse to recognize neuropathic pain and provide appropriate interventions to manage and alleviate the patient's symptoms.

stion: 3

ch of the following interventions is an example of a non-pharmacologi oach to pain management?

dministering opioids

rescribing antidepressant medication erforming palliative surgery

pplying cold packs wer: D

anation: Applying cold packs is an example of a non-pharmacologic oach to pain management. Non-pharmacologic interventions involve niques or therapies that do not involve medication administration. Col

can help reduce pain and inflammation by numbing the affected are tricting blood vessels. They can be a useful adjunct to pharmacologic agement strategies. Hospice nurses should be knowledgeable about va


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  1. A

  2. P

  3. P

  4. A

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non-pharmacologic interventions toprovide holistic care and address pain using a multimodal approach.

Question: 4

A 67-year-old patient who has end-stage pancreatic cancer reports a progressively decreased ability to perform activities of daily living and

significant weight loss. The hospice nurse knows that

  1. The symptoms that the patient has reported are not related to the cancer diagnosis

  2. The patient will recover from this exacerbation but will not return to the previous level of functioning

    he interdisciplinary team should discuss appetite-enhancing medicatio he use of a stimulant to combat fatigue

    wer: C

    anation: In end-stage pancreatic cancer, a progressively decreased abil rform activities of daily living and significant weight loss are commo ators of the beginning of a predictable period of decline. These sympt elated to the cancer diagnosis and signify a decline in the patient's ition. It is important for the hospice nurse to recognize these sympto rovide appropriate care and support to the patient during this period.

    stion: 5

    ch of the following is an example of an adjuvant medication used in p agement?

  3. The patient’s symptoms are consistent with the beginning of a predictable period of decline commonly associated with cancer diagnoses

  4. T ns

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  1. Gabapentin

  2. Ibuprofen

  3. Morphine

  4. Fentanyl

stion: 6

ch of the following is an example of a complementary therapy used in ative care?

alliative surgery adiation therapy sychological therapy cupressure

wer: D

anation: Acupressure is an example of a complementary therapy used ative care. Complementary therapies are non-conventional treatments sed alongside conventional medical care to enhance well-being and iate symptoms. Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific po e body to promote relaxation, relieve pain, and improve overall well-

Explanation: Gabapentin is an example of an adjuvant medication used in pain management. Adjuvant medications are medications that are not primarily intended to treat pain but can enhance the analgesic effect of other pain medications. Gabapentin is commonly used to treat neuropathic pain and can be used in combination with opioids or other analgesics to provide synergistic pain relief. Hospice nurses should be familiar with different adjuvant medications and their indications to optimize pain management for their patients.


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  1. P

  2. R

  3. P

  4. A


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being. It can be a valuable addition to the comprehensive care provided by hospice nurses to support patients in managing pain and improving their quality of life.

Question: 7

  1. To identify the maximum safe dosage of the medication

  2. To determine the frequency of medication administration

  3. To evaluate the patient's tolerance to the medication

    anation: The primary goal of determining the baseline and breakthrou when titrating medication for pain management is to establish the mum effective dosage of the medication. This involves finding the lo that provides adequate pain relief without causing excessive side effe dentifying the minimum effective dosage, the hospice nurse can optim

    anagement while minimizing the risk of adverse reactions.

    stion: 8

    ch of the following factors may influence a patient's experience of pai ear

    ll of the above ultural beliefs atigue

    wer: B

  4. To establish the minimum effective dosage of the medication Answer: D

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Whi n?

  1. F

  2. A

  3. C

  4. F


Explanation: All of the above factors may influence a patient's experience of pain. Fear, fatigue, and cultural beliefs are just a few examples of the many factors that can impact how a patient perceives and experiences pain. Hospice nurses should consider these factors when assessing and managing pain in order to provide holistic and patient-centered care.

Which of the following is a nonverbal indicator of pain in a non- communicative patient?

  1. Reporting location of pain

  2. Verbalizing pain intensity

    ointing to the painful area

    wer: C

    anation: Grimacing is a nonverbal indicator of pain commonly observ communicative patients who are unable to verbally express their pain. ves facial expressions such as frowning, tightening of facial muscles, ing. Nonverbal indicators of pain are important cues for the hospice n sess and evaluate pain in patients who are unable to communicate ver wing for appropriate pain management interventions to be implemente

  3. Grimacing

  4. P


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