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Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse


Which of the following is the BEST description of naturopathy?

  1. A system that focuses on strengthening the body's defense mechanisms rather than trying to heal particular disease symptoms.

  2. A system that involves balancing qi (vital energy) by inserting tiny needles into specific sites referred to as acupoints.

  3. A system that involves applying pressure or electric stimulation at acupoints to promote healing.

  4. A system that involves various manipulations of muscles and joints and alignment of the spine to maintain health.

Answer: A


A patient with a spinal cord injury develops signs of autonomic dysreflexia (sweating and flushing above injury, severe headache, nasal congestion, anxiety, nausea). He first does a pressure release and checks his indwelling catheter, which is in place and draining freely. What should he do next?

  1. Perform digital stimulation to stimulate a bowel movement.

  2. Lie down flat.

  3. Call 9-1-1.

  4. Take nifedipine or nitroglycerine sublingually.

Answer: A


Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) for those with stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI) includes constraint of the uninvolved upper extremity and which of the following other measure(s)?

  1. Forced use of weakened limbs for 90 minutes daily.

  2. Massed practice.

  3. Forced use of weakened limbs for 90% of waking hours and massed practice.

  4. Doing progressively more difficult tasks in small steps for 90 minutes daily with positive reinforcement.

Answer: C


A patient with a spinal cord injury has developed a stage II pressure ulcer (4 cm in diameter) on the medial aspect of the right knee. In addition to relieving pressure, which of the following is the MOST appropriate treatment?

  1. Cleanse with antiseptic and expose to the air.

  2. Apply wet-to-dry saline dressings.

  3. Cleanse with normal saline and apply a hydrocolloid dressing.

  4. Apply a heat lamp to the area 3 times daily.

Answer: C


A 19-year-old man with an above-knee right amputation is depressed and refuses to see his parents. The parents ask the rehabilitation nurse for an update on their son's condition. Which of the following is MOST appropriate in accordance with HIPAA regulations?

  1. Advise the parents that information regarding the patient's condition is private.

  2. Provide a brief general update, without specific details

  3. Refer the parents to the physician to get information.

  4. Tell the patient he should speak to his parents.

Answer: A