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Dietetic Technician Registered


Question: 35

A hospital coffee shop has monthly sales of $26,892. The coffee shop’s monthly

expenses are as follows: Cost of sales = $10,825 Salaries = $8,597 FICA = $2,150 Supplies = $1,975 Utilities = $2,345 What is the coffee shop’s profit margin for the month?

  1. 2%

  2. 4%

  3. 6%

  4. 8%

Answer: B

The coffee shop’s profit margin for the month is 4%, as calculated below: Net profit = monthly sales - (cost of sales + salaries + FICA + supplies + utilities) Net profit = $26,892 - ($10,825 + $8,597 + $2,150 + $1,975 + $2,345) Net profit =

$1,000 Profit margin = net profit / sales Profit margin = $1,000 / $26,892 Profit

margin = 0.037 ˜ 0.04 = 4%

Question: 36

The requirement for dietary sodium:

  1. Has been well-established through use of dose-response trials

  2. Is higher among pregnant women than non-pregnant women

  3. May vary with physical exertion and health status

  4. All of the above

Answer: C

The requirement for dietary sodium may vary with physical exertion and health status, increasing with exercise and some metabolic disorders such as cystic fibrosis. Sodium needs in the general population are not well understood, and there is insufficient evidence to suggest that they are higher among pregnant versus non-pregnant women.

Question: 37

Dietary zinc may promote wound healing by which of the following mechanisms?

  1. Promotes epithelial cell differentiation

  2. Reduces the inflammatory response

  3. Prevents oxidation of lipids in cell membranes

  4. Increases collagen synthesis

Answer: D

Dietary zinc may promote wound healing by increasing collagen synthesis at the site of the wound. Collagen synthesis is essential for tissue repair.

Question: 38

Low-salt syndrome may be caused by:

  1. Extreme sodium restriction due to congestive heart failure

  2. Decreased glomerular filtration rate

  3. Adrenal gland insufficiency

  4. All of the above

Answer: D

Low-salt syndrome is occasionally seen in individuals with congestive heart failure who are being treated with severe sodium restriction. It may also be caused by decreased glomerular filtration rate in renal disease, and by adrenal gland insufficiency, both of which affect the body’s ability to retain sodium.

Question: 39

Problems encountered in delivering nutrition services to migrant populations


  1. Lack of portable medical records

  2. Limited access to referral systems

  3. Absence of continuity of care

  4. All of the above

Answer: D

Problems encountered in delivering nutrition services to migrant populations include lack of portable medical records, limited access to referral systems, and absence of continuity of care. Because migrant populations move often to different geographical locations, it is difficult to track and contact them using traditional methods.

Question: 40

Which of the following is true for reactive hypoglycemia?

  1. It is defined as a plasma glucose level less than 70 mg/dl.

  2. It is treated with a diet high in complex carbohydrates.

  3. It is diagnosed by measuring blood glucose levels one hour after eating.

  4. Peak insulin activity occurs 90-180 minutes after food is eaten.

Answer: D

In reactive hypoglycemia peak insulin activity occurs 90-180 minutes after food is eaten, vs. the normal insulin response which occurs 30-60 minutes after eating. Reactive hypoglycemia is defined as a plasma glucose level than 50 mg/dl, is treated with a moderate carbohydrate (40 to 55%) diet, and is diagnosed by measuring blood glucose levels immediately after eating.