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GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability

Question #748

Of all the possible disasters that threaten the upcoming Olympic games, the possibility of forceful winds affecting the rowing venue is maybe the more difficult for analysis.

  1. is maybe the more difficult for analysis.

  2. is probably the most difficult for analysis.

  3. is maybe the most difficult for analysis.

  4. is probably the more difficult for analysis.

  5. is, it may be, the analysis that is most difficult.

Answer: B

The best answer is B. The sentence compares one thing, forceful winds affecting the rowing venue, to all other possible disasters. Therefore, the superlative form, most, is required. The use of maybe is unidiomatic.

Question #749

A warrant was issued on Sunday by a New York prosecutor for the arrest of Henry Urick, until recently chairman of the mobile telecommunications company

Telecom, including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.

  1. including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.

  2. along with eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.

  3. and including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.

  4. for eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.

  5. and for including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire

Answer: B

The best answer is B. The preposition for governs both Henry Urick and eleven other"¦ so along with is sufficient. In choice A, C and E, the word including is used incorrectly because the other people were arrested in addition to Henry Urick, and not included in his arrest

Question #750

Having seen first-hand this recipe for disaster, Roberta Henson wished to make clear that free trade is unfair and that poor nations should be liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model, promoted by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.

  1. Roberta Henson wished to make clear that free trade is unfair and that poor nations should be liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,

  2. Roberta Henson wished to make clear that free trade is unfair and that poor nations should being liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,

  3. free trade was called unfair by Roberta Henson, who wished to make clear that poor nations should be liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,

  4. free trade was called unfair by Roberta Henson, who wished to make clear that poor nations should being liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,

  5. free trade was called unfair by Roberta Henson, who wished to clarify that poor nations should be liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,

Answer: A

The best answer is A. Choices C, D and E present dangling modifiers. Choice B incorrectly places the gerund being after the model, should.

Question #751

The exhibition of ancient Egyptian funerary art "" imposing statues, intricately painted coffins, and numerous accoutrements, drew hundreds of people each day, equivalent to the number of visitors to last year's Impressionist


  1. equivalent to the number of visitors to last year's Impressionist show.

  2. the equivalent of those that visited last year's Impressionist show.

  3. equal to those who visited

  4. as many as the visitation to

  5. as many as visited

Answer: E

The best answer is E. The phrases equivalent to, the equivalent of, and equal to have too broad a range of meanings to be used precisely here. As many as is preferable. Choice D compares the hundreds of people incorrectly to enrollment.

Question #752

Mahatma Gandhi's is credited as having championed a nonviolent approach to reform as a practical and moral means to struggle against social injustice.

  1. as having

  2. with having

  3. to have

  4. as the one who

  5. for being the one who

Answer: B

The best answer is B. In English it is idiomatic usage to credit someone with having done something.

Question #753

Denying that one of its many irregularities had been the long-term mismanaging of company funds, the AD & M company produced clear evidence to back its claim.

  1. its many irregularities had been the long-term

  2. its many irregularities has been the long-term

  3. its many irregularities is the long-term

  4. their many irregularities is the long-term

  5. their many irregularities had been the long-term

Answer: A

The best answer is A. The singular pronoun its agrees in number with the singular noun referent AD & M; the past perfect verb form had been is used appropriately to refer to an action completed prior to the action of the simple past tense produced.

Question #754

Lewis and Clark were not the first white men to cross the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific north of Mexico, and they did not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.

  1. and did not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.

  2. and they did not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.

  3. and they had not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.

  4. nor had they visited places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.

  5. nor did they visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.

Answer: E

The best answer is E. Being the second thing that Lewis and Clark did not do, the word nor is required. The first negative phrase is in the past simple, so the second one must be in past simple form as well.

Question #755

Electric boats have eliminated the noise pollution that conventional powerboats made and reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, threatening fish and bird life.

  1. reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, threatening fish and bird life.

  2. reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, threaten fish and bird life.

  3. reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, to threaten fish and bird life.

  4. reduced the loathsome discharges of oil that fouled American rivers and lakes, to threaten fish and bird life.

  5. reduced the loathsome discharges of oil that fouled American rivers and lakes, threatening fish and bird life.

Answer: E

The best answer is E. The form of the word reduce is governed by first verb phrase because it continues in a parallel construction: Have eliminated.. and reduced.

Question #756

Being literal-minded about the afterlife, both royalty and commoners arranged to fill their tombs with household objects, each object a necessity for daily life, ready for use

  1. each object a necessity for daily life, ready for use.

  2. all the objects a necessity for daily life, ready for use.

  3. all the objects a necessity for daily life, they are ready for use.

  4. every object a necessity for daily life, it is ready for use.

  5. each object a necessity for daily life, was ready for use.

Answer: A

The best answer is A. In choice A, the words object and necessity, both singular, agree.

Question #757

Among the era's triumphs were the Civil Rights Act of 1964, barring segregation in public places; the 24th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1964, prohibiting the poll tax; and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which ordered the state should abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.

  1. should abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.

  2. would abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.

  3. to abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.

  4. abolishing of literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.

  5. the abolishing of literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote

Answer: C

The infinitive to abolish follows the verb ordered, producing the grammatical and idiomatic sequence X ordered Y to do Z.

Question #758

The Sumerians, who founded the first cities, not only invented writing, created poetry and the rule of law, and were also extraordinary craftsmen.

  1. and were also extraordinary craftsmen.

  2. but were also extraordinary craftsmen.

  3. but also were extraordinary craftsmen.

  4. but also fashioned extraordinary crafts.

  5. and also fashioned extraordinary crafts.

Answer: D

The best answer is D. Choice d correctly uses the not only"¦ but also"¦ construction, with parallel phrases.

Question #759

Government policies should ensure that network owners charge nondiscriminatory prices to any client who wants to use their home network to distribute information.

  1. who wants to use their home network to distribute information

  2. who wants to be using his home network to distribute information

  3. who wants to use his home network to distribute information

  4. which wants to use his home network to distribute information

  5. which wants to use their home network to distribute information

Answer: C

The pronoun there is inappropriate because it refers to the singular noun phrase: any client, and must be replaced by his.