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Graduate Management Admission Test: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Quantitative section, Verbal section 2024

Question: 1491

For every X, the action [X] is defined: [X] is the greatest integer less than or equal to X. What is the value of [6.5] x [2/3] + [2] x 7.2 + [8.4] 6.6?

A. 12.6.

B. 14.4.

C. 15.8.

D. 16.2.

E. 16.4.

Answer: C


[6.5] x [2/3] + [2] x 7.2 + [8.4] 6.6 = 6 x 0 + 2 x 7.2 + 8 – 6.6 = 15.8

Question: 1492

What is the decimal equivalent of ( )2

A. 0.0032

B. 0.032

C. 0.00625

D. 0.003125

E. 0.0016

Answer: E


( )4 = ( )4 = = 16 x 10-4 = 0.0016

Question: 1493

How many four-digit numbers that do not contain the digits 3 or 6 are there?

  1. 2401

  2. 3584

  3. 4096

  4. 5040

  5. 7200

Answer: B


The first digit has 7 possibilities (10 0, 3 and 6). The other three digits have 8 possibilities each. 7*8*8*8= 3584. The correct answer is B.

Question: 1494

The telephone company wants to add an area code composed of 2 letters to every phone number. In order to do so, the company chose a special sign language containing 124 different signs. If the company used 122 of the signs fully and two remained unused, how many additional area codes can be created if the company uses all 124 signs?

  1. 246

  2. 248

  3. 492

D. 15,128

E. 30,256

Answer: C


The phone company already created 122*122 area codes, now it can create 124*124. 1242-1222= (124+122) (124-

122) = 246*2 = 492 additional codes.

Question: 1495

The average (arithmetic mean) of seven numbers is 12.2. If the sum of four of these numbers is 42.8, what is the average of the other 3 numbers?

  1. 12.4

  2. 14.2

  3. 16.8

  4. 18.6

  5. 19.2

Answer: B


This is an average problem, so use the average formula. If the average of 7 numbers is 12.2, we can solve for their sum: 7 × 12.2 = 85.4. If four of these numbers total 42.8, then by subtracting 42.8 from 85.4, we get the sum of the other three numbers, 42.6. To find the average of these three numbers, we divide their sum by their number: 42.6/3 = 14.2.

Question: 1496

A is a prime number (A>2). If C = A3, by how many different integers can C be equally divided?

  1. 3.

  2. 4.

  3. 5.

  4. 6

  5. 7

Answer: B


Factorize C: C = A x A x A: C can be equally divided into 1, A, A2, and A3 =C is 4 numbers total. The correct answer is B.

Question: 1497

If X is a positive integer and (405) 4 is a multiple of 3X, what is the largest possible value of X?

  1. 5.

  2. 12.

  3. 16.

  4. 20

  5. 26.

Answer: C


Find the factors of (405) 4 and see what the largest value of X can be. 405 = 81 x 5 = 9 x 9 x 5 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 –

(405) 4 = (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5) 4 = 316 x 54. The largest possible value of 3X that is still a factor of (405) 4 is the largest possible value of X and that is 316. X = 16. The correct answer is C.

Question: 1498

N is a prime number bigger than 5. Which of the following expressions must be even?

A. (N+2)2. B. N2+2.

C. N (N+2).

D. (N+1) (N+2). E. (N 2)2.

Answer: D


Answer D is a multiplication of two consecutive numbers, therefore one of them must be even, and an even number multiplied by a different number is an even number.

Question: 1499

On a map, 1 inch represents 28 miles. How many inches would be necessary to represent a distance of 383.6 miles?

  1. 5.2

  2. 7.4

  3. 13.7

  4. 21.2

  5. 28.7

Answer: C


This is a proportion problem. Dividing the requested amount of miles by the reference amount would give us the answer in inches. 383.6 / 28 = 13.7 inches.

Question: 1500

15 Java programmers, working in a constant pace, finish a web page in 3 days. If after one day, 9 programmers quit, how many more days are needed to finish the remainder of the job?

  1. 5.

  2. 2.

  3. 8.

  4. 4.

  5. 6.

Answer: A


The total working days for finishing a web page are (15 x 3) 45. If after one day 9 programmers quit, only 15 working days are done and the rest of the programmers (6) Need to finish (45 15) 30 days of work. It will take them 5 more days.

Question: 1501

Tim and Élan are 90 miles away from one another. They are starting to move towards each other simultaneously, Tim at a speed of 10 Mph and Élan at a speed of 5 Mph. If every hour they multiply their speeds, what is the distance that Tim will pass until he meets Élan?

  1. 30 miles.

  2. 35 miles.

  3. 45 miles.

  4. 60 miles

  5. 65 miles

Answer: D


Tim is traveling at twice the speed of Élan, and so will be after they multiply their speeds. In other words, their speeds will always be at a 2:1 ratio no matter what and therefore the ratio between the roads that they’ll pass will also be 2:1 or 60 miles to 30 miles. Tim will go through 60 miles.

Question: 1502

An investment yields an interest payment of $228 each month. If the simple annual interest rate is 9%, what is the amount of the investment?

A. $28,300 B. $30,400 C. $31,300 D. $32,500 E. $35,100

Answer: B


Principal × percent interest × time = interest earned Principle × (0.09) × 1/12 = $228.

Solve to find the principal (228 × 12)/0.09= $30,400. The correct answer is B.

Question: 1503

In a psychology school the grade of the students is determined by the following method: At the end of the first year the grade equals to twice the age of the student. From then on, the grade is determined by twice the age of the student plus half of his grade from the previous year. If Joey’s grade at the end of the first year is 40, what will be his grade at the

end of the third year?

  1. 44.

  2. 56.

  3. 62.

  4. 75.

  5. 80.

Answer: D


From the grade 40 at the end of the first year we learn that his age is 20. At the end of the second year, he will be 21 and his grade will be (21 x 2 + ½ x 40 = 62).

At the end of the third year, he will be 22 and his grade will be (22 x 2 + ½ x 62 = 75). The correct answer is D.

Question: 1504

Roy is now 4 years older than Erik and half of that amount older than Iris. If in 2 years, Roy will be twice as old as Erik, then in 2 years what would be Roy’s age multiplied by Iris’s age?

  1. 8

  2. 28

  3. 48

  4. 50

  5. 52

Answer: C


Translate piece by piece into numbers. R (Roy) = Erik E. + 4. The second equation: R = I (Iris) + 2. The third equation: R +7 = 2(E + 7). We have three equations with three variables. Roy is 6, Iris is 4 and Erik is 2. In four years Erik would be 6 and Iris 8, the answer is 48. The correct answer is C.