HCISPP Dumps HCISPP Braindumps HCISPP Real Questions HCISPP Practice Test

HCISPP Actual Questions

killexams.com ISC2 HCISPP

HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner


Question: 89


PA calls for severe civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance, including: up to $25k for multiple violations of the same standard in a calendar year

up to $250k and/or imprisonment up to 10 years for knowing misuse of individually identifiable health ation.

PA calls for severe civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance, includes: up to 50k for multiple violations of the same standard in a calendar year

up to $500k and/or imprisonment up to 10 years for knowing misuse of individually identifiable health ation

PA calls for severe civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance, including: up to $100 for multiple violations of the same standard in a calendar year

up to $750k and/or imprisonment up to 20 years for knowing misuse of individually identifiable health ation

r: B

on: 90

terpretation of a law that is written by the responsible regulatory agency.

Conference ulations


r: B

on: 91

Are there penalties under HIPPA?

  1. No p

  2. HIP

  3. HIP

  4. HIP



Is an in

  1. Joint

  2. Reg

  3. Lice



Flemming discovered The Cannon of Medicine.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: B

Question: 92

What is a Covered Entity? The term "Covered Entity" is defined in 160.103 of the regulation.

  1. The definition is complicate and long.

  2. The definition is referred to in the Secure Computing Act

  3. The definition is very detailed.

  4. The definition is deceptively simple and short

Answer: D

Question: 93

s, or services offered to a third-party provider’s customers? urity

acy ess


r: C ation: nce:



on: 94

acial/ethnic group is growing the fastest? te

Black or African American Asian or Pacific Islander


r: D

on: 95

Which of the following trust services principles refers to the accessibility of information used by the systems, product

  1. Sec

  2. Priv

  3. Acc

  4. Ava

Answe Explan Refere

https:// ust-



Which r

A. Whi B.


D. His



True or False? Globalization of health care has produced positive effects in both developed and developing countries.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: B

Question: 96

The Hippocratic Oath was in the Medieval time period.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: A

Question: 97

The Flexner Report, published in 1910, reported on.

  1. Disease trends

  2. Standards of training in medical schools

    tate of medical specialization

    r: B

    on: 98

    Business Associates

    ntities that perform services that require the use of Protected Health Information on behalf of Covered E vered entity may be a business partner of another covered entity

    ntities that do not perform services that require the use of Protected Health Information on behalf of Co One covered entity may be a business partner of another covered entity

    ntities that perform services that require the use of Encrypted Insurance Information on behalf of Cover One covered entity may be a business partner of another covered entity

    ntities that perform services that require the use of Protected Health Information on behalf of Covered E vered entity cannot be a business partner of another covered entity.

    r: A

    on: 99

    ssessing an organization’s security policy according to standards established by the International Organi ndardization (ISO) 27001 and 27002, when can management responsibilities be defined?

    when assets are clearly defined when standards are defined when controls are put in place procedures are defined

  3. Rates of deaths in U.S. hospitals

  4. The s



  1. are e ntities.

    One co

  2. are e vered


  3. are e ed


  4. are e ntities.

One co



When a zation

for Sta

  1. Only

  2. Only

  3. Only

  4. Only

Answer: A

Question: 100

You always abide by the HIPAA privacy rule.

  1. True

  2. False

Answer: B