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HDI Qualified Help Desk Senior Analyst



What are two ways for an HDSA to help develop a supportive and friendly work environment? (Choose 2)

  1. Agree with everything everyone says.

  2. Take exclusive responsibility for projects.

  3. Participate in and encourage communication.

  4. Demonstrate individual responsibility.

Answer: C, D


Which are two characteristics of active listeners? (Choose two)

  1. They acknowledge the customer.

  2. They restate/paraphrase to ensure understanding.

  3. They understand that evidence and reasoning are critical.

  4. They know the process for escalating a problem.

Answer: A, B


What is the best description of multi-tasking? (Choose 1)

  1. Completing one job before starting the next one.

  2. Starting tasks and handing them to subordinates to complete.

  3. Delegating all responsibility along with all tasks.

  4. Being capable of handling a variety of problems at the same time.

Answer: D


  1. Using synonyms.

  2. Using parroting.

  3. Using the passive voice.

  4. Using complex sentence patterns.

Answer: A


What are three things to consider when determining new help desk equipment requirements? (Choose three)

  1. The expected call volume.

  2. The budget available for new equipment.

  3. The number of expected help desk personnel.

  4. The functionality advertised with the most popular systems.

Answer: A, B, C


What is used to set customer expectations? (Choose 1)

  1. Root cause processes.

  2. Work flow procedures.

  3. Service level agreements.

  4. Standard operating procedures.

Answer: C


A cross-functional team . (Choose 1)

  1. Utilises the resources of one team to cover for a shortage of resources in another team by picking up the additional workload.

  2. Exists when members of a project team allow scope creep to divert the efforts of the team.

  3. Utilises individuals from multiple groups to maintain an all-round view of a project.

  4. Exists when individuals from different groups lose sight of the specific objective because they are focusing on their own objectives.

Answer: C


You think one of your help desk analysts is suffering from stress. Which two physical signs best indicate the analyst is experiencing stress? (Choose two)

  1. They have a pallid complexion.

  2. They have a new wardrobe of clothes.

  3. They often seem short of breath.

  4. They bite their fingernails.

  5. They seem tense and often have white knuckles.

Answer: C, E


Which situation is typically addressed by a system administrator? (Choose 1)

  1. Network outages.

  2. Quality monitoring corruption.

  3. Poor database performance.

  4. Restoration of system backup files.

Answer: D


A help desk analyst is on the phone with a customer and does not know the solution for the problem. What is the best technique for them to use to disengage from the call? (Choose 1)

  1. Permit me to check with some other members of my team, I will get back to you as soon as I review this with them.

  2. Allow me to check this further, I will call you at 10:00 with an update.

  3. I have the information. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

  4. Let me research this, I will call you back as soon as I have a resolution.

Answer: B


Which three facilitate success in any process change? (Choose three)

  1. New processes.

  2. Management direction.

  3. Employee acceptance.

  4. Clear objectives.

  5. New technology.

Answer: B, C, D


A help desk analyst is on the phone with a customer and does not know the solution for the problem. What is the best technique for them to use to disengage from the call? (Choose 1)

  1. Allow me to check this further, I will call you at 10:00 with an update.

  2. I have the information. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

  3. Permit me to check with some other members of my team, I will get back to you as soon as I review this with them.

  4. Let me research this, I will call you back as soon as I have a resolution.

Answer: A