Latest INCC-CRNI Practice Tests

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Exam Code : INCC-CRNI
Exam Name : INCC Certified Registered Nurse Infusion
Vendor Name : "Nursing"

Question: 1

Which of the following is an example of an infection prevention and control measure?

  1. Hand hygiene

  2. Blood sampling technique

  3. Phlebotomy procedure

  4. Fluid and electrolyte balance monitoring

    Answer: A

Explanation: Hand hygiene is a crucial infection prevention and control measure that helps reduce the transmission of infectious agents. It involves washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Proper hand hygiene is essential for healthcare professionals to prevent the spread of infections to patients and themselves. Options B, C, and D are related to specific procedures or monitoring aspects, but they do not directly address infection prevention and control like hand hygiene does.

Question: 2

Which of the following is an example of a biologic/immunologic medication?

  1. Antibiotic

  2. Steroid

  3. Antihypertensive

  4. Monoclonal antibody

    Answer: D

Explanation: A monoclonal antibody is an example of a biologic/immunologic medication. Biologic medications are derived from living organisms and often

target specific molecules or cells in the immune system. Monoclonal antibodies are designed to recognize and bind to specific antigens, helping modulate the body's immune response. Options A, B, and C are not biologic/immunologic medications. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, steroids have

anti-inflammatory properties, and antihypertensives are medications that lower blood pressure.

Question: 3

Which of the following is responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body?

  1. Liver

  2. Kidneys

  3. Pancreas

  4. Thyroid gland

    Answer: B

Explanation: The kidneys are primarily responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. The kidneys maintain proper hydration and electrolyte levels by filtering the blood, reabsorbing necessary substances, and excreting waste products and excess fluids. The liver (option A) is involved in various metabolic processes but does not have a direct role in fluid and electrolyte balance. The pancreas (option C) regulates blood sugar levels through the production of insulinand glucagon, but it is not primarily responsible for fluid and electrolyte balance. The thyroid gland (option D) regulates metabolism and produces hormones, but it does not have a direct role in fluid and electrolyte balance.

Question: 4

Which of the following is a complication associated with the administration of

blood products?

  1. Fluid volume excess

  2. Electrolyte imbalance

  3. Blood pressure elevation

  4. Decreased oxygen saturation

    Answer: A

Explanation: A complication associated with the administration of blood products is fluid volume excess. Blood products, such as packed red blood cells or fresh frozen plasma, can increase the volume of circulating fluid in the body. If administered too rapidly or in excessive amounts, it can lead to fluid overload or fluid volume excess. This can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, edema, and increased blood pressure. Options B, C, and D do not directly relate to complications associated with blood product administration. Electrolyte imbalance, blood pressure elevation, and decreased oxygen saturation can be associated with other conditions or interventions but may not be specific to blood product administration.

Question: 5

Which of the following is an example of an antineoplastic medication?

  1. Insulin

  2. Heparin

  3. Aspirin

  4. Chemotherapy drugs

    Answer: D

Explanation: Antineoplastic medications are drugs used to treat cancer. Chemotherapy drugs, such as paclitaxel, cisplatin, or doxorubicin, are examples

of antineoplastic medications. Options A, B, and C are not antineoplastic medications. Insulin is used to manage blood sugar levels in diabetes, heparin is an anticoagulant, and aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

Question: 6

Which of the following solutions is commonly used for maintenance and replacement of fluid and electrolyte balance in patients?

  1. 0.9% sodium chloride

  2. 5% dextrose in water

  3. Lactated Ringer’s

  4. 3% saline

    Answer: C

Explanation: Lactated Ringer's solution is commonly used for maintenance and replacement of fluid and electrolyte balance in patients. Lactated Ringer's is an isotonic solution that contains electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride, in concentrations similar to those found in the body. It is often used to replace fluid losses and maintain electrolyte balance in various clinical settings. Options A (0.9% sodium chloride) and B (5% dextrose in water) are also used in specific situations but may not provide the complete electrolyte composition needed for maintenance and replacement. Option D (3% saline) is a hypertonic solution used in certain cases but is not commonly used for general fluid and electrolyte balance.

Question: 7

Which of the following is a common electrolyte disorder characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood?

  1. Hyperkalemia

  2. Hyponatremia

  3. Hypokalemia

  4. Hypernatremia

    Answer: C

Explanation: Hypokalemia is a common electrolyte disorder characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood. Potassium is an essential electrolyte that plays a crucial role in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function, including the heart. Hypokalemia can lead to symptoms such as muscle weakness, fatigue, irregular heart rhythms, and, in severe cases, cardiac arrhythmias. Options A (Hyperkalemia), B (Hyponatremia), and D (Hypernatremia) refer to electrolyte disorders with high levels of potassium, low levels of sodium, and high levels of sodium, respectively.

Question: 8

Which of the following is a component of parenteral nutrition?

  1. Oral supplements

  2. Intramuscular injections

  3. Enteral feeding tube

  4. Intravenous infusion

    Answer: D

Explanation: Intravenous infusion is a component of parenteral nutrition. Parenteral nutrition is a method of providing nutrition directly into the bloodstream when oral or enteral (tube feeding) routes are not feasible or insufficient. It involves delivering a balanced mixture of nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, through an intravenous line. Options A, B, and C do not involve the direct administration of nutrition

through the bloodstream and are not specific to parenteral nutrition. Oral supplements are taken by mouth, intramuscular injections are administered into muscle tissue, and enteral feeding tubes deliver nutrition directly into the gastrointestinal tract.

Question: 9

Which of the following is the primary site for phlebotomy procedures?

  1. Femoral vein

  2. Radial artery

  3. Subclavian vein

  4. Median cubital vein

    Answer: D

Explanation: The primary site for phlebotomy procedures is the median cubital vein. This vein is located in the antecubital fossa, which is the area inside the elbow. It is often the preferred site for venipuncture because it is easily accessible, relatively large, and less prone to complications. Options A, B, and C refer to other blood vessels, but they are not typically used for routine phlebotomy procedures.

Question: 10

Which of the following is true about fluid and electrolyte balance?

  1. It refers to the distribution of fluids and electrolytes throughout the body.

  2. Fluid and electrolyte balance is only relevant for cardiovascular patients.

  3. Fluid and electrolyte balance is primarily regulated by the respiratory system.

  4. Maintenance and replacement of fluids and electrolytes are not necessary for

overall health.

Answer: A

Explanation: Option A is true. Fluid and electrolyte balance refers to the proper distribution and regulation of fluids (water) and electrolytes (ions) within the body's compartments, such as intracellular and extracellular spaces. It is essential for various physiological processes and maintaining homeostasis. Option B is incorrect because fluid and electrolyte balance is relevant for all individuals, not just cardiovascular patients. Option C is incorrect because fluid and electrolyte balance is regulated by multiple systems, including the kidneys and endocrine system, but not primarily by the respiratory system. Option D is incorrect because maintenance and replacement of fluids and electrolytes are necessary for overall health to ensure proper hydration and electrolyte levels in the body.

Question: 11

Which of the following is true regarding blood stream infections?

  1. CLABSI and CRBSI are two types of blood stream infections.

  2. Blood stream infections are caused by excessive fluid administration.

  3. Blood stream infections are primarily treated with antineoplastic medications.

  4. Phlebotomy is the leading cause of blood stream infections.

    Answer: A

Explanation: Option A is correct. CLABSI stands for Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection, and CRBSI stands for Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection. Both are types of blood stream infections that occur when bacteria or other pathogens enter the bloodstream through a central line or catheter. Option B is incorrect because excessive fluid administration does not directly cause

blood stream infections. Option C is incorrect because antineoplastic medications are primarily used to treat cancer, not blood stream infections. Option D is incorrect because phlebotomy, the process of drawing blood, is not the leading cause of blood stream infections.

Question: 12

Which of the following is the primary purpose of phlebotomy?

  1. To administer medications directly into the bloodstream

  2. To monitor fluid and electrolyte balance

  3. To collect blood samples for diagnostic testing

  4. To manage pain through intravenous therapy

    Answer: C

Explanation: The primary purpose of phlebotomy is to collect blood samples for diagnostic testing. Phlebotomy involves the puncture of a vein to draw blood, which is then used for various laboratory tests, such as measuring blood glucose levels, complete blood count, or checking for infection. Options A, B, and D are not the primary purposes of phlebotomy. Administering medications directly into the bloodstream is typically done through intravenous therapy, monitoring fluid and electrolyte balance is a separate process, and managing pain through intravenous therapy involves a different approach than phlebotomy.

Question: 13

Which of the following is a complication associated with blood stream infections?

  1. Hypokalemia

  2. Hypernatremia

  3. Hypotension

  4. Hyperglycemia

    Answer: C

Explanation: Hypotension is a complication associated with blood stream infections. Blood stream infections, such as CLABSI (Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection) or CRBSI (Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection), can lead to systemic inflammatory responses and sepsis, which may result in decreased blood pressure and hypotension. Options A, B, and D are not directly associated with blood stream infections. Hypokalemia refers to low potassium levels, hypernatremia refers to high sodium levels, and hyperglycemia refers to high blood glucose levels.

Question: 14

Which of the following is an example of an anti-infective medication?

  1. Opioid analgesic

  2. Beta-blocker

  3. Antiviral drug

  4. Anticoagulant

    Answer: C

Explanation: An antiviral drug is an example of an anti-infective medication. Antivirals are specifically designed to target and combat viral infections. They work by inhibiting the replication of viruses or by boosting the immune response against viral pathogens. Options A, B, and D are not anti-infective medications. Opioid analgesics are pain-relieving medications, beta-blockers are used to treat various cardiovascular conditions, and anticoagulants prevent blood clot formation.