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Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination


Question: 384

Paralysis of one side of the body is a condition known as

  1. Semiplegia

  2. Quadriplegia

  3. Paraplegia

  4. Hemiplegia

Answer: D

Question: 385

Inability to contract muscles

  1. Lupus

  2. Neuritis

  3. Neuralgia

  4. Paralysis

Answer: D

Question: 386

The linea aspera is located on which side of the femur

  1. Posterior

  2. Medial

  3. Lateral

  4. Anterior

Answer: A

Question: 387

A blood clot is also known as

  1. Thrombus

  2. Embolus

  3. Aneurysm

  4. Plasma

Answer: A

Question: 388

The floating ribs are considered

  1. An absolute contraindication

  2. An endangerment site

  3. Not a contraindication

  4. A local contraindication

Answer: B

Question: 389

To take pressure off the lower back of a client laying supine, a bolster should be placed

  1. Under the knees

  2. Between the legs

  3. Under the hips

  4. Under the ankles

Answer: A

Question: 390

The spinal cord is formed by which type of tissue

  1. Muscular

  2. Epithelial

  3. Connective

  4. Nervous

Answer: D

Question: 391

What is the structure labeled 7

  1. Infraspinous fossa

  2. Lateral border

  3. Medial border

  4. Superior angle

Answer: B

Question: 392

Cryotherapy treatment used for an acute strain or sprain

  1. SOAP

  2. PPALM

  3. CAR

  4. PRICE

Answer: D

Question: 393

Proximal attachment of infraspinatus

  1. Greater Tubercle

  2. Infraspinous Fossa

  3. Lateral border of the scapula

  4. Supraspinous Fossa

Answer: B

Question: 394

Parts of the body targeted in reflexology include all of the following except

  1. Hands

  2. Ears

  3. Feet

  4. Abdomen

Answer: D