NLN-CNEcl Dumps NLN-CNEcl Braindumps

NLN-CNEcl Real Questions NLN-CNEcl Practice Test NLN-CNEcl Actual Questions



NLN Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator

Question: 1

In order to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environment, a clinical nurse educator should:

  1. Ensure that all students receive equal amounts of attention and support from the educator.


    ssign students to groups based on their similarities to foster a sense of nging.

    wer: B

    anation: To create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environ nical nurse educator should primarily focus on option B) Incorporate se perspectives and experiences into the teaching materials and ussions. This involves intentionally integrating diverse examples, case es, and perspectives into the curriculum and fostering an inclusive room environment where students feel valued and respected for their ue backgrounds and experiences. By doing so, the educator promotes ral competence, encourages critical thinking, and prepares students to ide equitable care to a diverse patient population.

  2. Incorporate diverse perspectives and experiences into the teaching materials and d

  3. A



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Question: 2

A clinical nurse educator is evaluating potential clinical sites for a nursing program. Which factor is most important for the educator to consider when assessing congruence of the clinical environment with the curriculum, course outcomes, and learner needs?

  1. Availability of state-of-the-art technology and equipment in the clinical setting.

  2. Proximity of the clinical site to the academic institution.

  3. Alignment of the clinical site's patient population with the learning needs of the students.

Answer: C

anation: Option B is the most important factor for the educator to con assessing congruence of the clinical environment with the curriculu se outcomes, and learner needs. It is crucial to ensure that the patient

lation at the clinical site aligns with the learning needs of the students lignment allows learners to apply their knowledge and skills in a con s relevant to their educational goals. Options A and C, although

ntially valuable considerations, do not directly address the importance nt population alignment in supporting the curriculum and learner nee

stion: 3

nical nurse educator is using a preceptor model of clinical teaching fo of nursing students. Which statement best describes the preceptor m

he educator delivers didactic lectures to the students in a classroom se he educator collaborates with a pharmacist to facilitate interprofession ing experiences.

he educator assigns experienced nurses to work one-on-one with indiv

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  1. T tting.

  2. T al


  3. T idual

students. Answer: C

Explanation: Option C best describes the preceptor model of clinical teaching. In the preceptor model, the educator assigns experienced nurses (preceptors) to work one-on-one with individual students. The preceptor acts as a mentor and

guide, providing direct supervision and facilitating hands-on learning experiences in the clinical setting. This model allows for personalized instruction, tailored to the specific needs and learning goals of each student. Options A and B describe different teaching approaches (didactic lectures and interprofessional collaboration), but they do not represent the preceptor model.

Question: 4

nical nurse educator is preparing learners for a clinical experience in ty. Which action by the educator best demonstrates preparation for th cal experience?

roviding learners with a detailed list of equipment and technology-bas urces available at the facility.

onducting a lecture on the theoretical concepts related to the clinical rience.

ssigning learners a research project on the history of the facility.

wer: A

anation: Option A demonstrates the best preparation for the clinical rience. Providing learners with a detailed list of equipment and techno

resources available at the facility ensures that learners are aware of t urces and can utilize them effectively during their clinical practice. Th n supports the integration of theory and practice in the clinical setting,

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  1. P ed


  2. C


  3. A

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learners will have the necessary tools and resources to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical context. Options B and C, although potentially valuable in other contexts, do not directly address the practical preparation needed for the clinical experience in a new facility.

Question: 5

A clinical nurse educator is facilitating a clinical learning activity for a group of nursing students. One student consistently dominates the discussions, while others have limited participation. What is the most appropriate action for the educator to take?

  1. Allow the dominant student to continue leading the discussions to maintain a sense of engagement and enthusiasm.

    ents to share their thoughts and perspectives.

    ddress the issue privately with the dominant student and ask them to t ack to encourage equal participation among all students.

    wer: B

    anation: The most appropriate action for the clinical nurse educator to is situation is A) Acknowledge the student's contributions but actively urage other students to share their thoughts and perspectives. While it rtant to recognize and value the dominant student's contributions, it is lly essential to create an inclusive learning environment where all stu an opportunity to participate and share their ideas. The educator shou ely facilitate the engagement of other students by encouraging them t ibute, asking open-ended questions, and providing opportunities for g ussions. This approach promotes equal participation and fosters a borative learning environment.

  2. Acknowledge the student's contributions but actively encourage other stud

  3. A ake a

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Question: 6

A clinical nurse educator is mentoring learners in professional nursing behaviors. Which action best exemplifies this mentoring role?

  1. Providing learners with opportunities to develop clinical judgment related to

    course outcomes.

  2. Encouraging ongoing learner professional development through attendance at professional conferences.

  3. Modeling professional boundaries with all participants in the learning environment.

Answer: C

anation: Option C best exemplifies the mentoring role of a clinical nu ator in mentoring learners in professional nursing behaviors. Modelin essional boundaries with all participants in the learning environment onstrates the importance of maintainingprofessional conduct, ethical dards, and appropriate relationships within the nursing profession. Thi n sets an example for learners on how to navigate professional interac osters a culture of professionalism. Options A and B, while important own right, do not directly address the mentoring aspect of guiding lea ofessional nursing behaviors.

stion: 7

ch instructional approach is most aligned with the constructivist learni y?

acilitating case-based discussions to promote critical thinking and pro ng skills.

onducting didactic lectures to deliver content knowledge.

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  1. F blem-


  2. C

  3. Using simulation exercises to teach specific technical skills.

Answer: A

Explanation: Option A is most aligned with the constructivist learning theory. Constructivism emphasizes active learning, where learners construct their

knowledge and understanding through interactions with the learning environment. Facilitating case-based discussions promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, allowing learners to actively engage with the material, analyze real-life scenarios, and construct their understanding through reflection and dialogue. Options B and C, although valuable in certain contexts, are more aligned with traditional didactic instructional approaches rather than constructivist principles.

stion: 8

nical nurse educator is using the social cognitive theory as a framewo linical instruction. Which instructional method aligns with this theory

uided reflection exercises to promote self-assessment and self-reflecti ecture-based presentations to deliver information and knowledge. irect demonstration of technical skills by the educator.

wer: A

anation: Option A aligns with the social cognitive theory as a framew linical instruction. Social cognitive theory emphasizes the importance rvation, imitation, and self-reflection in the learning process. Guided ction exercises promote self-assessment and self-reflection, allowing ers to observe and analyze their own behaviors, thoughts, and experie

clinical setting. This process facilitates the development of self-effic


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  3. D


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self-regulation, and critical thinking skills. Options B and C, although valid instructional methods in certain contexts, do not directly align with the principles of social cognitive theory.

Question: 9

A clinical nurse educator is implementing a simulation activity to help learners

develop interprofessional collaboration and teamwork skills. Which characteristic of simulation makes it particularly effective for this purpose?

  1. The provision of immediate feedback and debriefing sessions after the simulation.

  2. The opportunity for learners to practice technical skills in a controlled environment.

    wer: C

    anation: Option A highlights the characteristic of simulation that mak cularly effective for developing interprofessional collaboration and work skills. Simulation allows for the replication of real-world clinica arios and challenges, providing learners with an immersive and realist rience that closely mirrors the complexities of interprofessional team althcare settings. By engaging in collaborative problem-solving and ion-making within the simulation, learners can develop and refine the professional communication and teamwork skills. Options B and C, ugh important aspects of simulation, do not directly address the focus professional collaboration and teamwork.

    stion: 10

    ch of the following strategies would be most effective for a clinical nu ator to integrate theory and practice in the clinical setting?

  3. The ability to replicate real-world clinical scenarios and challenges. Ans

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  1. Providing learners with theoretical readings and quizzes to complete outside of clinical hours.

  2. Conducting lectures on theoretical topics during clinical hours to ensure learners have a solid understanding.

  3. Encouraging learners to reflect on their clinical experiences and connect them to relevant theoretical concepts.

Answer: C

underlying principles and promotes deeper learning. By engaging in ctive practice, learners are able to bridge the gap between theory and t world clinical scenarios they encounter. This approach fosters a more tic and meaningful learning experience for the learners.

stion: 11

ch of the following is an essential responsibility of a clinical nurse edu omoting professional integrity and accountability?

ncouraging ongoing learner professional development through membe ofessional organizations.

acilitating learner participation in constructive peer feedback practices odeling self-reflection, self-care, and coping skills.

wer: A

Explanation: The most effective strategy for a clinical nurse educator to integrate theory and practice in the clinical setting is B) Encouraging learners to reflect on their clinical experiences and connect them to relevant theoretical concepts. Reflection allows learners to critically analyze their experiences and make connections between theory and practice. It enhances their understanding of the

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Explanation: Option B is an essential responsibility of a clinical nurse educator in promoting professional integrity and accountability. By encouraging ongoing learner professional development through membership in professional organizations, the educator fosters a commitment to continuous learning, ethical practice, and professional engagement. This responsibility helps learners develop a sense of professional identity and fosters a culture of accountability

within the nursing profession. Options A and C, although important in their own right, do not directly address the promotion of professional integrity and accountability.