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Nationally Registered Paramedics (EMT)

Question: 172

Hot-water disinfection (high-level disinfection) can kill allforms of microbial life EXCEPT

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli

  2. varicella viruses

  3. the HIV virus

  4. large numbers of bacterial spores

Answer: D Explanation:

High-level disinfection is effective against all forms of microbial contamination except large numbers of bacterial spores.

Question: 173

When you are caring for more than one trauma patient at atime, you should change your gloves

  1. whenever time permits

  2. for each new patient

  3. for each new procedure

  4. whenever they become soiled

Answer: B Explanation:

Changing gloves for each new patient contact prevents cross-contamination.

Question: 174

You are interviewing Mrs. Rodriguez, age 87, who calledEMS but seems reluctant to state her primary problem. Mrs.Rodriguez speaks English but is answering your questions slowlyand haltingly. Her 20-year-old grandson is also present. In anattempt to obtain the necessary information, you should

  1. direct your questions to the grandson only, since Mrs.

  2. ask the grandson to translate for Mrs. Rodriguez

  3. ask questions slowly, clearly, and respectfully, giving Mrs.

  4. stop the interview; Mrs. Rodriguez is probably not ill

Answer: C


Give Mrs. Rodriguez plenty of time to respond, plenty of encouragement, and treat her respectfully.

Question: 175

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the typicalabused elderly person?

  1. wealthy but refuses to give financial assistance to relatives

  2. has multiple physical and mental impairments, such as

  3. female

  4. over age 75

Answer: A Explanation:

. The typical abused elder is poor and dependent on the abuser.

Question: 176

Which of the following is an example of acknowledging andlabeling the patient's feelings.

  1. Stop threatening me. I've never hurt you.

  2. You seem angry. Do you want to tell me about it?

  3. I get angry myself sometimes.

  4. Anger is a hostile emotion. Let's be more positive.

Answer: B Explanation:

This is one way to acknowledge what a patient is feeling and to encourage him or her to express those feelings.

Question: 177

You arrive first in ambulance to a suspected radiation emergency.Dispatch has stated that a box containing radioactive material wasfound left unattended and open in a park. No patients have beenidentified yet, but the police department is sealing off the area.When you approach the park, the three principles of safety tokeep in mind are

  1. time, distance, and shielding

  2. distance, crowd control, and decontamination

  3. decontamination, clothing, and eye protection

  4. gloves, eye protection, and distance

Answer: A


Limit your time of exposure, stay a good distance from the source, and place shielding between you and the source.

Question: 178

You arrive first in ambulance to a suspected radiation emergency.Dispatch has stated that a box containing radioactive material wasfound left unattended and open in a park. No patients have beenidentified yet, but the police department is sealing off the area.If you were asked to set up a staging area for further rescuecrews, which of the following would be the best?

  1. upwind, close visual range, in an open area

  2. downwind, in an open area

  3. upwind, in a building

  4. downwind, in a building

Answer: C Explanation:

Upwind in a building helps to provide further shielding from the radioactive source.

Question: 179

You arrive first in ambulance to a suspected radiation emergency.Dispatch has stated that a box containing radioactive material wasfound left unattended and open in a park. No patients have beenidentified yet, but the police department is sealing off the area.In the above situation, decontamination of patients would bethe responsibility of the

  1. first in ambulance

  2. first in fire agency

  3. hazardous materials team

  4. police department

Answer: C Explanation:

Decontamination should be performed by specially trained hazardous materials personnel.

Question: 180

You arrive first in ambulance to a suspected radiation emergency.Dispatch has stated that a box containing radioactive material wasfound left unattended and open in a park. No patients have beenidentified yet, but the police department is sealing off the area.Which type of radiation is the most serious?

  1. alpha particles

  2. beta particles

  3. gamma rays

  4. delta rays

Answer: C Explanation:

Gamma rays are the most serious type of ionizing radiation.