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PED-BC Real Questions PED-BC Practice Test PED-BC Actual Questions



ANCC Pediatric Nursing Certification

Question: 1

Which body system is assessed when measuring blood pressure?

  1. Cardiovascular system

  2. Respiratory system

  3. Nervous system

    wer: A

    anation: Measuring blood pressure assesses the cardiovascular system d pressure is a measure of the force exerted by blood against the walls rteries as the heart pumps blood throughout the body.

    stion: 2

    ch complementary therapy involves the use of essential oils? upping

    romatherapy cupuncture

    erbal supplements

  4. Digestive system


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  1. C

  2. A

  3. A

  4. H

Answer: B

Explanation: Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy that involves the use of essential oils. Essential oils, derived from plants, are believed to have therapeutic properties and are used for various purposes, such as relaxation, stress relief, and mood enhancement.

Question: 3

Which mental health assessment tool is commonly used to screen for depression in adolescents?

  1. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

  2. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

    ediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) wer: D

    anation: The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a commonly used al health assessment tool to screen for depression in adolescents. It he ify emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents.

    stion: 4

    diatric nurse is performing a physical assessment on a 4-year-old chil ch of the following vital sign parameters would be considered abnorm ge group?

    ral temperature of 37.5°C (99.5°F) espiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute lood pressure of 100/60 mmHg

    eart rate of 120 beats per minute

  3. Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D)

  4. P

Ans Expl

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  1. O

  2. R

  3. B

  4. H

Answer: D

Explanation: A heart rate of 120 beats per minute would be considered abnormal for a 4-year-old child. The normal heart rate range for a preschool- aged child is typically between 80 and 110 beats per minute. Respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute, blood pressure of 100/60 mmHg, and oral temperature of

37.5°C (99.5°F) are within the expected ranges for a 4-year-old child.

Question: 5

Which developmental milestone is typically achieved by a 4-month-old infant?

  1. Sitting without support

    alking with assistance eeding self with a spoon

    wer: B

    anation: Rolling from back to front is a developmental milestone typi eved by a 4-month-old infant. At this age, infants gain enough strengt dination to roll over from their backs to their stomachs.

    stion: 6

    diatric nurse is caring for a 6-month-old infant who is prescribed a ne cation. The nurse reviews the medication reconciliation and notes that has a documented allergy to penicillin. Which of the following actio

    ld the nurse take?

    dminister the medication and monitor for allergic reactions.

  2. Rolling from back to front

  3. W

  4. F


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  1. A

  2. Withhold the medication and notify the pharmacy about the allergy.

  3. Administer the medication and document the allergy in the medical record.

  4. Contact the healthcare provider to clarify the medication order. Answer: D

Explanation: When a patient has a documented allergy to a specific medication,

it is important for the nurse to contact the healthcare provider to clarify the medication order. Administering the medication without clarifying the order poses a risk of an allergic reaction. It is essential to ensure patient safety by confirming alternative medication options or seeking further guidance from the healthcare provider.

Question: 7

ch diagnostic test is commonly used to screen for cervical cancer?

ammography olonoscopy

rostate-specific antigen (PSA) test ap smear

wer: D

anation: A Pap smear is a diagnostic test commonly used to screen for cal cancer. It involves collecting cells from the cervix and examining a microscope to detect any abnormal changes that may indicate the

ence of cancer or pre-cancerous conditions.

stion: 8

ch childhood disease is characterized by a "whooping" cough?


  1. M

  2. C

  3. P

  4. P

Ans Expl

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  1. Measles

  2. Mumps

  3. Varicella

  4. Pertussis Answer: D

Explanation: Pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, is a childhood disease characterized by severe coughing spells followed by a distinctive "whooping" sound when the person tries to breathe in. It is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.

Question: 9

evelopment. Which of the following milestones would the nurse expe hild to have achieved by this age?

sing a spoon to feed themselves peaking in full sentences

alking independently ecognizing colors

wer: C

anation: By the age of 2, most children should have achieved the mile alking independently. Speaking in full sentences typically develops een the ages of 2 and 3. Using a spoon to feed themselves is usually eved around 18 months. Recognizing colors typically develops around f 3.

stion: 10

A pediatric nurse is conducting an assessment of a 2-year-old child's growth and d ct

the c

  1. U

  2. S

  3. W

  4. R


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A pediatric nurse is caring for a 12-year-old patient who identifies as transgender. The nurse ensures that the healthcare environment is inclusive and respectful by:

  1. Avoiding conversations about gender identity.

  2. Referring to the patient by their assigned sex at birth.

  3. Using the patient's preferred name and pronouns.

  4. Implementing restrictive policies regarding bathroom use.

Answer: C

nt's gender identity is important for their well-being and promotes a s upportive environment. Referring to the patient by their assigned sex avoiding conversations about gender identity, and implementing ctive policies regarding bathroom use may contribute to feelings of idation and discrimination.

stion: 11

diatric nurse is preparing to collect a urine specimen from a 6-year-ol Which of the following techniques should the nurse use?

uprapubic aspiration lean catch midstream atheterization

ag collection

Explanation: To create an inclusive and respectful healthcare environment, the nurse should use the patient's preferred name and pronouns. Respecting the patie afe

and s at

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  1. S

  2. C

  3. C

  4. B

Answer: B

Explanation: For a urine specimen collection from a cooperative 6-year-old child, the clean catch midstream technique is typically used. This method involves having the child start to urinate into the toilet, then catching the urine midstream into a sterile container. Suprapubic aspiration, catheterization, and bag collection are alternative methods used in specific situations or for non-

cooperative patients.

Question: 12

Which immunization is recommended for infants at 2 months of age?

  1. Influenza vaccine

    activated Poliovirus vaccine (IPV) epatitis B vaccine (HepB)

    wer: D

    anation: The Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) is recommended for infants hs of age. It provides protection against the Hepatitis B virus, which c liver disease and other serious health problems.

    stion: 13

    diatric nurse is providing care to a 14-year-old patient who practices ing therapy for various health conditions. The nurse should:

    ncourage the patient to continue cupping therapy.

    ducate the patient about the potential risks and lack of scientific evide orting cupping therapy.

    ffer to perform cupping therapy as part of the nursing care.

  2. Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine (MMR)

  3. In

  4. H


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  1. E

  2. E nce


  3. O

  4. Consult with an alternative medicine specialist to explore the benefits of cupping therapy.

Answer: B

Explanation: Cupping therapy is a complementary and alternative therapy that

involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The nurse should educate the patient about the potential risks and lack of scientific evidence supporting cupping therapy. It is important to provide evidence-based information to help the patient make informed decisions regarding their healthcare.

Question: 14

hood immunizations. Which of the following statements by the parent ates a need for further teaching?

mmunizations help protect our child from serious diseases."

We should follow the recommended immunization schedule provided ealthcare provider."

Once our child receives the immunizations, they will never get sick ag mmunizations contribute to herd immunity and help protect others w ot be vaccinated."

wer: C

anation: The statement "Once our child receives the immunizations, t ever get sick again" indicates a need for further teaching. While unizations can provide protection against certain diseases, they do not antee that a child will never get sick again. It is important to clarify th onception and emphasize the importance of complete immunization a

A pediatric nurse is providing education to parents about the importance of child s


  1. "I

  2. " by

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  3. " ain."

  4. "I ho



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following the recommended schedule.

Question: 15

Which pain assessment tool is commonly used in pediatric patients?

  1. Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R)

  2. Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

  3. Numeric Rating Scale (NRS)

  4. Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale

Answer: A

sment tool in pediatric patients. It uses a series of faces with different essions to help children express their pain levels. The child selects the est represents their current pain intensity.

stion: 16

diatric nurse is conducting a psychosocial assessment of a 16-year-old nt. Which of the following findings would be of concern and require er assessment?

eer pressure to engage in risky behaviors cademic performance consistent with grade level ealthy coping mechanisms for stress

pen communication with parents

wer: A

Explanation: The Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) is a commonly used pain asses

expr face

that b


A pe patie furth

  1. P

  2. A

  3. H

  4. O


Explanation: Peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors is a concerning finding and requires further assessment. It may indicate potential involvement in high- risk behaviors, such as substance use or unprotected sex. Academic performance consistent with grade level, healthy coping mechanisms for stress, andopen communication with parents are positive findings in psychosocial assessment.

Question: 17

A pediatric nurse is caring for a 10-year-old child with a congenital heart defect. The child is scheduled to undergo a cardiac catheterization. The nurse explains to the parents that the purpose of the procedure is to:

  1. Monitor the child's blood pressure.

    dminister intravenous medications.

    valuate the child's heart function and anatomy. wer: D

    anation: The purpose of a cardiac catheterization in a child with a enital heart defect is to evaluate the child's heart function and anatom iagnostic procedure that involves inserting a catheter into the heart to alize the heart's structures and assess its function. Treatment of the enital heart defect would depend on the findings from the cardiac eterization.

    stion: 18

    year-old child diagnosed with leukemia is receiving chemotherapy. T educates the parents about potential side effects of the chemotherapy

    ch of the following side effects should the nurse include in the teachin

  2. Treat the congenital heart defect.

  3. A

  4. E

Ans Expl

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Whi g?

  1. Decreased blood pressure

  2. Weight gain

  3. Increased risk of infection

  4. Increased appetite

Answer: C

Explanation: One of the common side effects of chemotherapy is an increased risk of infection. Chemotherapy can suppress the immune system, making the child more susceptible to infections. Weight gain, decreased blood pressure, and increased appetite are not commonly associated with chemotherapy side effects.

ch cultural practice may involve dietary restrictions during certain reli rvances?

ai chi upping

erbal remedies asting

wer: D

anation: Fasting is a cultural practice that may involve dietary restricti ng certain religious observances. It is commonly observed in various ions and may require individuals to abstain from food or drink for a

fic period of time.

Question: 19

Whi gious


  1. T

  2. C

  3. H

  4. F


Expl ons

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