Latest PNCB-CPN Practice Tests

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Exam Code : PNCB-CPN
Exam Name : PNCB Certified Pediatric Nurse
Vendor Name : "Nursing"

A 16-year-old patient visits the clinic for a routine check-up. Which of the following topics should the Pediatric Nurse discuss with the adolescent regarding sexual health?

  1. Pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention

  2. Sexual development

  3. Healthy relationships

  4. All of theabove

    Answer: D

Explanation: When discussing sexual health with a 16-year-old adolescent, the Pediatric Nurse should cover various important topics. These include pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention, as adolescents become sexually active during this stage. Sexual development is also a relevant topic to address the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty. Additionally, discussing healthy relationships promotes positive social interactions and ensures the adolescent's well-being. By addressing all these topics, the nurse provides comprehensive sexual health education to the adolescent.

Question: 2

A child is born prematurely at 32 weeks of gestation. Which of the following factors should the Pediatric Nurse consider when tailoring health promotion activities for this child and family?

  1. Genetic predisposition

  2. Prematurity

  3. All of the above

  4. Environmental factors

Explanation: When tailoring health promotion activities for a child and family, the Pediatric Nurse should consider multiple factors that influence health. In the case of a premature birth at 32 weeks of gestation, genetic predisposition, prematurity itself, and environmental factors all play important roles in the child's health. By considering all these factors, the nurse can provide appropriate and individualized care to promote the child's well-being.

Question: 3

A 9-month-old infant is brought to the clinic for a well-child visit. Which of the following topics should the Pediatric Nurse include in the anticipatory guidance and education for this visit?

  1. All of the above

  2. Milestones

  3. Introduction of solids

  4. Infant bonding

    Answer: A

Explanation: During a well-child visit for a 9-month-old infant, the Pediatric Nurse should provide anticipatory guidance and education on various topics. These include infant bonding, which promotes the emotional and social development of the child, milestones to monitor the child's growth and development, and the introduction of solids as the infant transitions to solid foods. By addressing all these areas, the nurse supports the child's healthy development and provides guidance to the family.

Question: 4

A pediatric nurse is assessing a child's adjustment to an acute stressor. Which of the following responses would be considered a positive coping skill?

  1. Social withdrawal and isolation

  2. Emotional outbursts and tantrums

  3. Avoidance of any discussion about the stressor

  4. Engaging in physical exercise or sports

    Answer: D

Explanation: Engaging in physical exercise or sports would be considered a positive coping skill when assessing a child's adjustment to an acute stressor. Physical exercise and sports can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being. Social withdrawal and isolation, emotional outbursts and tantrums, and avoidance of discussions about the stressor are negative or maladaptive coping mechanisms that may hinder the child's ability to effectively cope with the acute stressor.

Question: 5

A 6-year-old child is diagnosed with asthma. Which of the following should the Pediatric Nurse assess regarding the child's adjustment to the chronic condition?

  1. All of the above

  2. Coping mechanisms of the siblings

  3. Coping mechanisms of the caregivers

  4. Coping mechanisms of the child

    Answer: A

Explanation: When a child is diagnosed with a chronic condition like asthma,

the Pediatric Nurse should assess various aspects of their adjustment. This includes assessing the coping mechanisms of the child to identify how they are managing the challenges associated with their condition. Assessing the coping mechanisms of the siblings is also important, as they may experience emotional and practical adjustments within the family dynamic. Additionally, assessing the coping mechanisms of the caregivers helps determine their ability to support the child effectively. By assessing all these areas, the nurse gains a comprehensive understanding of the child's adjustment to the chronic condition.

Question: 6

A pediatric nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to parents regarding nutrition for their 6-month-old infant. Which of the following statements by the parents indicates a need for further education?

  1. "We plan to introduce solid foods one at a time and wait a few days before introducing a new food."

  2. "We will continue to breastfeed our baby alongside introducing solid foods."

  3. "We will give our baby cow's milk as a primary source of nutrition now that solid foods are being introduced."

  4. "We will offer the baby a variety of age-appropriate foods to promote healthy eating habits."

Answer: C

Explanation: The statement "We will give our baby cow's milk as a primary source of nutrition now that solid foods are being introduced" indicates a need for further education. Cow's milk should not be introduced as a primary source of nutrition until the child reaches 12 months of age. Before that, breast milk or formula should remain the primary source of nutrition, with the gradual introduction of age-appropriate solid foods. The other options demonstrate appropriate understanding of infant nutrition, including introducing solids one at a time, continuing breastfeeding alongside solids, and offering a variety of

Question: 7

A 14-year-old patient presents with symptoms of depression. When assessing the patient's mental and emotional health, which of the following indicators would be of concern?

  1. Engaging in age-appropriate hobbies and activities

  2. Expressing occasional sadness or irritability

  3. Demonstrating excessive fatigue and changes in sleep patterns

  4. Seeking support from friends and family

Answer: C

Explanation: Demonstrating excessive fatigue and changes in sleep patterns would be of concern when assessing the mental and emotional health of a 14- year-old patient with symptoms of depression. While occasional sadness or irritability can be normal, persistent or severe changes in mood, such as excessive fatigue, disrupted sleep patterns, and other signs of disturbance, may indicate a more serious mental health issue. Engaging in age-appropriate hobbies and activities and seeking support from friends and family are positive indicators of mental well-being.

Question: 8

A parent asks the Pediatric Nurse about safe sleep practices for their newborn. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse provide?

  1. Placing the baby on their back to sleep

  2. All of the above

  3. Room-sharing without bed-sharing

Answer: B

Explanation: When discussing safe sleep practices for a newborn, the Pediatric Nurse should provide comprehensive recommendations. These include placing the baby on their back to sleep, which reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), avoiding soft bedding and loose objects in the crib to prevent suffocation hazards, and promoting room-sharing without bed-sharing to facilitate monitoring and breastfeeding while reducing the risk of suffocation. By advising on all these practices, the nurse promotes a safe sleep environment for the newborn.

Question: 9

A pediatric nurse is assessing the barriers to adherence with a therapeutic regimen for a child. Which of the following factors would be considered a motivational barrier?

  1. Limited access to healthcare facilities

  2. Lack of financial resources for medications

  3. Insufficient support from family and caregivers

  4. Lack of understanding about the importance of the therapeutic regimen

    Answer: D

Explanation: Lack of understanding about the importance of the therapeutic regimen would be considered a motivational barrier to adherence. If the child does not comprehend the significance and benefits of following the prescribed regimen, they may lack the motivation to adhere to it. Limited access to healthcare facilities, lack of financial resources for medications, and insufficient support from family and caregivers are practical barriers that can hinder adherence but are not directly related to motivation.

During a well-child visit, the Pediatric Nurse discusses the importance of immunizations with the parents of a 2-month-old infant. Which of the following should the nurse emphasize?

  1. Oral health

  2. Physical activity/exercise

  3. All of the above

  4. Preventive care

    Answer: D

Explanation: When discussing the importance of immunizations, the Pediatric Nurse should emphasize the topic of preventive care. Immunizations are a crucial aspect of preventive care, protecting the child from various infectious diseases. While oral health and physical activity/exercise are important, they are not directly related to immunizations. By focusing on preventive care, the nurse educates the parents about the significance of immunizations for the child's well-being.

Question: 11

A pediatric nurse is assessing a child's understanding of a health/disease process. Which of the following statements by the child indicates a need for further education?

  1. "I have to take this medication every day to keep my asthma under control."

  2. "I can eat whatever I want even though I have diabetes."

  3. "My doctor said my broken bone will heal in a few weeks with the cast."

  4. "This cream will help clear up my skin rash."

Explanation: The statement "I can eat whatever I want even though I have diabetes" indicates a need for further education. Children with diabetes need to follow a specific diet and monitor their carbohydrate intake to manage their blood sugar levels. This statement shows a lack of understanding regarding the dietary restrictions associated with diabetes. The other options demonstrate appropriate understanding of the health/disease process, including the need for medication to control asthma, the healing process of a broken bone with a cast, and the use of a cream to treat a skin rash.

Question: 12

A pediatric nurse is assessing a child's adjustment to a chronic condition. Which of the following observations would indicate positive adjustment?

  1. Expressing frustration about treatment procedures

  2. Demonstrating active participation in self-care tasks

  3. Avoiding discussions about the chronic condition

  4. Exhibiting signs of social isolation

Answer: B

Explanation: Demonstrating active participation in self-care tasks would indicate positive adjustment to a chronic condition. It shows that the child is taking an active role in managing their condition and developing self-care skills. Expressing frustration about treatment procedures may be a normal emotional response but does not necessarily indicate positive adjustment. Avoiding discussions about the chronic condition and exhibiting signs of social isolation are negative indicators and may suggest difficulties in adjusting to the condition.

A 5-year-old child is brought to the clinic for a routine check-up. Which of the following should the Pediatric Nurse discuss with the child's parent regarding nutrition?

  1. Breast or formula feeding

  2. Introduction of solids

  3. Healthy diet

  4. All of the above

    Answer: D

Explanation: When discussing nutrition with the parent of a 5-year-old child, the Pediatric Nurse should cover various aspects. This includes discussing breastfeeding or formula feeding in infancy, the introduction of solids as the child transitions to solid foods, and the importance of a healthy diet for overall growth and development. By addressing all these areas, the nurse supports the parent in providing optimal nutrition for the child.

Question: 14

A pediatric nurse is assessing the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and social determinants of health on a child's well-being. Which of the following factors is considered a social determinant of health?

  1. Death of a caregiver

  2. Genetic predisposition to a specific condition

  3. Prematurity

  4. Racial inequalities

    Answer: D

Explanation: Racial inequalities are considered social determinants of health. Social determinants of health are the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health outcomes and disparities. Racial inequalities, such as unequal access to healthcare services and discriminatory practices, can significantly impact a child's well-being. The death of a caregiver, genetic predisposition to a specific condition, and prematurity are adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that can also impact a child's well-being but are not specifically classified as social determinants of health.

Question: 15

A pediatric nurse is assessing the educational needs of a child and family during discharge planning. Which of the following should be prioritized as an educational need?

  1. Instructing the family on post-operative care at home

  2. Providing information on community support resources

  3. Teaching the child about their upcoming surgical procedure

  4. Educating the child about healthy coping mechanisms

Answer: A

Explanation: Instructing the family on post-operative care at home should be prioritized as an educational need during discharge planning. Ensuring that the family is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide appropriate care for the child at home after surgery is crucial for the child's well-being and recovery. While teaching the child about their upcoming surgical procedure, providing information on community support resources, and educating the child about healthy coping mechanisms are all important, they may not be the immediate priority compared to ensuring proper post-operative care at home.

Question: 16

A pediatric nurse is assessing a child for risk factors of maltreatment or neglect. Which of the following indicators should be of concern?

  1. A history of high academic achievement

  2. Consistent and coherent family history

  3. Withdrawal from social activities and relationships

  4. Inconsistencies in the child's medical history

Answer: C

Explanation: Withdrawal from social activities and relationships should be of concern when assessing a child for risk factors of maltreatment or neglect. It can indicate social and emotional difficulties that may be associated with maltreatment or neglect. A history of high academic achievement is not a risk factor for maltreatment or neglect. Consistent and coherent family history is a positive indicator, while inconsistencies in the child's medical history may raise concerns but do not directly indicate maltreatment or neglect.

Question: 17

A 12-year-old child is experiencing a significant life stressor due to their parents' divorce. Which of the following actions should the Pediatric Nurse take to support the child and family during this challenging time?

  1. Assess the child's understanding of the divorce process

  2. Assess the child's emotional response and coping mechanisms

  3. Provide age-appropriate education about divorce and its effects

  4. All of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: When a child is experiencing a significant life stressor like their parents' divorce, the Pediatric Nurse should take multiple actions to provide support. This includes assessing the child's understanding of the divorce process to address any misconceptions or concerns. Assessing the child's emotional response and coping mechanisms helps identify their needs and provide appropriate interventions. Additionally, providing age-appropriate education about divorce and its effects helps the child and family navigate the situation more effectively. By taking all these actions, the nurse supports the child and family during this challenging time.

Question: 18

A 14-year-old adolescent shares concerns about bullying and mental health with the Pediatric Nurse. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

  1. Provide support and validation for the adolescent's feelings

  2. All of the above

  3. Educate the adolescent on coping strategies and available resources

  4. Assess the severity and impact of bullying on the adolescent's mental health

    Answer: B

Explanation: When an adolescent expresses concerns about bullying and mental health, the Pediatric Nurse should take multiple actions to address the situation effectively. This includes providing support and validation for the adolescent's feelings, as it helps build trust and rapport. The nurse should also assess the severity and impact of bullying on the adolescent's mental health to determine appropriate interventions. Additionally, educating the adolescent on coping strategies and available resources empowers them to seek help and develop resilience. By taking all these actions, the nurse supports the adolescent's well-being and mental health.