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Preliminary SAT - National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (Reading-Writing)


If Jessica only spent 20% instead of the 25% allotment for food in May of 2001, how much did she save?

A. $131.10 B. $144.30 C. $148.32 D. $152.22 E. $153.33

Answer: A


Jonathan can type a 20 page document in 40 minutes, Susan can type it in 30 minutes, and Jack can type it in 24 minutes. Working together, how much time will it take them to type the same document?

  1. 5 minutes

  2. 10 minutes

  3. 15 minutes

  4. 18 minutes

  5. 20 minutes

Answer: B


John is traveling to a meeting that is 28 miles away. He needs to be there in 30 minutes. How fast does he need to go to make it to the meeting on time?

  1. 25 mph

  2. 37 mph

  3. 41 mph

  4. 49 mph

  5. 56 mph

Answer: E


If Steven can mix 20 drinks in 5 minutes, Sue can mix 20 drinks in 10 minutes, and Jack

can mix 20 drinks in 15 minutes, how much time will it take all 3 of them working together to mix the 20 drinks?

  1. 2 minutes and 44 seconds

  2. 2 minutes and 58 seconds

  3. 3 minutes and 10 seconds

  4. 3 minutes and 26 seconds

  5. 4 minutes and 15 seconds

Answer: A


If Sam can do a job in 4 days that Lisa can do in 6 days and Tom can do in 2 days, how long would the job take if Sam, Lisa, and Tom worked together to complete it?

  1. 0.8 days

  2. 1.09 days

  3. 1.23 days

  4. 1.65 days

  5. 1.97 days

Answer: B


Jim has 5 pieces of string. He needs to choose the piece that will be able to go around his 36-inch waist. His belt broke, and his pants are falling down. The piece needs to be at least 4 inches longer than his waist so he can tie a knot in it, but it cannot be more that 6 inches longer so that the ends will not show from under his shirt. Which of the following pieces of string will work the best?

  1. 3 feet

  2. 3.feet

  3. 3.feet

  4. 3.feet

  5. 2.feet

Answer: C


The last week of a month a car dealership sold 12 cars. A new sales promotion came out

the first week of the next month and the sold 19 cars that week. What was the percent increase in sales from the last week of the previous month compared to the first week of the next month?

  1. 58%

  2. 119%

  3. 158%

  4. 175%

  5. 200%

Answer: A


If two planes leave the same airport at 1:00 PM, how many miles apart will they be at 3:00 PM if one travels directly north at 150 mph and the other travels directly west at 200 mph?

  1. 50 miles

  2. 100 miles

  3. 500 miles

  4. 700 miles

  5. 1,000 miles

Answer: C


During a 5-day festival, the number of visitors tripled each day. If the festival opened on a Thursday with 345 visitors, what was the attendance on that Sunday?

A. 345

B. 1,035

C. 1,725

D. 3,105

E. 9,315

Answer: E


What is the absolute value of -9?

  1. -9

  2. 9

  3. 0

  4. -1

  5. 1

Answer: B


What is the median of the following list of numbers? 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12

  1. 6

  2. 7.5

  3. 7.8

  4. 8

  5. 9

Answer: D


What is the mathematical average of the number of weeks in a year, seasons in a year, and the number of days in January?

  1. 36

  2. 33

  3. 32

  4. 31

  5. 29

Answer: E


In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science class is worth 4 points; mathematics is worth 3 points; history is worth 2 points; and English is worth 3 points. The values of the grade letters are as follows, A= 4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. What is the GPA of a student who made a "C" in Trigonometry, a "B" in American History, an "A" in Botany, and a "B" in Microbiology?

  1. 2.59

  2. 2.86

  3. 3.08

  4. 3.33

  5. 3.67

Answer: C


Over the course of a week, Fred spent $28.49 on lunch. What was the average cost per day?

A. $4.07 B. $3.57 C. $6.51 D. $2.93 E. $5.41

Answer: A