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IBM Cloud DevSecOps v1 Specialty


Which IBM Cloud service provides infrastructure as code (IaC) capabilities for deploying and managing cloud resources?

  1. IBM Cloud Schematics

  2. IBM Cloud Functions

    BM Cloud Foundry wer: A

    anation: IBM Cloud Schematics is the IBM Cloud service that provid structure as code (IaC) capabilities. It allows you to define and manag cloud resources using declarative configuration files, enabling consist eproducible deployments.

    stion: 2

    ch IBM Cloud service provides capabilities for vulnerability scanning rity posture management?

    BM Cloud Security Advisor

    BM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig BM Cloud Internet Services

  3. IBM Kubernetes Service

  4. I


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  1. I

  2. I

  3. I

  4. IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL Answer: A

Explanation: IBM Cloud Security Advisor is the IBM Cloud service that provides capabilities for vulnerability scanning and security posture management. It helps identify potential vulnerabilities in your cloud resources

Question: 3

Which component of the DevSecOps toolchain is responsible for automating the build, test, and deployment processes?

ontinuous Integration (CI) ontinuous Delivery (CD) ontinuous Monitoring (CM) ontinuous Security (CS)

wer: B

anation: Continuous Delivery (CD) is the component of the DevSecO hain that focuses on automating the build, test, and deployment proce sures that software changes can be reliably and rapidly delivered to uction environments.

stion: 4

ch component of the DevSecOps toolchain focuses on monitoring and cting security threats in real-time?

ontinuousMonitoring (CM)

  1. C

  2. C

  3. C

  4. C


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  1. C

  2. Continuous Integration (CI)

  3. Continuous Delivery (CD)

  4. Continuous Deployment (CD) Answer: A

toolchain that focuses on monitoring and detecting security threats in real-time. It involves continuous monitoring of the deployed applications and infrastructure, as well as analyzing logs and metrics to identify and respond to security incidents promptly.

Question: 5

are the DevOps dimensions in IBM Cloud Garage Methodology?

est, fail, and learn

eople, process, and technology artners, people, and methodology

rchitecture, infrastructure, and security wer: B

anation: In IBM Cloud Garage Methodology, the DevOps dimensions gorized as people, process, and technology. This highlights the import ving the right team members, well-defined processes, and appropriate nologies to enable successful DevOps practices.

stion: 6

does the term "shift left" refer to in the context of DevSecOps?


  1. T

  2. P

  3. P

  4. A


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  1. Moving security practices to the right side of the development timeline

  2. Delaying security testing until the final stages of development

  3. Integrating security practices earlier in the development process

  4. Shifting the responsibility of security solely to the operations team

Explanation: "Shift left" refers to the practice of integrating security practices earlier in the development process. It involves addressing security concerns and conducting security testing as early as possible, ideally during the design and development phases, rather than deferring them to later stages.

Question: 7

ch of the following is a key consideration for day 2 operations with SecOps?

imiting automation to the development phase noring security monitoring and incident response egularly updating security policies and procedures

reating infrastructure as a static and unchanging entity wer: C

anation: A key consideration for day 2 operations with DevSecOps is arly updating security policies and procedures. This ensures that secu ices remain up to date, align with evolving threats and compliance rements, and are effectively communicated and followed by the lopment and operations teams.

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  1. L

  2. Ig

  3. R

  4. T

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