Exam Code : SPLK-1001
Exam Name : Splunk Core Certified User
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Splunk Core Certified User
Question: 238
When editing a dashboard, which of the following are possible options? (select all that apply) A . Add an output.
B . Export a dashboard panel.
C . Modify the chart type displayed in a dashboard panel.
D . Drag a dashboard panel to a different location on the dashboard.
Question: 239
Which of the following constraints can be used with the top command? A . limit
B . useperc C . addtotals
D . fieldcount
Question: 240
Which of the following constraints can be used with the top command? A . limit
B . useperc C . addtotals
D . fieldcount
Reference: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/339141/how-to-use-top-command-or-stats-with-sortresults.html
Question: 241
How are events displayed after a search is executed? A . In chronological order.
B . Randomly by default.
C . In reverse chronological order.
D . Alphabetically according to field name.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/SearchReference/Eventorderfunctions
Question: 242
Which of the following represents the Splunk recommended naming convention for dashboards? A . Description_Group_Object
B . Group_Description_Object C . Group_Object_Description D . Object_Group_Description
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Knowledge/ Developnamingconventionsforknowledgeobjecttitles
Question: 243
What is a primary function of a scheduled report? A . Auto-detect changes in performance.
B . Auto-generated PDF reports of overall data trends.
C . Regularly scheduled archiving to keep disk space use low.
D . Triggering an alert in your Splunk instance when certain conditions are met.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Report/Schedulereports
Question: 244
When sorting on multiple fields with the sort command, what delimiter can be used between the field names in the search? A . |
B . $ C . !
D . ,
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/SearchReference/Sort
Question: 245
Which of the following are common constraints of the top command? A . limit, count
B . limit, showpercent C . limits, countfield
D . showperc, countfield
Question: 246
What must be done in order to use a lookup table in Splunk? A . The lookup must be configured to run automatically.
B . The contents of the lookup file must be copied and pasted into the search bar.
C . The lookup file must be uploaded to Splunk and a lookup definition must be created.
D . The lookup file must be uploaded to the etc/apps/lookups folder for automatic ingestion.
Question: 247
How can search results be kept longer than 7 days? A . By scheduling a report.
B . By creating a link to the job. C . By changing the job settings.
D . By changing the time range picker to more than 7 days.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Extendjoblifetimes
Question: 248
Select the answer that displays the accurate placing of the pipe in the following search string: index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 stats count by price
A . index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 stats | count by price
B . index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count by price C . index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count | by price D . index=security sourcetype=access_* | status=200 | stats count by price
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Aboutsubsearches
Question: 249
Which command is used to review the contents of a specified static lookup file? A . lookup
B . csvlookup C . inputlookup
D . outputlookup
Question: 250
Which of the following Splunk components typically resides on the machines where data originates? A . Indexer
B . Forwarder C . Search head
D . Deployment server
Question: 251
Which of the following is a Splunk search best practice? A . Filter as early as possible.
B . Never specify more than one index.
C . Include as few search terms as possible.
D . Use wildcards to return more search results.
Question: 252
When writing searches in Splunk, which of the following is true about Booleans? A . They must be lowercase.
B . They must be uppercase.
C . They must be in quotations. D . They must be in parentheses.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Booleanexpressions
Question: 253
When displaying results of a search, which of the following is true about line charts? A . Line charts are optimal for single and multiple series.
B . Line charts are optimal for single series when using Fast mode.
C . Line charts are optimal for multiple series with 3 or more columns.
D . Line charts are optimal for multiseries searches with at least 2 or more columns.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Viz/LineAreaCharts
Question: 254
Which of the following searches would return events with failure in index netfw or warn or criticalin index netops? A . (index=netfw failure) AND index=netops warn OR critical
B . (index=netfw failure) OR (index=netops (warn OR critical)) C . (index=netfw failure) AND (index=netops (warn OR critical))
D . (index=netfw failure) OR index=netops OR (warn OR critical)
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Aboutsubsearches
Question: 255
When looking at a dashboard panel that is based on a report, which of the following is true?
A . You can modify the search string in the panel, and you can change and configure the visualization.
B . You can modify the search string in the panel, but you cannot change and configure the visualization. C . You cannot modify the search string in the panel, but you can change and configure the visualization.
D . You cannot modify the search string in the panel, and you cannot change and configure the visualization.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Viz/WorkingWithDashboardPanels
Question: 256
What must be done before an automatic lookup can be created? (select all that apply) A . The lookup command must be used.
B . The lookup definition must be created.
C . The lookup file must be uploaded to Splunk.
D . The lookup file must be verified using the inputlookup command.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Knowledge/ DefineanautomaticlookupinSplunkWeb
Question: 257
What determines the scope of data that appears in a scheduled report? A . All data accessible to the User role will appear in the report.
B . All data accessible to the owner of the report will appear in the report.
C . All data accessible to all users will appear in the report until the next time the report is run.
D . The owner of the report can configure permissions so that the report uses either the User role or the owner’s profile at run time.
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Report/Managereportpermissions
Question: 258
Which of the following is true about user account settings and preferences?
A . Search & Reporting is the only app that can be set as the default application.
B . Full names can only be changed by accounts with a Power User or Admin role.
C . Time zones are automatically updated based on the setting of the computer accessing Splunk.
D . Full name, time zone, and default app can be defined by clicking the login name in the Splunk bar.