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Total Rewards Management Exam


Question: 131

Which statement is most accurate regarding organizational performance?

  1. Individual performance is unrelated to organizational performance.

  2. The poor performance of just one individual will disrupt the performance of the entire organization.

  3. Performance at every level should be aligned towards achievement of organizational goals.

  4. Performance can only be accurately measured at the organizational level.

Answer: C

Question: 132

What is a shared leave program?

  1. A contribution of money to a nonprofit entity where a company employee volunteers

  2. A donation of vacation time to others facing emergency situations

  3. An arrangement to ensure adequate coverage of service during employees’ vacations

  4. An executive loan to worthy organizations for a period of time.

Answer: B

Question: 133

A medical benefits plan provision ensuring that the correct plan is paying expenses when the member is covered under more than one plan is known as what?

  1. Deductible

  2. Coinsurance

  3. Coordination of benefits

  4. Out-of-pocket expenses.

Answer: C

Question: 134

What is a primary objective of profit-sharing and performance-sharing variable pay plans?

  1. To achieve organizational cost savings through base pay reductions

  2. To increase employee identification with the organization’s success

  3. To defer compensation expenses to future reporting periods

  4. To reward individual employees for some significant contribution.

Answer: B

Question: 135

Which is the most accurate description of the work-life element of total rewards?

  1. Cash provided by an employer to an employee for his or her efforts and results toward completion of goals

  2. Organizational practices, policies and programs to help employees achieve success within and outside of the workplace

  3. Alignment of organizational, team and individual efforts toward success

  4. Learning experiences designed to enhance employees’ skills and competencies.

Answer: B

Question: 136

What are usual, customary and reasonable charges (UCR)?

  1. The charges that an insurance carrier determines are normal for a particular medical procedure within a specific geographical area

  2. The charges that are published annually in the Global Insurers’ Medical Cost Comparison Guide

  3. The charges that are allowable for any given medical procedure with no pre-treatment authorization

  4. The charges that are typically paid up front by a plan participant for services rendered.

Answer: A

Question: 137

Which method of job evaluation uses a "whole -job" approach to determine the importance of each job to the company?

  1. Job component

  2. Ranking

  3. Benchmark

  4. Point factor.

Answer: B

Question: 138

Which of the following best describes midpoint-to-midpoint differentials?

  1. The ordering of jobs from highest to lowest

  2. The market wage for a particular job compared to a specific company’s wage for the job

  3. The adjustments to midpoints based on geographic differentials

  4. The difference in wage rates paid at the midpoint of two adjacent grades.

Answer: D

Question: 139

When would an employee most likely receive a differential in addition to the regular hourly rate?

  1. When working in more than one department

  2. When working less time than his or her normal schedule

  3. When working in locations other than the corporate office

  4. When working a holiday or weekend.

Answer: D

Question: 140

An employee and his manager have decided that he will type reports with no more than one error per five pages. Which type of performance standard are they using?

  1. Quality

  2. Time

  3. Process

Answer: A

Question: 141

How should learning opportunities to enhance a current job best be determined?

  1. By each employee’s pay grade

  2. By what is available on the annual development schedule

  3. By what is appropriate for the business and the job

  4. By what the manager thinks the employee should have

Answer: C

Question: 142

When using a market pricing approach to build a base pay structure, what percentage of job content should typically be similar for a job match to be considered good for benchmarking purposes?

  1. 10% or more

  2. 30% or more

  3. 50% or more

  4. 70% or more.

Answer: D

Question: 143

What does a total rewards strategy identify?

  1. The organization’s reason for existence

  2. The optimal mix of reward elements

  3. The organization’s primary competitors

  4. The organization’s ability to pay for performance.

Answer: B

Question: 144

How should appraisers address performance deficiencies on performance appraisals?

  1. Avoid discussing them

  2. Focus the entire appraisal on the areas that need attention

  3. Balance every deficiency with a compliment, even if the compliments are for minor accomplishments

  4. Provide specific information about deficiencies that affect performance.

Answer: D