050-890 Dumps 050-890 Braindumps 050-890 Real Questions 050-890 Practice Test 050-890 Actual Questions Novell 050-890 Advanced Novell Network Management;Netware 6.5 https://killexams.com/pass4sure/exam-detail/050-890 D. Primary Server E. Preferred Server Answer: E QUESTION: 182 By default, which statement is true regarding the UAL licensing model in NetWare 6.5? A. NDPS printers use a user or connection license. B. The license is released from the user immediately when the user logs out. C. The search for the license starts at the user’s context and goes up the tree. D. A different license is required for each NetWare 6.5 server that a user authenticates to. Answer: C QUESTION: 183 Which platforms are supported by the NFS component of Native File Access Protocols service on a NetWare 6.5 server? (Choose 2) A. UNIX B. Linux C. MAC OS 8 D. MAC OS X E. Windows 95 F. Windows XP G. Windows 2000 Answer: A, B QUESTION: 184 A secondary server is not synchronized to a single reference time server. During the next polling process, what percent of the time difference does the secondary time server adjust? 93 A. 1% B. 16% C. 25% D. 50% E. 75% F. 100% G. A secondary server doesn’t adjust its clock Answer: F QUESTION: 185 What are advantages of using configured lists for time synchronization? (Choose 2) A. Reduces network SLP and SAP traffic B. Easier to implement and manage than using SLP and SAP C. Allows you to specify which time server a server should contact D. Allows servers to be synchronized in a mixed IP/IPX environment E. Allows single reference and primary time servers to reside in the same tree Answer: A, C QUESTION: 186 Which tasks must you always perform when implementing DHCP? (Choose 3) A. Create a subnet B. Create a Zone object C. Create a DHCP server D. Configure a NAT router E. Configure an address range F. Create the SOOTP.MDB tile G. Import a DHCP configuration H. Export the DHCP configuration 94 Answer: A,?,? QUESTION: 187 When should an SLP DA be configured? (Choose 2) A. When SLPv2 is being used B. When a DEFAULT scope exists C. When SLP is running on a large network D. When backward compatibility is needed with SLPv1 E. When environments need to keep SLP network traffic to a minimum Answer: C, E QUESTION: 188 Which activities are appropriate to help you be better prepared for recurring network problems? (Choose 3) A. Maintain an updated network map. B. Remove unnecessary components. C. Perform regular network health checks. D. Keep documentation available for reference. E. Open an electronic incident with Novell support. Answer: A, C, D QUESTION: 189 You’ve just completed a Remote Upgrade to NetWare 6.5 on a NetWare 5.1 server. The server you upgraded resides in a multi-server tree. Which DSRE PAIR operations should you run on the upgraded server? (Choose 3) 95 A. Import Remote Schema B. Time Synchronization C. Unattended Full Repair D. Delete Unknown Leaf Objects E. Post NetWare 5 Schema Update F. Report Synchronization Status G. Repair Time Stamps and Declare a New Epoch H. Designate This Server as the New Master Replica Answer: B, C, F QUESTION: 190 What complimentary resources are available online through the Novell web pages? (Choose 3) A. Product documentation B. Product support forums C. Incident-based electronic support D. Novell Software Evaluation Library E. Limited access to Abend Analysis System Answer: A, B, E QUESTION: 191 Which NLM acts as a relay agent to forward DHCP requests from one network segment to another? A. RELAY.NLM B. DHCPRLY.NLM C. DHCPFWD.NLM D. RELAYAGTNLM E. DHCPSRVR.NLM 96 Answer: Pending. Please Send your suggestions to feedback@ QUESTION: 192 NAT provides protection at the _____ layer of the OSI model. A. Network B. Physical C. Data Link D. Transport Answer: A QUESTION: 193 Your NetWare 6.5 server’s IP address is To access Remote Manager on your server, what URL would you use? Answer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