250-428 Dumps 250-428 Braindumps 250-428 Real Questions 250-428 Practice Test 250-428 Actual Questions Symantec 250-428 Administration of Symantec Endpoint Protection 14 https://killexams.com/pass4sure/exam-detail/250-428 QUESTION: 112 What happens when the license expires in Symantec Endpoint Protection 14 enterprise Edition? A. Live Update stops. B. Group Update Providers (GUP) stop. C. Symantec Insight is disabled. D. Content updates continue. Answer: D QUESTION: 113 A company plans to install six Symantec Endpoint Protection Managers (SEPMs) spread evenly across two sites. The administrator needs to direct replication activity to SEPM3 server in Site 1 and SEPM4 in Site 2. Which two actions should the administrator take to direct replication activity to SEPM3 and SEPM4? (Select two.) A. Install SEPM3 and SEPM4 after the other SEPMs B. Install the SQL Server databases on SEPM3 and SEPM4 C. Ensure SEPM3 and SEPM4 are defined as the top priority server in the Site Settings D. Ensure SEPM3 and SEPM4 are defined as remote servers in the replication partner configuration E. Install IT Analytics on SEPM3 and SEPM4 Answer: C, D QUESTION: 114 An administrator plans to implement a multi-site Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) deployment. The administrator needs to determine whether replication is viable without needing to make network firewall changes or change defaults in SEP. Which port should the administrator verify is open on the path of communication between the two proposed sites? A. 1433 B. 2967 C. 8014 D. 8443 Answer: D QUESTION: 115 An administrator uses the scorch criteria displayed in the image below. Which results ore returned from the query? A. Only VMware Servers in the Default Group B. All Windows 2012 Servers in the Default Group C. Only Windows 2012 Servers that are Virtualized in the Default Group D. All Windows 2012 Servers and all Virtualized Servers in the Default Group Answer: D QUESTION: 116 Where can an administrator obtain the Sylink.xml file? A. C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\ folder on the client B. C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\Manager\data\inbox\agent\ folder on the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager C. by selecting the client group and exporting the communication settings in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Console D. by selecting the location and exporting the communication settings in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Console Answer: C QUESTION: 117 An administrator needs to configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communication for clients. In the httpd.conf file, located on the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM), the administrator removes the hashmark (#) from the text string displayed below. #Include conf/ssl/sslForcClients.conf< Which two tasks must the administrator perform to complete the SSL configuration? (Select two.) A. edit site.properties and change the port to 443 B. restart the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Webserver service C. change the default certificates on the SEPM and reboot D. change the Management Server List and enable HTTPs E. change the port in Clients > Group > Policies > Settings > Communication Settings and force the clients to reconnect Answer: B, D QUESTION: 118 In which two areas can host groups be used? (Select two.) A. Locations B. Download Insight C. IPS D. Application and Device Control E. Firewall Answer: C, E QUESTION: 119 A Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) administrator creates a firewall policy to block FTP traffic and assigns the policy to all of the SEP clients. The network monitoring team informs the administrator that a client system is making an FTP connection to a server. While investigating the problem from the SEP client GUI, the administrator notices that there are zero entries pertaining to FTP traffic in the SEP Traffic log or Packet log. While viewing the Network Activity dialog, there is zero inbound/outbound traffic for the FTP process. What is the most likely reason? A. The block rule is below the blue line. B. The server has an IPS exception for that traffic. C. Peer-to-peer authentication is allowing the traffic. D. The server is in the IPS policy excluded hosts list. Answer: D QUESTION: 120 You have just started a relayout operation in a live test environment, and you want to limit the impact of your work on concurrent testing activities. You also want to accommodate the need to constrain a relayout job’s performance impact on concurrent activities. What would you do to perform this task? A. Use the "set iodelay" option of vxtask to throttle the VxVM task. B. Use the "set iowait" option of vxtask to throttle the VxVM task. C. Use the "set slow" option of vxtask to throttle the VxVM task. D. Use the "set nice" option of vxtask to throttle the VxVM task. Answer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