A00-231 Dumps A00-231 Braindumps A00-231 Real Questions A00-231 Practice Test A00-231 Actual Questions SASInstitute A00-231 SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 https://killexams.com/pass4sure/exam-detail/A00-231 It provides counts and percentages of the occurrences of values within a variable, allowing for the analysis of categorical data and the identification of patterns. Question: 515 When using the FORMAT statement in SAS, which option specifies the format to be applied to a variable? A. LENGTH B. INFORMAT C. VALUE D. LABEL Answer: C Explanation: The VALUE option in the FORMAT statement is used to specify the format to be applied to a variable. It defines the format of the variable's values for display or output. Question: 516 The following SAS program is submitted: data work.sales; set work.revenue; by product_category; if first.product_category then category_count = 1; else category_count + 1; run; What is the purpose of the above program? A. To create a new data set named 'sales' by merging two existing data sets. B. To calculate the total count of observations in the data set 'revenue' for each unique value of 'product_category' and store it in the variable 'category_count' in the data set 'sales'. C. To sort the observations in the data set 'sales' based on the values of 'product_category'. D. To remove observations from the data set 'sales' based on the values of 'product_category'. Answer: B Explanation: The purpose of the program is to calculate the total count of observations in the data set 'revenue' for each unique value of 'product_category' and store it in the variable 'category_count' in the data set 'sales'. The program uses the BY statement to specify the variable 'product_category' as the grouping variable. The IF-THEN statements are used to increment the value of 'category_count' for each observation within a group. This allows for the calculation of category-wise counts. Question: 517 Which SAS statement is used to assign a value to a macro variable? A. LENGTH B. FORMAT C. RETAIN D. %LET Answer: D Explanation: The %LET statement in SAS is used to assign a value to a macro variable. Macro variables are used for creating dynamic code and storing values that can be referenced later in the program. Options A, B, and C do not specifically assign values to macro variables. Question: 518 In SAS, which statement is used to end the current iteration of a DO loop and begin the next iteration? A. LEAVE B. CONTINUE C. BREAK D. NEXT Answer: A Explanation: The LEAVE statement in SAS is used to end the current iteration of a DO loop and begin the next iteration. It allows you to skip the remaining statements in the current iteration and continue with the next iteration of the loop. Question: 519 Which SAS statement is used to assign a format to a variable in a data step? A. FORMAT statement B. LABEL statement C. INPUT statement D. LENGTH statement Answer: A Explanation: The FORMAT statement is used to assign a format to a variable in a SAS data step. It allows you to control the appearance of the variable's values when they are displayed or printed. Question: 520 Which of the following statements is used to create a permanent SAS dataset from a temporary dataset? A. DATA step B. MERGE statement C. PROC SQL D. PROC SORT Answer: D Explanation: The PROC SORT statement is used to create a permanent SAS dataset from a temporary dataset. It sorts the observations and creates a new dataset that can be saved for future use. Question: 521 Which SAS function is used to calculate the arithmetic mean of numeric values in a variable? A. MEAN B. AVG C. SUM D. N Answer: A Explanation: The SAS function MEAN is used to calculate the arithmetic mean of numeric values in a variable. It computes the average value by summing all the values and dividing by the number of observations. Question: 522 Which of the following SAS procedures is used to perform statistical analysis of variance? A. ANOVA procedure B. REG procedure C. TTEST procedure D. CORR procedure Answer: A Explanation: The ANOVA procedure in SAS is used to perform statistical analysis of variance. It allows you to compare means across multiple groups or treatments to determine if there are significant differences between them. Question: 523 Consider the following SAS program: data work.test; input Name $ Age; datalines; John 25 ; run; proc print data=work.test; var Name; run; What will be displayed in the output? A. The variable "Name" with its corresponding values from the dataset "work.test". B. The variable "Age" with its corresponding values from the dataset "work.test". C. Both the variables "Name" and "Age" with their corresponding values from the dataset "work.test". D. No output will be displayed. Answer: A Explanation: The PROC PRINT procedure with the VAR statement is used to display specific variables from a SAS dataset. In this case, the VAR statement is set to "Name," indicating that only the variable "Name" and its corresponding values will be displayed in the output. Therefore, option A is the correct answer. Question: 524 In SAS, which statement is used to assign a label to a variable? A. LABEL B. FORMAT C. TITLE D. SETLABEL Answer: A Explanation: The LABEL statement in SAS is used to assign a label to a variable. It provides a descriptive name or annotation for a variable, enhancing the understanding and interpretation of the data. Question: 525 Which of the following SAS procedures is used to perform linear regression analysis? A. ANOVA procedure B. REG procedure C. TTEST procedure D. CORR procedure Answer: B Explanation: The REG procedure in SAS is used to perform linear regression analysis. It allows you to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables, estimating the coefficients of the regression equation. Question: 526 Consider the following program: proc contents data=_all_; run; Which statement best describes the output from the submitted program? A. The output contains only a list of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library. B. The output displays only the contents of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library. C. The output displays only the variables in the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library. D. The output contains a list of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library and displays the contents of those data sets. Answer: D Explanation: The PROC CONTENTS procedure is used to obtain information about the contents of SAS datasets. When the DATA option is set to _ALL_, as in this case, the procedure will display the names of all SAS datasets in the WORK library and provide detailed information about their contents, including variables, their attributes, and other relevant information. Therefore, option D is the correct answer as it states that the output will contain a list of the SAS datasets in the WORK library and display the contents of those data sets. Question: 527 The following SAS code is submitted: data newdata; set olddata; if missing(salary) then salary = 0; run; What does the IF statement in this code do? A. It assigns a value of 0 to the variable "salary" for all observations in the data set "newdata." B. It assigns a value of 0 to the variable "salary" for observations where the variable "salary" is missing. C. It assigns a value of 0 to the variable "salary" for observations where the variable "salary" is non-missing. D. It assigns a value of 0 to the variable "salary" for all observations in the data set "olddata." Answer: B Explanation: The IF statement with the condition "missing(salary)" checks if the variable "salary" is missing. If it is, the statement assigns a value of 0 to the variable "salary" for those observations in the resulting "newdata" data set. Question: 528 In SAS programming, which of the following statements is used to output the contents of a dataset to an external file? A. PUT statement B. OUTPUT statement C. FILE statement D. EXPORT statement Answer: C Explanation: The FILE statement in SAS programming is used to output the contents of a dataset to an external file. It specifies the location and attributes of the output file, allowing SAS to write the dataset contents to the file. Question: 529 Consider the following SAS program: data work.salary; set work.employee; if salary > 50000 then category = "High"; else category = "Low"; run; proc means data=work.salary; var salary; run; What will be displayed in the output? A. The summary statistics of the variable "salary" from the dataset "work.salary". B. The frequency table of the variable "category" from the dataset "work.salary". C. The summary statistics of the variable "category" from the dataset "work.salary". D. No output will be displayed. Answer: A Explanation: The PROC MEANS procedure is used to calculate summary statistics in SAS. In this case, the VAR statement is set to "salary," indicating that the summary statistics of the variable "salary" will be displayed in the output. Therefore, option A is the correct answer. Question: 530 Which SAS statement is used to read data from an external file and create a SAS dataset? A. INPUT B. OUTPUT C. PUT D. INFILE Answer: D Explanation: The INFILE statement in SAS is used to read data from an external file and create a SAS dataset. It specifies the input file and its characteristics, such as the file name, format, and delimiter. Options A, B, and C are used for different purposes and do not specifically read external files. Question: 531 In SAS, which statement is used to output summary statistics for numeric variables? A. PROC UNIVARIATE B. PROC MEANS C. PROC SUMMARY D. PROC TABULATE Answer: B Explanation: The PROC MEANS statement in SAS is used to output summary statistics for numeric variables. It provides information such as mean, median, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation, allowing for the analysis and understanding of the distribution of numerical data. Question: 532 Which SAS function is used to convert character values to numeric values? A. INPUT; B. PUT; C. NUM; D. CHAR; Answer: A Explanation: The INPUT function is used to convert character values to numeric values in SAS. Option A, "INPUT," is the correct function for converting character values to numeric values. Options B, C, and D are not valid functions for this purpose. Question: 533 Consider the following SAS program: data test; set chemists; jobcode = Chem2; then description = "Senior Chemist"; else description = "Unknown"; run; What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION? A. chem2 B. Unknown C. Senior Chemist D. (missing character value) Answer: B Explanation: In the given SAS program, the ELSE statement assigns the value "Unknown" to the variable DESCRIPTION when the condition for the IF statement is not met. Therefore, the value of the variable DESCRIPTION is "Unknown." Question: 534 Which SAS statement is used to delete a variable froma dataset? A. drop variable; B. delete variable; C. remove variable; D. exclude variable; Answer: A Explanation: The SAS statement used to delete a variable from a dataset is "drop variable;". Option A is the correct answer. Question: 535 Which of the following SAS functions is used to calculate the mean of numeric values in a dataset? A. MEAN B. SUM C. COUNT D. N Answer: A Explanation: The MEAN function in SAS is used to calculate the mean (average) of numeric values in a dataset. It sums up the values and divides the sum by the number of non-missing values to compute the mean. 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