In the context of prescribing therapies, which of the following is an example of non-pharmacologic therapy? A. Administering antibiotics for a bacterial infection. B. Performing a surgical procedure to correct a condition. C. Prescribing a pain medication for relief. D. Recommending lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise. Answer: D Explanation: Non-pharmacologic therapies refer to interventions that do not involve the use of medications. Recommending lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise, is an example of non-pharmacologic therapy aimed at improving health outcomes. Question: 2 Which of the following is an example of a screening test? A. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) B. Complete blood count (CBC) C. Electrocardiogram (ECG) D. Biopsy Answer: C Explanation: Screening tests are used to detect potential health conditions or risk factors in individuals who do not have any symptoms. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a common screening test used to assess the electrical activity of the heart and identify potential cardiac abnormalities. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for a patient with a potential urgent condition? A. Scheduling a follow-up appointment within a week. B. Initiating immediate treatment or intervention. C. Referring the patient to a specialist for further evaluation. D. Ordering additional diagnostic tests. Answer: B Explanation: Urgent conditions require immediate attention or intervention to prevent further deterioration or harm. Initiating immediate treatment or intervention is the most appropriate action for a patient with a potential urgent condition. Question: 4 After obtaining subjective and objective information, the nurse practitioner formulates differential diagnoses. This process involves: A. Identifying urgent and emergent conditions only. B. Prioritizing potential differential diagnoses. C. Establishing primary diagnoses. D. Ordering additional diagnostic tests. Answer: B Explanation: Formulating differential diagnoses involves listing and prioritizing potential explanations for the patient's symptoms based on the subjective and objective information gathered. It helps the nurse practitioner consider various possibilities before arriving at a final diagnosis. Question: 5 When performing a physical examination on an elderly patient, the nurse practitioner should consider: A. Conducting the examination in a standing position. B. Using a stethoscope with a high-pitched diaphragm. C. Adjusting the examination techniques based on the patient's age and health history. D. Applying firm pressure during palpation to ensure accurate findings. Answer: C Explanation: When performing a physical examination on an elderly patient, it is important to consider their age-related changes, comorbidities, and any specific health history. Adjusting the examination techniques based on these factors ensures accurate and appropriate assessment. Question: 6 After considering all available information, the nurse practitioner establishes a primary diagnosis. This step involves: A. Ruling out all other potential diagnoses. B. Selecting the most severe or life-threatening diagnosis. C. Consulting with other healthcare professionals. D. Identifying the most likely and significant diagnosis. Answer: D Explanation: Establishing a primary diagnosis involves identifying the most likely and significant diagnosis based on the available information. It may Question: 7 Which of the following patient information is considered subjective? A. Results of laboratory tests B. Vital signs C. Relevant medical history D. Physical examination findings Answer: C Explanation: Subjective information refers to the patient's personal experiences, feelings, and perceptions. Relevant medical history is an example of subjective information as it relies on the patient's self-reporting of past medical events and conditions. Question: 8 Which of the following actions is an example of collaboration with interprofessional teams? A. Ordering diagnostic tests independently. B. Prescribing medications without consulting other healthcare professionals. C. Modifying the plan of care without seeking input from others. D. Initiating referrals and consultations as necessary. Answer: D Explanation: Collaboration with interprofessional teams involves working together with other healthcare professionals, such as specialists, therapists, or consultants, to ensure comprehensive and coordinated patient care. Initiating referrals and consultations as necessary is an example of this collaborative approach. Question: 9 When developing an individualized plan of care, the nurse practitioner should ensure that: A. The plan aligns with the patient's preferences and values. B. The plan reflects the healthcare provider's preferences. C. The plan follows a standardized protocol for all patients. D. The plan focuses solely on pharmacologic therapies. Answer: A Explanation: An individualized plan of care should be patient-centered and take into account the patient's preferences, values, and goals. It should be tailored to meet the specific needs and circumstances of the patient, promoting a collaborative and patient-centered approach to care.