Question: 1 When managing a hazardous material spill during patient transport, which of the following should be the transport team's top priority? A. Administering pain management medications B. Donning appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) C. Requesting immediate assistance from local authorities D. Contacting the patient's family to provide updates Answer: B Explanation: Donning appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be the transport team's top priority when managing a hazardous material spill during patient transport. Ensuring the safety of the team members by preventing exposure to hazardous substances is crucial. Administering pain management medications, requesting assistance from local authorities, and contacting the patient's family are important tasks but should be secondary to the immediate safety concerns. Question: 2 Which of the following is a component of quality management in patient transport? A. Performing frequent vehicle inspections B. Implementing a wellness program for the transport team C. Conducting regular crew briefings D. Providing community education Answer: A Explanation: Performing frequent vehicle inspections is a component of quality management in patient transport. Regular inspections help ensure that the transport vehicle is in optimal working condition, reducing the risk of equipment failures or malfunctions during transport. Implementing a wellness program for the transport team, conducting regular crew briefings, and providing community education are important aspects of overall quality management but may not directly relate to vehicle inspections. Question: 3 A transport vehicle is dispatched to a scene involving a hazardous material spill. What should the transport team prioritize to ensure their safety and the safety of the patient? A. Patient assessment and stabilization B. Donning appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) C. Communication with hazardous materials response teams D. Immediate transport to a designated hospital Answer: B Explanation: When responding to a scene involving a hazardous material spill, the transport team should prioritize donning appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their safety and prevent exposure to hazardous substances. Patient assessment and stabilization should only be conducted after ensuring the safety of the transport team. Communication with hazardous materials response teams is important, but it should be done in conjunction with taking necessary precautions and donning appropriate PPE. Immediate transport to a designated hospital may not be feasible or safe until the hazardous material spill has been addressed. Question: 4 Which of the following is a key principle of resuscitation during patient transport? A. Physical assessment B. Pain and comfort assessment C. Rapid Sequence Induction for Intubation (RSI) D. Airway management Answer: D Explanation: Airway management is a key principle of resuscitation during patient transport. Maintaining a patent airway and ensuring adequate oxygenation are critical in resuscitating patients in distress or cardiac arrest during transport. While physical assessment, pain and comfort assessment, and rapid sequence induction for intubation (RSI) are important aspects of resuscitation, they are not the central principle. Question: 5 What is a key principle of safety and survival in post-crash situations during patient transport? A. Administering pain management medications B. Maintaining clear airway and oxygenation C. Requesting immediate assistance from local authorities D. Contacting the patient's family to provide updates Answer: B Explanation: Maintaining a clear airway and ensuring adequate oxygenation is a key principle of safety and survival in post-crash situations during patient transport. In the event of a crash or accident, ensuring the patient's airway is clear and providing oxygen support are critical to sustaining life. Administering pain management medications, requesting immediate assistance from local authorities, and contacting the patient's family are important tasks but may not be the immediate priority in post-crash situations. Question: 6 Which of the following is a psychosocial issue commonly encountered duringpatient transport? A. Acid-base imbalances B. Vasopressor administration C. Ethical dilemmas D. Blood product transfusion Answer: C Explanation: Ethical dilemmas are a psychosocial issue commonly encountered during patient transport. Transporting patients in critical conditions or making decisions about resuscitation, treatment options, and end-of-life care can present ethical challenges for the transport team. Acid-base imbalances, vasopressor administration, and blood product transfusion are medical interventions or conditions and are not specifically related to psychosocial issues. Question: 7 Which of the following is a psychosocial issue commonly encountered during patient transport? A. Quality management B. Vasopressor administration C. Ethical issues D. Scene safety assessments Answer: C Explanation: Ethical issues are commonly encountered psychosocial issues during patient transport. Ethical dilemmas can arise during transport when there are conflicting values, principles, or interests at play, requiring careful consideration and decision-making. Quality management, vasopressor administration, and scene safety assessments do not directly relate to psychosocial issues encountered during patient transport. Question: 8 Which of the following legal concepts is important to understand in patient care during transport? A. Advanced directives B. Crew resource management C. Just Culture D. Outreach and community education Answer: A Explanation: Advanced directives are an important legal concept in patient care during transport. Advanced directives are legal documents that express an individual's healthcare preferences and decisions in advance, typically for endof-life care. Understanding and respecting a patient's advanced directives is crucial when providing care during transport. Crew resource management, just culture, and outreach and community education are important concepts but are not specifically related to legal aspects of patient care. Question: 9 During patient transport, which of the following is an example of a physiologic stressor that can impact the patient's condition? A. Quality management B. Hazmat exposure C. Crew resource management D. Outreach and community education Answer: B Explanation: Hazmat exposure can be a physiologic stressor during patient transport. Exposure to hazardous materials can have adverse effects on the patient's health and well-being, requiring appropriate precautions and management during transport. Quality management, crew resource management, and outreach and community education are important aspects of patient transport but do not directly relate to physiologic stressors. Question: 10 During a transport mission, the transport vehicle experiences a sudden tire blowout. What should the transport team do to ensure their safety and the safety of the patient? A. Immediately pull over to the side of the road and assess the situation. B. Maintain control of the vehicle and gradually decrease speed. C. Activate the emergency lights and sirens to alert other drivers. D. Communicate the situation to the dispatch and request assistance. Answer: B Explanation: In the event of a sudden tire blowout while transporting a patient, the transport team should prioritize maintaining control of the vehicle and gradually decreasing speed. Abruptly pulling over to the side of the road can lead to loss of control and potentially cause an accident. Activating the emergency lights and sirens may not be necessary in this situation unless there is an immediate threat to safety or if local traffic laws require it. Communicating the situation to dispatch and requesting assistance is important, but it should be done after ensuring the safety of the vehicle and its occupants. Question: 11 Which of the following is a physiologic stressor commonly encountered during patient transport? A. Electrical hazards B. Hazmat exposure C. Altitude changes D. Scene safety assessments Answer: C Explanation: Altitude changes can impose physiologic stress on patients during transport. As the altitude increases, the atmospheric pressure decreases, resulting in decreased oxygen partial pressure. This can lead to hypoxemia and potentially worsen the condition of patients with compromised respiratory function. Electrical hazards, hazmat exposure, and scene safety assessments are not directly related to the physiologic stressors encountered during transport. Question: 12 Which of the following is a principle of survival in post-crash situations during patient transport? A. Administering pain management medications B. Maintaining clear airway and oxygenation C. Requesting immediate assistance from local authorities D. Contacting the patient's family to provide updates Answer: B Explanation: Maintaining a clear airway and ensuring adequate oxygenation is a principle of survival in post-crash situations during patient transport. In the event of a crash or accident, ensuring the patient's airway is clear and providing oxygen support are critical to sustaining life. Administering pain management medications, requesting immediate assistance from local authorities, and contacting the patient's family are important tasks but may not be the immediate priority in post-crash situations. Question: 13 When handing off a patient between referring and receiving providers during transport, which of the following communication formats is recommended? A. Providing a detailed patient history B. Updating vital signs and physical assessment findings C. Sharing the patient's past medical records D. Using the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) format Answer: D Explanation: Using the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) format is recommended during patient handoff between referring and receiving providers during transport. The SBAR format provides a structured framework for concise and effective communication, ensuring that essential information is conveyed accurately and efficiently. While providing a detailed patient history, updating vital signs and physical assessment findings, and sharing past medical records are important, they should be done within the context of the SBAR format. Question: 14 Which of the following is a priority during patient handoff between the referring provider and the receiving provider? A. Providing a detailed patient history B. Updating vital signs and physical assessment findings C. Sharing the patient's past medical records D. Using the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) format Answer: D Explanation: Using the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) format is a priority during patient handoff between the referring provider and the receiving provider. The SBAR format provides a structured framework for concise and effective communication, ensuring that essential information is conveyed accurately and efficiently. While providing a detailed patient history, updating vital signs and physical assessment findings, and sharing past medical records are important, they should be done within the context of the SBAR format. Question: 15 Which of the following is a key component of crew resource management during patient transport? A. Effective communication among team members B. Advanced airway management techniques C. Navigation using maps and GPS D. Preparing the patient for transport Answer: A Explanation: Effective communication among team members is a key component of crew resource management during patient transport. Clear and concise communication helps ensure that all team members are informed, can collaborate effectively, and make timely decisions. Advanced airway management techniques, navigation using maps and GPS, and preparing the patient for transport are important aspects of patient care during transport but are not specific to crew resource management.