Question: 1 Which component of electronic monitoring equipment measures the electrical activity of the uterus? A. Intrauterine pressure catheter. B. Ultrasound transducer. C. Fetal scalp electrode. D. Tocodynamometer. Answer: D Explanation: The tocodynamometer is a component of electronic monitoring equipment that measures the electrical activity of the uterus, specifically uterine contractions. It aids in the assessment of uterine activity patterns during labor and provides information about their frequency, duration, and intensity. Question: 2 Which fetal assessment method involves evaluating five components: fetal heart rate, fetal movement, fetal tone, amniotic fluid volume, and fetal breathing movements? A. Contraction stress test (CST). B. Fetal blood sampling (FBS). C. Non-stress test (NST). D. Biophysical profile (BPP). Answer: D Explanation: The biophysical profile (BPP) is a fetal assessment method that evaluates five components: fetal heart rate, fetal movement, fetal tone, amniotic fluid volume, and fetal breathing movements. It provides information about the overall well-being and developmental status of the fetus. Question: 3 When assessing fetal heart rate patterns, which of the following patterns requires immediate intervention? A. Baseline heart rate of 140 bpm with moderate variability. B. Accelerations with fetal movement. C. Variable decelerations with loss of beat-to-beat variability. D. Early decelerations during contractions. Answer: C Explanation: Variable decelerations with loss of beat-to-beat variability are concerning as they may indicate umbilical cord compression. This pattern requires immediate intervention to alleviate the compression and prevent fetal compromise. Question: 4 Which professional issue is specifically related to the ethical considerations of electronic fetal monitoring? A. Legal implications of documentation. B. Informed consent and patient autonomy. C. Interdisciplinary collaboration. D. Quality improvement and evidence-based practice. Answer: B Explanation: Informed consent and patient autonomy are important ethical considerations in electronic fetal monitoring. Healthcare providers must ensure that pregnant individuals are adequately informed about the purpose, benefits, and risks of the monitoring procedure and obtain their consent before initiating the monitoring process. Question: 5 Which set of arterial blood gas values from cord blood analysis indicates fetal acidemia? A. pH 7.35, pCO2 45, base excess 0. B. pH 7.45, pCO2 40, base excess +2. C. pH 7.25, pCO2 55, base excess -5. D. pH 7.30, pCO2 50, base excess -2. Answer: C Explanation: Fetal acidemia refers to an abnormal decrease in blood pH in the fetus. A pH value of 7.25, pCO2 of 55, and base excess of -5 suggests acidemia, indicating an imbalance in fetal acid-base status. Question: 6 Which physiological parameter is primarily responsible for determining fetal oxygenation status? A. Placental blood flow. B. Fetal movement. C. Fetal heart rate. D. Maternal blood pressure. Answer: A Explanation: Placental blood flow is primarily responsible for determining fetal oxygenation status. It supplies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes waste products. Any compromise in placental blood flow can lead to hypoxia and compromise fetal well-being. Question: 7 Which fetal assessment method involves measuring the oxygen saturation in the fetal scalp blood? A. Biophysical profile (BPP). B. Fetal blood sampling (FBS). C. Non-stress test (NST). D. Vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS). Answer: B Explanation: Fetal blood sampling (FBS), also known as fetal scalp blood sampling, involves the direct measurement of oxygen saturation and acid-base status in the fetal scalp blood. It is used to assess fetal well-being and determine fetal response to stress during labor. Question: 8 Which of the following is a side effect of terbutaline administration during electronic fetal monitoring? A. Hematocrit should be multiplied by x hgb. B. Abnormal arterial blood gas values (pH 7.24, pCO2 54, base excess -10). C. Increased mom and baby's heart rate and cardiac output. D. Memorize fetal circulation and draw a diagram. Answer: C Explanation: Terbutaline is a tocolytic medication commonly used to inhibit uterine contractions. However, one of its side effects is the stimulation of betaadrenergic receptors, which can result in increased heart rate and cardiac output for both the mother and the baby. Question: 9 Which pattern recognition component of electronic fetal monitoring involves the assessment of periodic decreases in the fetal heart rate that coincide with uterine contractions? A. Early decelerations. B. Variable decelerations. C. Accelerations. D. Late decelerations. Answer: D Explanation: Late decelerations are pattern recognition components of electronic fetal monitoring. They are characterized by periodic decreases in the fetal heart rate that occur after the onset of uterine contractions. Late decelerations are associated with impaired placental blood flow and require prompt intervention.