Physical Assessment A. Auscultation B. Palpation C. Inspection D. Percussion Answer: C Explanation: Physical assessment begins with inspection, which involves observing the patient's body for any visible signs of injury or trauma. This initial step helps in identifying potential areas that require further examination or documentation. Question: 2 Testify in criminal &/or civil proceedings A. Expert witness testimony B. Privileged communication C. Direct examination D. Cross-examination Answer: A Explanation: When a forensic nurse testifies in criminal or civil proceedings, they may present expert witness testimony. This involves sharing their professional opinions and providing specialized knowledge to assist the court in understanding the medical and forensic aspects of the case. Health care referral and follow-up A. Home healthcare B. Physical therapy C. Substance abuse counseling D. Mental health services Answer: D Explanation: Health care referral and follow-up for forensic nursing patients may include mental health services, as many individuals who have experienced trauma or violence require psychological support and counseling. Question: 4 Evidentiary examination A. Hearsay evidence B. Legal precedents C. Chain of custody D. Expert witness testimony Answer: C Explanation: Evidentiary examination requires strict adherence to the chain of custody, which is a documented record of the handling and transfer of evidence. This ensures the integrity and admissibility of the evidence in court. Question: 5 A. Laceration B. Ecchymosis C. Abrasion D. Contusion Answer: B Explanation: Ecchymosis refers to the discoloration of the skin caused by bleeding beneath the surface. It is commonly known as a bruise. Identifying and documenting ecchymosis is crucial in forensic nursing, as it can provide valuable information about the timing and severity of an injury. Question: 6 Forensic documentation & photography A. Black and white photographs B. Long-shot photographs C. Close-up photographs D. Low-resolution photographs Answer: C Explanation: Close-up photographs are crucial in forensic documentation as they capture detailed images of injuries, wounds, or other physical evidence. These photographs provide clear visual evidence and can be used for analysis and presentation in legal proceedings. Question: 7 A. Wound cleansing B. Medication administration C. Suture removal D. Cast application Answer: B Explanation: Treatment recommendations in forensic nursing may involve medication administration, such as prophylactic antibiotics for certain types of injuries. It is important for forensic nurses to have knowledge of appropriate medications and their administration in the context of forensic cases.