IBCLC Dumps IBCLC Braindumps IBCLC Real Questions IBCLC Practice Test IBCLC Actual Questions Consultant IBCLC International Board Certified Lactation Consultant https://killexams.com/pass4sure/exam-detail/IBCLC Question: 57 Public health efforts focus on populations and their risks. Which disorder is associated with early and middle childhood, according to Healthy People 2020? A. Dental caries B. Pneumonia C. Immunizations D. Congenital disorders Answer: A Dental caries is associated with early and middle childhood, according to Healthy People 2020. Congenital disorders occur in utero; and pneumonia is associated with older age groups. Lastly, immunizations prevent disorders. Other disorders that affect early childhood and middle childhood include asthma, child abuse and neglect, obesity, and behavioral disorders. Question: 58 The Department of Health is conducting screening tests for tuberculosis among women of childbearing age. The results of the screening indicate that the screening test is sensitive. What does this mean? A. It means that the screening test is consistent over time. B. It means that the screening test is consistent among those who perform it. C. It means that the screening test is able to identify those with tuberculosis. D. It means that the screening test is able to identify those without tuberculosis. Answer: C A test is sensitive when it is able to identify those with tuberculosis or another disorder. A test is specific when it is able to identify those without the trait or disorder. Consistency over time and among different testers is referred to as reliability. Question: 59 Which of the following is an independent variable? A. Levels of postnatal stress (relating multiple births) B. One-to-one teaching (and the effect of this teaching on maternal attachment) C. Perceived knowledge levels (after an educational class on latching techniques) D. Compliance levels (after a class on the importance of completing the entire antibiotic regimen) Answer: B One-to-one teaching is an example of an independent variable. For example, a lactation consultant may give a one-to-one teaching session to some clients and a group class for other clients and compare the results. The researcher will then attempt to determine if one of these two groups has higher levels of maternal attachment. The other choices are dependent or effect variables. Question: 60 Focus group research is an example of: A. Quantitative research. B. Statistical research. C. Qualitative research. D. Cultural research. Answer: C Focus group research is an example of qualitative research. The data consists of words and patterns found in the narrative data. Quantitative research analyzes data in terms of statistics and math. Question: 61 The T-test and the Chi-square test help researchers to: A. Find out if things are positively correlated. B. Find out if things are negatively correlated. C. Determine the mean, median, and mode. D. Determine the statistical significance. Answer: D The T-test and the Chi-square test help researchers to determine the statistical significance of research findings. Correlation coefficients are used to determine if there is a negative or positive correlation. Question: 62 Which ordinal position is characterized with more physical punishment than other siblings? A. The firstborn B. The middle children C. The youngest child D. The 12-year-old boy Answer: A The firstborn child is the child who is most often physically punished. This ordinal position child is also more dominant and achievement-oriented than other ordinal positions. Question: 63 What position is the mother using when the baby is held against the mother’s side with its feet pointing back towards the chair that the mother is sitting on? A. The football hold B. The cross-cradle hold C. The cradle hold D. The sitting up hold Answer: A The position that the mother is using when the baby is held against the mother’s side with its feet pointing back towards the chair that the mother is sitting on is called the football hold. The baby’s body is supported on the mother’s forearm while their hand is under the back of his head with the palm up. Question: 64 The practice of holding the baby so that his or her bare chest is against that of his or her mother or father to help to promote breastfeeding is: A. Parent-to-baby holding. B. Skin-to-skin holding. C. Heart-to-heart holding. D. Baby-to parent swaddle. Answer: B The practice of holding the baby so that his or her bare chest is against that of his or her mother or father, is skin-to-skin holding. This technique helps to promote breastfeeding. The baby can be covered with a blanket or held under the parent’s clothing to keep warm during skin-to-skin holding. Question: 65 The best way for the mother to learn how to breastfeed is to: A. Follow the nurses’ suggestions only. B. Watch other mothers breastfeed. C. Ask a friend who has just had a baby. D. Follow the instructions of the nurses and a lactation consultant. Answer: D Once the baby is born, the best way for the mother to learn how to breastfeed is to follow the instructions of the nurse and a lactation consultant. These members of the team have the professional expertise to teach new mothers about breastfeeding. 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