SC0-451 Dumps SC0-451 Braindumps SC0-451 Real Questions SC0-451 Practice Test SC0-451 Actual Questions SCP SC0-451 Tactical Perimeter Defense QUESTION: 169 You are considering your options for a new firewall deployment. At which two layers of the OSI model does a simple (stateless) packet filtering firewall operate? A. Data Link B. Application C. Session D. Presentation E. Network Answer: A,E QUESTION: 170 The following exhibit is a screen shot of a capture using Network Monitor. Examine the details as shown for a frame and identify which of the statements that follow best describes it. A. This frame represents an ICMP echo message between the two hosts B. This frame represents an IP broadcast trying to resolve the target IP address to its MAC address C. This frame represents an Ethernet broadcast trying to resolve the target IP address to its MAC address D. This frame represents a reply from the target machine with the appropriate resolution E. This frame represents the first fragment of the three-way handshake. 66 Answer: C QUESTION: 171 Which of the following is a potential weakness of a commercial firewall product that is installed on a hardened machine? A. That you will not be able to use it in conjunction with personal firewalls on user's desktop machines. B. You will have to give the vendor confidential network information. C. You will be required to use the configuration that the vendor assigns you. D. That the firewall's vendor may be compromised and your private information may publicly available. E. That it may be vulnerable to attacks targeting the underlying Operating System. Answer: E QUESTION: 172 Which of the following is a potential weakness of a commercial firewall product that is installed on a hardened machine? A. That you will not be able to use it in conjunction with personal firewalls on user's desktop machines. B. You will have to give the vendor confidential network information. C. You will be required to use the configuration that the vendor assigns you. D. That the firewall's vendor may be compromised and your private information may publicly available. E. That it may be vulnerable to attacks targeting the underlying Operating System. Answer: E QUESTION: 173 In order to perform promiscuous mode captures using the Wireshark capture tool on a Windows Server 2003 machine, what must first be installed? A. IPv4 stack B. IPv6 stack C. WinPcap D. Nothing, it will capture by default E. At least two network adapters 67 Answer: C QUESTION: 174 You have found a user in your organization who has managed to gain access to a system that this user was not granted the right to use. This user has just provided you with a working example of which of the following? A. Intrusion B. Misuse C. Intrusion detection D. Misuse detection E. Anomaly detection Answer: A QUESTION: 175 You have recently been contracted to implement a new firewall solution at a client site. What are the two basic forms firewall implementations? A. Chaining B. Stateful C. DMZ D. Stateless E. KMZ Answer: B,D QUESTION: 176 You are considering your options for a new firewall deployment. At which two layers of the OSI model does a simple (stateless) packet filtering firewall operate? A. Data Link B. Application C. Session D. Presentation E. Network Answer: A,E 68 QUESTION: 177 Your organization has extensive resources that you must make available to authorized users, through your ISA Server 2006. From the following answers, select the one that is not a feature of ISA Server Content Publishing: A. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Bridging B. Web Caching and Delivery C. Web Publishing Load Balancing D. Enhanced Multi-factor Authentication E. Robust Logging and Reporting Answer: B QUESTION: 178 The exhibit shows a router with three interfaces EO, E1 and SO. Interfaces EO and E1 are connected to internal networks and respectively and interface SO is connected to the Internet. The objective is to allow only network to access e-commerce Web sites on the Internet, while allowing all internal hosts to access resources within the internal network. From the following, select all the access list statements that are required to make this possible. A. access-list 113 permit tcp any eq 80 B. access-list 113 permit tcp any eq 53 C. access-list 113 permit tcp any eq 443 D. access-list 113 permit tcp any It 1023 E. int SO, ip access-group 113 in F. int E1, ip access-group 113 in G. int SO, ip access-group 113 out Answer: A,B,C,G 69 QUESTION: 179. In your office, you are building the new wireless network, and you will need to install several access points. What do wireless access points use to counter multipath interference? A. Multiple encryption algorithms B. Multiple Antennas C. Multiple radio frequencies D. Duplicate packet transfer E. Secondary transmissions Answer: B QUESTION: 180. One of the firewall choices you are thinking of implementing, in your network, is a proxy server. A proxy server can accomplish which of the following statements? A. Cache web pages for increased performance B. Operate at the Application layer of the OSI model C. Allow direct communication between an internal and external host D. Permit or deny traffic based upon type of service E. Filter executables that are attached to an e-mail Answer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