Scrum-PSD-I Dumps Scrum-PSD-I Braindumps Scrum-PSD-I Real Questions Scrum-PSD-I Practice Test Scrum-PSD-I Actual Questions Scrum Scrum-PSD-I Professional Scrum Developer (PSD-I) Question: 90 What factor should be considered when establishing the Sprint length? A. The organization has mandated similar length Sprints. B. The need of the team to learn on doing work and measuring results. C. The frequency at which team formation can be changed. D. The organization release schedule. Answer: B Question: 91 Which output from Sprint Planning provides the Development Team with a target and overarching direction for the Sprint? (choose the best answer) A. The Sprint Goal. B. Sprint Review minutes. C. The Release Plan. D. The Sprint Backlog. Answer: A Question: 92 What are three of the best ways to address non-functional requirements? A. Include them in the Product Backlog. B. Before the release they should be tested and validated in a hardening Sprint. C. Important recurring non-functional requirements can be added to the Definition of Done. D. Specific expectations can be used as Acceptance Criteria to specific Product Backlog Items. E. Discuss them during a risk mitigation phase before development. F. Scrum is for functional front-end development only. Answer: A,C,D Question: 93 When is Performance Testing most effectively performed? A. In Production. B. Just before deploying to Production. C. After coding is complete. D. Often throughout development of the Software. Answer: D Question: 94 Which of the following are quality goals in Application Architecture? (choose best two answers) A. Security. B. Build. C. Design Pattern selection. D. Scalability. Answer: A,D Question: 95 True or False: Best Practices are recommended to solve complex problems A. False. B. True. Answer: A Question: 96 Which three of the following criteria are most helpful as part of a Scrum Team’s Definition of Done? (choose best three answers) A. Code Review is done. B. Acceptance Tests pass. C. The Product is released at the end of every Sprint. D. No impediments exist. E. Regression Tests pass. Answer: A,B,D Question: 97 Which statements are true when multiple Scrum Teams work on a Software Product at the same time? A. All Scrum Teams work in their own version control branch. B. Code is merged at the Scrum of Scrums. C. Each Scrum Team should have a different Product Owner. D. The Scrum Teams must integrate their work before the end of the Sprint. E. The Scrum Teams coordinate their work to deliver a single Increment. Answer: D,E Question: 98 What are two ways that architecture and infrastructure are handled in Scrum? (choose the best two answers) A. They are implemented along with functional development of the Product. B. They are added to the Product Backlog and addressed in early Sprints while always requiring at least some business functionality no matter how small. C. They are built by a separate team through the creation of an architectural runway. D. They are discussed determined and documented before the actual feature development Sprints. Answer: A,B Question: 99 Choose four desirable characteristics of a Unit Test A. Execution is fast. B. Independent of others. C. Test code is as small as possible. D. Includes exercising the persistence layer. E. Makes assertions about only one logical concept. Answer: A,B,C,E Question: 100 What is the purpose of a Sprint Review? (choose the best answer) A. To build team spirit. B. To inspect the Product Increment with the Stakeholders and collect feedback on next steps. C. To review the Scrum Team’s activities and processes during the Sprint. D. To take time to judge the validity of the project. 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