WSO2-CEID Dumps WSO2-CEID Braindumps WSO2-CEID Real Questions WSO2-CEID Practice Test WSO2-CEID Actual Questions WSO2 WSO2-CEID WSO2 Certified Enterprise Integrator 6 Developer (6.5 version) Question: 22 Which of the following is NOT an action to take in order to tune a new ESB profile server for high performance? A. Synapse configuration level settings B. JVM-level settings C. WS02 Carbon platform level settings D. OS-level settings Answer: A Question: 23 When building an integration scenario with the ESB profile, you CANNOT use: A. JavaScript for processing messages at a given message sequence. B. Synapse configuration language. C. WS02 EItooling. D. Java code to build the entire message processing logic. Answer: D Question: 24 Which statement about the Entitlement mediator is true? A. Entitlement mediator intercepts requests and evaluates the actions performed by the user against an extensible Access Control MarkupLanguage (XACML) policy. B. All of the above. C. When configuring the mediator, you specify which sequence to execute depending on the Entitlement mediator result. D. Entitlement mediator can only work with WS02 Identity Server as the PolicyDecision Point. Answer: A Question: 25 Select the CORRECT statement about setting parameters for class mediators. A. Both statement b and c are correct. B. It is not possible to set parameters for custom mediators. C. Custom mediator’s parameters should be declared as public fields in mediator code. For instance: public String foo, bar; D. Synapse properties can be used to pass values to mediator arguments. For instance: Answer: D Question: 26 Select the best extension point of the ESB profile that can be used to secure an API created inside the ESB profile with access restricted to limited user roles. A. Use an Axis2 handler B. Write a custom Class mediator C. Use an API handler D. Use an Axis2 module Answer: B Question: 27 Which statement is FALSE about SSL profile support in WS02 EI? A. SSL outbound profiles allow different SSL profiles for different backend servers. B. Each ssl profile uses the same keystore and truststore. C. Inbound SSL profiles allow you to specify different SSL profiles for different IPs of clients D. The purpose of SSL profiles is to allow connections to different servers with different certificates and identities. Answer: B Question: 28 Which statement is true about EIPs? A. EIPs are designed to implement SOA. B. EIPs are used by most ESB vendors as a common set of patterns related to integration. C. EIP is a standard for all ESBs. D. EIPs are not valid for modern integration scenarios. Answer: C Question: 29 How do you configure a REST API to handle different mediation logic with different HTTP verbs? A. Define a resource for each API, and only allow that HTTP verb for that particular resource. B. Each HTTP method can be identified by the transport,and you can configure a sequence for each method at transport configuration logic. C. Only define the message filtering switching logic inside a sequence, and each path can handle the specific HTTP verb. D. Wrap a given REST API with an inbound so that youcan filter out requests based on an HTTP verb. Answer: A Question: 30 Which statement is TRUE about error handling in the ESB profile? A. The Exception mediator can be used to customize error messages that are send back to the client. B. It is mandatory to associate each sequence and proxy service with a fault sequence. C. Within the fault sequence, you can access error details using the EXCEPTION_DETAIL property. D. A fault sequence is a collection of mediators just like any other sequence, and it can be associated with another sequence or a proxy service. 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