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We provide Practice Tests that contain premium PDF and Test Engine. These practice tests contains latest questions and answers from the exam topics. These practice tests help you answer all the questions asked in actual test and getting high marks. Choose your field of study, plan your Exam and use our Premium PDF with VCE Exam Simulator software to best prepare yourself for the incoming Actual Test. You can buy complete preparation pack that includes Premium PDF printable, Desktop Exam Simulator and Online Test Engine.
We provide exams from following vendors. If you do not find your required Exam in below list, click Submit Request and submit. We will provide premium PDF and Test Engine of that exam ASAP with no extra charge.
Below are major sections of exams we offer
Registration for Class Training and Practice Labs are Now Open

Registrations are open for the Classroom Training and Labs Classes for the local Students and Professionals. Get registered before it is too late. No registration after classes starts.
We have arranged special classes for the following areas of study. Students can avail special discount at onsite registration.
1. |
USD 95.00 |
2 Sessions |
2. |
USD 95.00 |
2 Sessions |
3. |
CCIE Lab |
USD 220.00 |
3 Sessions |
4. |
IP Routing |
USD 120.00 |
1 Session |
5. |
IP Telephony |
USD 100.00 |
1 Session |
6. |
USD 170.00 |
4 Sessions |
7. |
USD 170.00 |
4 Sessions |
8. |
USD 140.00 |
3 Sessions |
9. |
USD 210.00 |
4 Sessions |
Contact for early booking.