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AACN-CSC Exam Format | AACN-CSC Course Contents | AACN-CSC Course Outline | AACN-CSC Exam Syllabus | AACN-CSC Exam Objectives

AACN-CSC Exam Information and Guideline

AACN Cardiac Surgery (Adult)

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

- Cardiovascular
- Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass
- Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) without cardiopulmonary bypass
- Cox maze and modified maze procedure
- Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
- Pericardial window

- Repair of non-congenital heart defects
- left-ventricular aneurysm
- VSD post MI
- Surgical valve repair or replacement
- Transcatheter valve replacement
- Thoracic
- Endovascular repair of the aorta
- Open repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection

- Cardiovascular
- Cardiogenic shock
- Hypotension and hypertension
- Hypovolemia and hypervolemia
- Bleeding
- Myocardial infarction
- Myocardial stunning

- Open chest from the operating room
- Pericarditis
- Dysrhythmias
- Right heart failure
- Cardiac tamponade
- Vascular complications
- compartment syndrome
- retroperitoneal bleeding

- Respiratory
- Acute respiratory failure
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)
- Transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO)
- Pleural space abnormalities
- pneumothorax
- Air-leak syndromes
- pneumopericardium
- pneumomediastinum
- Aspiration
- Atelectasis
- Pleural effusion
- Prolonged mechanical ventilation
- Pulmonary hypertension

- Endocrine
- Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia
- Hematology / Immunology
- Protamine reactions
- Coagulopathies
- Anemia
- Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)

- Neurology
- Postoperative impaired cognition
- Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
- Lower limb deficits
- spinal cord ischemia
- paralysis
- Delirium

- Gastrointestinal
- Ischemic bowel
- Renal
- Acute kidney injury
- Electrolyte imbalances
- Multisystem
- Multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
- Chronic pain
- Acute pain
- Acid-base imbalances
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Behavioral / Psychosocial
- Preexisting behavioral health disorder
- anxiety
- Substance use and withdrawal

- Cardiovascular
- Fluid volume management specific to cardiac surgery
- Defibrillation and cardioversion
- Emergent resternotomy
- Cardiac surgery advanced life support (CALS)
- Temporary pacing
- Intra-aortic balloon pump
- Short-term ventricular assist devices (VADs)
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
- Pericardial and mediastinal drain

- Pharmacology
- Platelet inhibitors
- Thrombolytics
- Anticoagulants
- Vasoactive agents
- Antidysrhythmics
- Inotropes
- Diuretics
- Beta-blockers
- Statins

- Pharmacologic agents for controlling bleeding
- desmopressin acetate
- factor VII
- antifibrinolytics
- Pulmonary vasodilators
- Sedation
- Neuromuscular blockade
- Respiratory
- Pleural chest tubes and drains
- Invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation
- Oxygen therapy delivery devices
- Post-extubation care

- Endocrine
- Glycemic control
- Hematology and Immunology
- Blood and blood products
- Neurology
- Lumbar drain
- Pain management
- Renal
- Renal replacement therapy
- hemodialysis

- Standards of Care
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis
- Early mobility protocols
- Gastrointestinal (GI) prophylaxis
- Surgical site protocols
- Recovery from anesthesia
- Rewarming from hypothermia
- Pneumonia prevention

- Cardiovascular
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Echocardiography
- Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Laboratory testing
- Respiratory
- Arterial blood gas (ABG)
- Mixed venous gas
- Pulse oximetry
- Capnography
- Radiography
- Neurology
- Bispectral index monitoring (BIS)
- Cerebral oximetry monitoring
- Train-of-four (TOF)

AACN-CSC Exam Dumps Detail

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